

  • 作者:(美国)(Dreiser.T)德莱塞
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • ISBN:9787119053943
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:576
  • 定价:¥25.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Now was a slight chance to say a word in his own behalf.He leaned over quietly and continued his steady gaze. Hefelt the critical character of the period. She endeavouredto stir, but it was useless. The whole strength of a man'snature was working. He had good cause to urge him on.He looked and looked, and the longer the situation lastedthe more difficult it became. The little shop-girl wasgetting into deep water. She was letting her few supportsfloat away from her.
    "Oh," she said at last, "you mustn't look at me likethat."
    "I can't help it," he answered.
    She relaxed a little and let the situation endure,giving him strength.
    "You are not satisfied with life, are you?"
    "No," she answered, weakly.
    He saw he was the master of the situation--he felt it.He reached over and touched her hand,
    "You mustn't," she exclaimed, jumping up.
    "I didn't intend to," he answered, easily.
    She did not run away, as she might have done. Shedid not terminate the interview, but he drifted off into apleasant field of thought with the readiest grace. Not longafter he rose to go, and she felt that he was in power.
    "You mustn't feel bad," he said, kindly; "things willstraighten out in the course of time."
    She made no answer, because she could think ofnothing to say.
    "We are good friends, aren't we?" he said, extendinghis hand.
    "Yes," she answered.
    "Not a word, then, until I see you again."
    He retained a hold on her hand.
    "I can't promise," she said, doubtfully.
    Chapter 1
    The Magnet Attracting—A Waif AmidForces
    Chapter 2
    What Poverty Threatened—Of Granuite andBrass
    Chapter 3
    Wee Question of Fortune—Four-Fifty a Week
    Chapter 4
    The Spendings of Fancy—Facts Answer With Sneers
    Chapter 5
    A GUttering Night Hower the Use of a Name
    Chapter 6
    The Machine and the Maiden A Knight of To-day
    Chapter 7
    The Lure of the Material Beauty Speaks for Itself
    Chapter 8
    Intimations by Winter—An Ambassador Sunnnoned
    Chapter 9
    Convention's Own ~nder-Box- The Eye
    That Is Green
    Chapter 10
    The Counsel of Winter—Fortune's Ambassador Calls
    Chapter 11
    The Persuasion of Fashion—Feeling Guards O'er Its Own
    Chapter 12
    Of the Lamps of the Mansions m The Ambassador Plea
    Chapter 13
    His Credentials Accepted—A Babel of Tongues
    Chapter 14
    With Eyes and Not Seeing—One Influence Wanes
    Chapter 15
    The Irk of the Old Ties—The Magic of Youth
    Chapter 16
    A Witless Aladdin—The Gate to the World
    Chapter 17
    A Glimpse Though the Gateway- Hope Lightens the Eye
    Chapter 18
    Just Over the Border—A Hail and Farewell
    Chapter 19
    An Hour in Elfland—A Clamour Half Heard
    Chapter 20
    The Lure of the Spirit—The Flesh in Pursuit
    Chapter 21
    The Lure of the Spirit—The Flesh in Pursuit
    Chapter 22
    The Blaze of the Tinder—Flesh Wars with the Flesh
    Chapter 23
    A Spirit in Travail—One Rung Put Behind
    Chapter 24
    Ashes of Tinder—A Face at the Window
    Chapter 25
    Ashes of Tinder—The Loosing of Stays
    Chapter 26
    The Ambassador Fallen—A Search for the Gatq
    Chapter 27
    When Waters Engulf US We Reach for a Star
    Chapter 28
    A Pilgrim,an Outlaw—The Spirit Detained
    Chapter 29
    The Solace of Travel—The Boats of the Sea
    Chapter 30
    The Kingdom of Greatness—The Pilgrim a Dream
    Chapter 31
    A Pet of Good Porttme—Broadway Haunts Its Joys
    Chapter 32
    The Peast of Belshazzar—A Seer to Translate
    Chapter 33
    Without the Walled City—The Slope of the Years
    Chapter 34
    The Grind of the Millstones—A Sample of Chaff
    Chapter 35
    The Passing of Effort—The Visage of Care
    Chapter 36
    A Grim Retrogression—The Phantom of Chance
    Chapter 37
    The Spirit Awakens New Search for the Gate
    Chapter 38
    In Elf Land Disporting—The Grim World Without
    Chapter 39
    Of Lights and of Shadows—The Parting of Worlds
    Chapter 40
    A Public Dissension—A Final Appeal
    Chapter 41
    The Strike
    Chapter 42
    A Touch of Spring—The Empty Shell
    Chapter 43
    The World Turns Flatterer—An Eye in the Dark
    Chapter 44
    And This Is Not Elf Land—What Glod Will Not Buy
    Chapter 45
    Curious Shifts of the Poor
    Chapter 46
    Stirring Troubled Waters
    Chapter 47
    The Way of the Beaten—A Harp in the Wind



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