

  • 作者:[美]Ivar Jacobson等
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302099178
  • 出版日期:2005年01月01日
  • 页数:0
  • 定价:¥29.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Part I: The Unified Software Development Process
    Chapter 1: The Unified Process: Use-Case Driven, Architecture-Centric, Iterative, and Incremental
    1.1 The Unified Process in a Nutshell
    1.2 The Unified Process Is Use-Case Driven
    1.3 The Unified Process Is Architecture-Centric
    1.4 The Unified Process Is Iterative and Incremental
    1.5 The Life of the Unified Process
    1.6 An Integrated Process
    Chapter 2: The Four Ps: People, Project, Product, and Process in Software Development
    2.1 People Are Crucial
    2.2 Projects Make the Product
    2.3 Product Is More Than Code
    2.4 Process Directs Projects
    2.5 Tools Are Integral to Process
    2.6 References
    Chapter 3: A Use-Case-Driven Process
    3.1 Use-Case-Driven Development in Brief
    3.2 Why Use Cases?
    3.3 Capturing the Use Cases
    3.4 Analysis, Design, and Implementation to Realize the Use Cases
    3.5 Testing the Use Cases
    3.6 Smming Up
    3.7 References
    Chapter 4: An Architecture-Centric Process
    4.1 Architecture in Brief
    4.2 Why We Need Architecture
    4.3 Use Cases and Architecture
    4.4 The Steps to an Architecture
    4.5 Finally, an Architecture Description!
    4.6 Three Interesting Concepts
    4.7 References
    Chapter 5: An Iterative and Incremental Process
    5.1 Iterative and Incremental in Brief
    5.2 Why Iterative and Incremental Development?
    5.3 The Iterative Approach is Risk-Driven
    5.4 The Generic Iteration
    5.5 The Result of an Iteration Is an Increment
    5.6 Iterations over the Life Cycle
    5.7 Models Evolve from Iterations
    5.8 Iterations Challenge the Organization
    5.9 References
    Part II: The Core Workflows
    Chapter 6: Requirements Capture: From Vision to Requirements
    6.1 Why Requirements Capture Is Difficult
    6.2 The Purpose of the Requirements Workflow
    6.3 Overview of Requirements Capture
    6.4 The Role of Requirements in the Software Life Cycle
    6.5 Understanding the System Context Using a Domain Model
    6.6 Understanding the System Context Using a Business Model
    6.7 Supplementary Requirements
    6.8 Summary
    6.9 References
    Chapter 7: Capturing the Requirements as Use Cases
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Artifacts
    7.3 Workers
    7.4 Workflow
    7.5 Summary of the Requirements Workflow
    7.6 References
    Chapter 8:Analysis
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Analysis in Brief
    8.3 The Role of Analysis in the Software Life Cycle
    8.4 Artifacts
    8.5 Workers
    8.6 Wordflow
    8.7 Summary of Analysis
    8.8 References
    Chapter 9: Design
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 The Role of Design in the Software Life Cycle
    9.3 Artifacts
    9.4 Workers
    9.5 Wordflow
    9.6 Summary of Design
    9.7 References
    Chapter 10: Implementation
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 The Role of Implementation in the Software Life Cycle
    10.3 Artifacts
    10.4 Workers
    10.5 Workflow
    10.6 Summary of Implementation
    10.7 References
    Chapter 11:Test
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 The Role of Testing in the Software Life Cycle
    11.3 Artifacts
    11.4 Workers
    11.5 Workflow
    11.6 Summary of Testing
    11.7 References
    Part III: Iterative and Incremental Development
    Chapter 12: The Need for Balance
    12.1 The Need for Balance
    12.2 The Phases Are the First Division of Work
    12.3 The Generic Iteration Revisited
    12.4 Planning Precedes Doing
    12.5 Risks Affect project Planning
    12.6 Use-Case Prioritization
    12.7 Resources Needed
    12.8 Assess the Iterations and Phases
    Chapter 13: Inception Launches the Project
    13.1 The Inception Phase in Brief
    13.2 Early in the Inception Phase
    13.3 The Archetypal Inception Iteration Workflow
    13.4 Execute the Core Workflows, Requirements to Test
    13.5 Make the Initial Business Case
    13.6 Assess the Iteration(s)in the Inception Phase
    13.7 Planning the Elaboration Phase
    13.8 The Deliverables for the Inception Phase
    Chapter 14: the Elaboration Phase Makes the Architectural Baseline
    14.1 The Elaboration Phase in Brief
    14.2 Early in the Elaboration Phase
    14.3 The Archetypal Elaboration Iteration Workflow
    14.4 Execute the Core Workflows-Requirements to Test
    14.5 Make the Business Case
    14.6 Assess the Iterations in the Elaboration Phase
    14.7 Planning the Construction Phase
    14.8 The Key Deliverables
    Chapter 15: Construction Leads to Initial Operational Capability
    15.1 The Construction Phase in Brief
    15.2 Early in the Construction Phase
    15.3 The Archetypal Construction Iteration Workflow
    15.4 Execute the Core Workflows-Requirements to Testing
    15.5 Controlling the Business Case
    15.6 Assess the Iterations and the Construction Phase
    15.7 Planning the Transition Phase
    15.8 The Key Deliverables
    Chapter 16: Transition Completes Product Release
    16.1 The Transition Phase in Brief
    16.2 Early in the Transition Phase
    16.3 The Core Workflows Play a Small Role in this Phase
    16.4 What We Do in the Transition Phase
    16.5 Completing the Business Case
    16.6 Assess the Transition Phase
    16.7 Planning the Next Release or Generation
    16.8 The Key Deliverables
    Chapter 17: Making the Unified Process Work
    17.1 The Unified Process Helps You Deal With Complexity
    17.2 The Major Themes
    17.3 Management Leads Conversion to Unified Process
    17.4 Specializing the Unified Process
    17.5 Relate to the Broader Community
    17.6 Get the Benefits of the Unified Process
    17.7 References
    Appendix A: Overview of the UML
    A.1 Introduction
    A.2 Graphical Notation
    A.3 Glossary of Terms
    A.4 References
    Appendix B: The Unified Process-Specific Extensions of the UML
    B.1 Introduction
    B.2 Stereotypes
    B.3 Tagged Values
    B.4 Graphical Notation
    B.5 References
    Appendix C: General Glossary
    C.1 Introduction
    C.2 Terms



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