

  • 作者:王中林
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302082156
  • 出版日期:2004年07月01日
  • 页数:288
  • 定价:¥90.00
  • 分享领佣金




    纳米线和纳米带是目前纳米科学和技术研究和发展中*为前沿的材料。这些一维纳米结构容纳了大量的材料,从金属、陶瓷、半导体到高分子,几乎所有的材料都可以合成出一维纳米结构。半导体一维纳米结构的发展是从1998年开始的,而功能性氧化物一维纳米结构的研究是从2001年发现纳米带状结构开始的,到目前,该方面的研究成果与日俱增,发展速度惊人。作为介绍纳米线和纳米带研究的首套专著,我于2003年编辑的英文版上下册《Nanowires andNanotubes》汇集了目前世界范围内在该领域*前沿的成果。值得我们骄傲的是在该领域的许多**学者都是我们炎黄子孙。我起初开始编辑该书的动机就是让世人对华人学者在该领域的学术成就和创造性得到充分的承认和肯定。我感谢清华大学出版社在出版该书中的大力协助。并希望本书能对从事一维纳米结构研究方面的科技工作者和学生有所帮助。
    List of Contributors
    I. Nanodevices Based on Nanowires and Nanobelts
    Chapter 1. Nanodevice, Nanosensors and Nanocantilevers Based on Semiconducting
    Oxide Nanobelts (Zhong Lin Wang)
    1. Introduction
    2. Field-Effect Transistor Based on Single Nanobelts
    3. Oxygen Sensor Using a Single Nanobelt.
    4. Photoconductivity of Nanobelts
    5. Gas Sensors Based on Nanobelts
    6. Heat Transport Through Nanob~lt.
    7. Nanobelt as Nanoresonators.
    8. Nanobelts as Nanocantilever.
    9. Summary.
    Chapter 2. Oxide Nanowires and Nanolasers (Peidong Yang and Haoquan Yan)
    1. Introduction
    2. Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanowires
    3. Controlled Growth of ZnO Nanowires.
    4. Photoluminescence and Lasing Properties.
    5. Nonlinear Optical Mixing in Single Zinc Oxide Nanowires
    6. Photoconductive Oxide Nanowires as Nanoscale Optoelectronic Switches
    7. Room Temperature NO2 Photochemical Sensing
    8. Conclusions and Outlook.
    II. Functional Oxide Nanowires and Nanobelts
    Chapter 3. Nanobelts and Nanostructures of Transparent Conducting Oxides (Zhong
    Lin Wang)
    1. Synthesis Method.
    2. Oxide Nanobelts
    3. Synthesis of New Materials using Nanobelts as Template
    4. Complex Nanobelt Structures.
    5. Nanosheets
    6. Nanodiskettes.
    7. Planar Defects in Oxide Nanobelts
    8. Growth Mechanism
    9. Summary
    Chapter 4. Nanomechanics and Mechanical Behavior of Nanobelts (Scott X. Mao)
    1. Nanomechanical Behavior of Semiconducting Zinc Oxide Single Nanobelt
    2. Bending and Cutting' on Nanorodes, Nanotube and Nanobelt Using AFM Tip.
    3. Bending and Fundamental Resonance Frequency of Nanotube Under TEM
    4. Electromechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotube.
    5. Revolutionary Nanowires with a Twist
    Chapter 5. Ferroelectric Nanowires Jonathan E. Spanier, Jeffrey J. Urban, Lian
    Ouyang, Wan Soo Yun and Hongkun Park)
    1. Introduction
    2. Synthesis of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 Nanowires
    3. Scanned Probe Measurements of BaTiO3 Nanowires .
    4. Conclusion and Future Prospects
    Chapter 6. Growth of Oxide Nanorods through Sol Electrophoretic,Deposition (Steven
    J. Limmer and Guozhong Cao)
    1. Introduction
    2. Sol-Gel Processing
    3. Electrophoretic Deposition
    4. Experimental
    5. Various Oxide Nanorods.
    6. Concluding Remarks
    Chapter 7. Nanowires of Functional Oxides (Guangh0u Wang)
    1. Introduction
    2. From Nanoclusters to Nanowires of Titanium Oxides
    3. Layered Structures of Potassium Hexatitanate Nanowhisker
    4. Rutile Stannic Ox'ide Nanorods
    5. Cu20 Nanowires
    6. V205 Nanofibres
    7. Potential Applications
    Chapter 8. Controlled Growth and Optical Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures
    (Yue Zhang and Ying Dai)
    1. Introduction
    2. Experimental.
    3. Nanostructures of ZnO
    4. Growth Mechanism
    5. Optical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures
    6. Conclusions
    Chapter 9. One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterizations of Titanate
    Nanostructures (L.-M. Peng, Q. Chen, G. H. Du, S. Zhang and W. Z. Zhou)
    1. Introduction
    2. Experimental Procedures.
    3. Structural Characterization
    4. Growth Mechanism
    5. Electric and Optical Properties
    6. Conclusions
    Chapter 10. Nanowires and Nanotubes of Complex Oxides(Xun Wang, Xiaoming Sun, Jian
    Xu and Yadong Li)
    1. Oxides of Nanowires Based on Vapor-Transport Method
    2. Template-Confined Method to Oxides of Nanowires.
    3. Solution-Based Synthetic Way to Oxides 1-D Nanostructures
    4. Prospects.
    Chapter 11. Silica Nanowires/Nanotubes (Jing Zhu, W. X. Sun and Jun Luo)
    1. Synthesis of Silica Nanowires/Nanotubes
    2. Characterization of Structures and Properties of Silica Nanowires/Nanotubes .
    III. Sulphide, Polymer and Composite Nanowires
    Chapter 12. Sulphide Nanowires (Shihe Yang)
    1. Introduction.
    2. From OD to 1D Sulphides
    3. Growth of Sulphide Nanowires
    4. Structural, Electronic, Optical, and Transport Properties
    5. Potential Applications
    6. Summary and Prospects.
    Chapter 13. Generalized Solution Synthesis of Large Arrays of Extended and
    Oriented Nanowires (Jun Liu, Zhengrong R. Tian, James A. Voigt,
    Matthew J. Mcdermott and Bonnie Mckenzie)
    1. Introduction
    2. General Approach
    3. Results and Discussions.
    4. Summary.
    Chapter 14. Composite Nanowires (Yuegang Zhang)
    1. Introduction
    2. Phase Separation in Multi-Elemental Nanotubes
    3. Filling in Carbon Nanotubes.
    4. Coaxial Nanocables
    5. Summary and Prospect of Composite Nanowires . . .
    Chapter 15. Polymer Nanowires and Nanofibers (Liming Dai and Darrell H. Reneker)
    1. Introduction
    2. Nanofibrillar Conducting Polymers
    3. Template Syntheses of Polymer Nanowires
    4. Syntheses of Polymer Nanowires at a Scanning Microscope Tip
    5. Electrospinning of Polymer Nanofibers
    6. Polymer Nanowires and Nanofibers with Special Architectures
    7. Summary



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