The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--莎士比亚悲剧)
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare's History Plays(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--莎士比亚历史剧)
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--莎士比亚喜剧)
The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--十八世纪的诗歌)
The Cambridge Companion to the Fin de Siècle (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--世纪末文学指南)
The Cambridge Companion to Spenser(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--斯宾塞)
The Cambridge Companion to Tom Stoppard(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--汤姆·斯托帕德)
The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--唐·德里洛)
The Cambridge Companion to Tennessee Williams(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--田纳西·威廉姆斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Tolstoy(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--托尔斯泰)
The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--托马斯·哈代)
The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--陀思妥耶夫斯基)
The Cambridge Companion to Wilkie Collins(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--威尔基·柯林斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--威拉·凯瑟)
The Cambridge Companion to William Blake (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--威廉·布莱克)
The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--威廉·福克纳)
The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--维多利亚时代的小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--维多利亚时代诗歌)
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--维多利亚与爱德华七世时代的戏剧)
The Cambridge Companion to Virgil(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--维吉尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--文艺复兴时期的人文主义)
The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--沃兹沃斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Stage(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--舞台上的莎士比亚)
The Cambridge Companion to the Spanish Novel, From 1600 to the Present(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--西班牙小说,1600年至今)
The Cambridge Companion to Sylvia Plath(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--西尔薇亚·普拉斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--希腊神话)
The Cambridge Companion to the Greek and Roman Novel(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--希腊与罗马小说)
The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--希罗多德)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--现代德国文化)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--现代俄罗斯文化)
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Women Playwrights(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--现代英国女剧作家)
The Cambridge Companion to Modernism(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--现代主义)
The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--萧伯纳)
The Cambridge Companion to Shelley(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--雪莱)
The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller(Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to W. B. Yeats(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--叶芝)
The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton(Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Gaskell(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--伊丽莎白·加斯克尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--易卜生)
The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--意大利小说)
The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国的浪漫主义)
The Cambridge Companion to Writing of the English Revolution(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国革命时期的作品)
The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国浪漫主义诗歌)
The Cambridge Companion to English Poetry, Donne to Marvell(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国诗歌,从多恩到马维尔)
The Cambridge Companion to English Restoration Theatre(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国王政复辟时代戏剧)
The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1500-1600(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--英国文学,1500-1600 )
The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1650-1740(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国文学,1650–1740)
The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1740-1830(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--英国文学1740-1830 )
The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama(Cambridge Companions to Literature), (2nd Edition) (剑桥文学指南--英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧,第2版)
The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--英国戏剧,1730–1830)
The Cambridge Companion to Eugene O'Neill (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--尤金·奥尼尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Jewish American Literature(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--犹太裔美国文学)
The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--游记)
The Cambridge Companion to John Updike(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--约翰·厄普代克)
The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--约瑟夫·康拉德)
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies(Cambridge Companions to Literature)(剑桥文学指南--殖民地时期之后的文学研究)
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Women's Writing(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--中世纪的女性作品)
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval French Literature(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--中世纪法国文学)
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre(Cambridge Companions to Literature) , (2nd Edition) (剑桥文学指南--中世纪英国戏剧,第2版)
The Cambridge Companion to Zola(Cambridge Companions to Literature) (剑桥文学指南--左拉)
The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini(Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南-- 乔凡尼·贝利尼)
The Cambridge Companion to Piero della Francesca(Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南--P·德拉弗兰切斯卡)
The Cambridge Companion to Delacroix(Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南--德拉克洛瓦)
The Cambridge Companion to Masaccio(Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南--马萨乔)
The Cambridge Companion to Giotto(Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南--乔托)
The Cambridge Companion to Velázquez(Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南--维拉斯凯)
The Cambridge Companion to Vermeer (Cambridge Companions to the History of Art) (剑桥艺术史指南--维米尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Bach(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--巴赫)
The Cambridge Companion to Ballet(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--芭蕾舞)
The Cambridge Companion to Berg(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--柏格)
The Cambridge Companion to Berlioz(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--柏辽兹)
The Cambridge Companion to Bartók (Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--鲍尔托克)
The Cambridge Companion to Beethoven(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--贝多芬)
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The Cambridge Companion to Brahms(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--勃拉姆斯)
The Cambridge Companion to Blues and Gospel Music (Cambridge Companions to Music)(剑桥音乐指南--布鲁斯与福音音乐)
The Cambridge Companion to Grand Opera(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--大歌剧)
The Cambridge Companion to the Cello(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--大提琴)
The Cambridge Companion to the Clarinet(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--单簧管)
The Cambridge Companion to Debussy(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--德彪西)
The Cambridge Companion to the Lied(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--德国民谣歌曲)
The Cambridge Companion to Electronic Music(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--电子音乐)
The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Opera(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--二十世纪的歌剧)
The Cambridge Companion to the Organ(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--风琴)
The Cambridge Companion to the Piano(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--钢琴)
The Cambridge Companion to the Orchestra(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--管弦乐队)
The Cambridge Companion to Haydn(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--海顿)
The Cambridge Companion to Handel(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--汉德尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Jazz(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--爵士乐)
The Cambridge Companion to Ravel(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--拉威尔)
The Cambridge Companion to Liszt(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--李斯特)
The Cambridge Companion to Pop and Rock(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--流行与摇滚音乐)
The Cambridge Companion to the Guitar (Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--六弦琴)
The Cambridge Companion to the Recorder(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--录音机)
The Cambridge Companion to Mahler(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--马勒)
The Cambridge Companion to Monteverdi(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--蒙特威尔第)
The Cambridge Companion to Mozart(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--莫扎特)
The Cambridge Companion to the Saxophone(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--萨克斯管)
The Cambridge Companion to Schubert(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--舒伯特)
The Cambridge Companion to Brass Instruments(Cambridge Companions to Music) (剑桥音乐指南--铜管乐器)