

  • 作者:陈嘉
  • 出版社:商务印书馆
  • ISBN:9787100015943
  • 出版日期:1996年09月01日
  • 页数:437
  • 定价:¥19.00
  • 分享领佣金




    At the suggestion of the participants at a conference held in Hangzhou in May 1980 under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, this College History of English Literature has been designed and finally brought to completion. It is based on A History of English Literature (in four volumes, the Commercial Press), a distinguished work of high academic standing by the late Professor Chen Jia (陈嘉) of Nanjing University. In view of the different levels of proficiency in the English language amon
    Chapter I English Literature of the
    Anglo-Saxon Period (Mao Minzhu)
    1. The Historical Background
    2. Beowulf
    3. Religious Poetry: Caedmon and Cynewulf
    4. Anglo-Saxon Prose: Bede and Alfred
    Chapter II English Literature of the
    Late Middle Ages (Mao Minzhu)
    Section I English Literature from the Mid-llth to the Mid-14th
    1. The Background: political and Social
    2. Folk Literature and Religious Literature from the Mid-llth to
    the Mid-14th Century
    3. Early Alliterative and Metrical Romances in the 12th,13th,
    and Early 14th Centuries
    Section II English Literature of the Second Half of the 14th Century
    1. The Background: Political and Social
    2. John Wycliffe, John Gower, and William Langland
    3. Geoffrey Chaucer
    Section III English Literature of the 15th Century
    1. The Background: Political and Social
    2. English and Scottish Popular Ballads:“Robin Hood Ballads”;
    “Border Ballads”and Others
    3. Early English Drama: Folk Drama; the Mystery Plays; the
    Miracle Plays; the Morality Plays
    4. English Prose of the 15th Century: Sir Thomas Malory and His
    Le Morte d'Arthur
    Chapter III English Literature
    of the Renaissance (Song Wenlin)
    Section I The Historical Background: Economic,Political,and
    1. The Renaissance in Europe
    2. Stages and Trends of English Literature of the Renaissance
    Section II English Literature of the Early 16th Century
    1. “The Oxford Reformers” and Thomas More
    2. Court Poetry: Skelton; Wyatt and Surrey
    3. Morality Plays and Interludes of the 16th Century: David
    Lyndsay and John Heywood
    Section III English Literature of the Second Half of the 16th Century
    1. Court Poetry: Sidney and Spenser
    2. Prose Fiction: Lyly, Nashe, and Deloney
    3. Pre-Shakespearean Drama: English Drama under Classical
    Influence; “the University Wits” -Lyly,Peele,Lodge,Nashe,
    Greene,Kyd,and Marlowe; the Elizabethan Theatre
    Section IV William Shakespeare
    1. Shakespeare's Life and Literary Career
    2. Shakespeare's Poems and Sonnets
    3. The First Period of Shakespeare's Dramatic Career (1588-90—
    1594-5): Early Experimental Comedies (Love's Labour's Lost,
    The Comedy of Errors, and The Two Gentlemen of Verona);
    Early History Plays (Henry VI,Parts I, II, & III and Richard
    4. The Second Period of Shakespeare's Dramatic Career (1594-5—
    1601): Later History Plays (King John,Richard II, the two
    parts of Henry IV,and Henry V); a Fantasy (A Midsummer
    Night's Dream) and Two Farces (The Taming of the Shrew and
    The Merry Wives of Windsor); Two Early Tragedies (Romeo and
    Juliet and Julius Caesar); Four Great Comedies (The Merchant of
    Venice, Much Ado About Nothing,As You Like It, and
    Twelfth Night )
    5. The Third Period of Shakespeare's Dramatic Career (1601—
    1609): Four Great Tragedies (Hamlet, Othello,King Lear,
    and Macbeth) and Other Tragedies (Antony and Cleopatra,
    Coriolanus, and Timon of Athens); Earlier Tragi-Comedies
    (Troilus and Cressida, All's Well That Ends Well, and
    Measure for Measure)
    6. The Last Period of Shakespeare's Dramatic Career (1609—
    1612-3): Pericles,Cymbeline,The Winter's Tale,The Tempest,
    and Henry VIII
    7. General Comments on Shakespeare
    Section V English Literature of the First Quarter of the 17th Century
