

  • 作者:林建强
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040203271
  • 出版日期:2006年08月01日
  • 页数:193
  • 定价:¥24.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Chapter One Survival Situation
    Unit One Renting a House
    Part A: Do You Have a House for Rent?
    Part B: At a Rental Agency
    Unit Two Travel and Holiday
    Part A: Discussing about the Coming Holidays
    Part B: A Trip to Greece
    Unit Three Registration in the University
    Part A: Registration Procedures
    Part B: What Courses Shall I Take?
    Unit Four Seeing a Doctor
    Part A: A Terrible Cough
    Part B: Insomnia
    Unit Five Checking in at the Airport
    Part A: At the Airport
    Part B: At the Passport Control
    Unit Six Individual Information
    Part A: Advice about Choosing a Career
    Part B: Applying for a Parking Sticker
    Unit Seven Applying for a Job
    Part A: A Job Interview
    Part B: How to Succeed in a Job Interview
    Unit Eight Lost and Found Office
    Part A: Reporting a Lost Briefcase
    Part B: Reporting a Lost Purse
    Unit Nine Booking a Hotel
    Part A: I'd Like to Book a Room
    Part B: Checking in at a Hotel
    Unit Ten
    Part A: Opening an Account
    Part B: What is a Student Account?
    Chapter Two Academic Situation
    Unit One Universities in Brits.in
    Part A: Universities in Britain
    Part B: Universities and Polytechnics in Britain
    Unit Two How to Prepare a Presentation
    Part A: How to Present a Seminar Paper
    Part B: Improving Presentation Skills
    Unit Three Consulting in the Library
    Part A: Introducing University Library Service
    Part B: A Lecture About the University Library
    Unit Four Counseling Service in the University
    Part A: An Introduction to the College Counseling Service
    Part B: A Counseling Session
    Unit Five Orientation Meetings in the University
    Part A: What New Students Should Know
    Part B: An Orientation Meeting for Foreign Students
    Unit Six Language Learning
    Part A: Tips on Language Learning
    Part B: How to Learn a Foreign Language
    Unit Seven Acid Rain in Europe
    Part A: An Introduction to Acid Rain
    Part B: Acid Rain in the UK
    Unit Eight Aridity
    Part A: Aridity in Australia
    Part B: Water Consumption in Australia
    Unit Nine Agriculture in the United Kindom
    Part A: An Introduction to British Agriculture
    Part B: A Lecture on British Agriculture
    Unit Ten Enviroment
    Part A: Environmental Problems in Coastal Areas
    Part B: The Importance of Trees to Urban Areas
    Unit Eleven Wales-Land and People
    Part A: A Brief Introduction to Wales
    Part B: Wales-Land of Song
    Unit Twelve
    Part A: Climatic Regions in Canada
    Part B: The School System in Canada
    Unit Thirteen
    Part A: A Brief Introduction to New Zealand
    Part B: Tourist Attractions in New Zealand
    Unit Fourteen
    Part A: Causes and Consequences of Stress
    Part B: Coping with Stress
    Unit Fifteen
    Part A: The Childhood of the Wright Brothers
    Part B: The Wright Brothers and the History of Flight
    Unit Sixteen
    Part A: Burglary
    Part B: Car Theft
    Unit Seventeen
    Part A: The Graying of America
    Part B: The Aging Society
    Unit Eighteen Academic Report
    Part A: Natural Resources
    Part B: The Mystery of UFOs
    Unit Nineteen Health
    Part A: Vitamins
    Part B: The Effects of Old Age on Health
    Unit Twenty Festivals
    Part A: Western Festivals
    Part B: The First Thanksgiving
    Appendix I Keys and Scripts
    Appendix II Glossary



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外