    1. The Drama of Shakespeare's Contemporaries: Ben Jonson,
    Chapman, Dekker, Thomas Heywood,Beaumont and Fletcher
    2. The Decline of Drama in Early 17th-Century England up to the
    Closing of the Theatres in London in 1642: Marston, Tourneur,
    Webster,Ford, Middleton, Massinger,and Shirley
    3. Francis Bacon
    4. The King James Bible and Other Prose in the Early 17th Century
    5. English Non-Dramatic Poetry in the First Thirty Years of the
    17th Century: the Spenserians,John Donne,and Ben Jonson
    Chapter IV English Literature during
    the English Bourgeois Revolution
    and the Restoration (Song Wenlin)
    Section I The Historical Background: Political and Ideological
    1. The Political Background from the Eve of the English Bourgeois
    Revolution to the End of the Restoration (1625—1688)
    2. The Ideological Background of English Literature in the 17th Century
    Section II Minor Currents of English Literature from 1625 to 1660
    1. Minor English Poets and Prose Writers of the Period
    2. The Pamphlet Literature of the Levellers and the Diggers: John
    Lilburne and Gerrard Winstanley
    Section III John Milton
    1. Milton's Life and Literary Career
    2. Milton's Early Works
    3. The Middle Period of Milton's Literary Career: His Prose and
    His Sonnets
    4. The Last Period of Milton's Literary Career: Paradise Lost,
    Paradise Regained,and Samson Agonistes
    5. Summary
    Section IV English Literature of the Restoration
    1. John Bunyan
    2. John Dryden
    3. The English Drama of the Restoration
    4. Minor English Poetry and Prose of the Restoration
    Chapter V Eighteenth Century English
    Literature (Song Wenlin)
    Section I The Historical Background: Political and Ideological
    1. Political Background from the Revolution of 1688 to the End of the 18th Century
    2.The Enlightenment in England and Its Effect upon English Literature of the 18th Century
    Section II English Literature of the Early 18th Century
    1. Neo-Classicism in English Literature in the Early 18th
    Century: Alexander Pope
    2. Periodical Literature in Early 18th-Century England: Addison
    and Steele
    3. Daniel Defoe
    4. Jonathan Swift
    Section III English Prose Fiction in the Middle and Last Decades of
    the 18th Century
    1. Richardson
    2. Fielding
    3. Smollett
    4. Sentimentalism: Sterne and Goldsmith
    5. The Gothic Romances and Other Works of Fiction near the End
    of the 18th Century
    Section IV English Drama in the 18th Century
    1. English Drama in the Early and Middle Decades of the 18th
    2. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
    Section V Neo-Classicism and Pre-Romanticism in English Poetry and
    Prose in the Middle and Last Decades of the 18th Century
    1. Samuel Johnson; James Boswell; Gibbon; Burke
    2. English Poetry in the Middle and Later Decades of the 18th
    Century: Traditions of Pre-Romanticism and Sentimentalism—
    Thomson,Collins,Young,Gray; MacPherson, Percy,
    Chatterton; Cowper; Crabbe
    3. Robert Burns
    4. William Blake
    Chapter VI English Literature of the Early
    19th Century (Mao Minzhu)
    Section I The Historical Background and Literary Trends in Early
    19th-Century England
    1. The Historical Background: Economic, Political, and
    2. The Literary Trends: the Romantic Movement in English
    Literature; the Poetry of Wordsworth,Coleridge,Byron,
    Shelley, and Keats; the Prose Fiction of Walter Scott and
    Jane Austen; and the Essayists of the Period
    Section II Romantic Poetry in Early 19th-Century England
    1. William Wordsworth
    2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    3. George Gordon Byron
    4. Percy Bysshe Shelley
    5. John Keats
    Section III English Prose in the Early 19th Century
    1. Prose Fiction: Walter Scott and Jane Austen
    2. William Cobbett
    3. Essayists in the Early 19th Century: William Hazlitt,Charles
    Lamb,and Thomas De Quincey



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