

  • 作者:(美国)(Slsvin.R.E.)斯莱文
  • 出版社:北京大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787301073698
  • 出版日期:2004年01月01日
  • 页数:614
  • 定价:¥65.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书由**的教育心理学家Robert Slavin撰写,将深奥的心理学理论与实际生活相结合,语言通俗易懂,使教师能够在课堂上使用这些实际案例。作者用一系列的问题去引导教师,使他们能够能过随堂案例模拟实践活动,是一本独具特色的教育心理学教材。
    WORKED EXAMPLES Worked examples are an age-old strategy for teaching certain kinds of problem solving, especially in mathematics (Atkinson, Derry, Renkl, & Wortham, 2000). For example, a teacher might pose a problem and then work it out on a chalkboard or overhead, explaining his or her thinking at each step. In this way, the teacher models the strategies an expert would use to solve the problem, so that students can use similar strategies on their own. Research on worked examples generally finds that they are effective if they alternate with problems students do on their own (e.g., one worked example followed by several problems of the same type) (Atkinson et al., 2000; Sweller, van Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998). Teaching students to stop during worked examples to explain to themselves (Renkl, Stark, Gruber, & Mandl, 1998) or to explain to a partner (Renkl, 1998) what is going on in each step enhances the effects of worked examples. Worked examples are particularly effective for students who are new to a given topic or skill (Kalyuga, Chandler, Tuovinen, & Sweller, 2001).
    DEMONSTRATIONS, MODELS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS Cognitive theorists emphasize the importance of students' seeing and, when appropriate, having hands-on experience with concepts and skills. Visual representations are maintained in long-term memory far more readily than is information that is only heard (Hiebert et al., 1991; Sousa, 2001). Showing, rather than just telling, is particularly essential for children who are acquiring English (August & Hakuta, 1997). Recall how Ms. Logan gave her students both hands-on experience (filling and tapping bottles) and a visual analogy (the Slinky representing sound waves) to give the students clear and lasting images of the main principles of sound. Visual media (e.g., video, film, slides, and the Internet) can be especially effective in providing visual information (Kozma, 1991).
    MAINTAINING ATTENTION Straight, dry lectures can be boring, and bored students soo
    …… When I first set out to write Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, I had a very clear purpose in mind. I wanted to give tomorrow's teachers the intellectual grounding and practical strategies they will need to be effective instructors. Most of the textbooks published then, I felt, fell into one of two categories: stuffy or lightweight. The stuffy books were full of research but were ponderously written, losing the flavor of the classroom and containing few guides to practice. The lightweight texts were breezy and easy to read but lacked the dilemmas and intellectual issues brought out by research. They contained suggestions for practice of the "Try this!" variety, without considering evidence about the effectiveness of those strategies.
    My objective was to write a text that
    · presents information that is as complete and up to date as the most research-focused texts but is also readable, practical, and filled with examples and illustrations of key ideas.
    · includes suggestions for practice based directly on classroom research (tempered by common sense) so that I can have confidence that when you try what I suggest, it will be likely to work.
    · helps you transfer what you learn in educational psychology to your own teaching by making explicit the connection between theory and practice through numerous realistic examples. Even though I have been doing educational research since the mid-1970s, I find that I never really understand theries or concepts in education until someone gives me a compelling classroom example; and I believe that most of my colleagues (and certainly teacher education students) feel the same way. As a result, the words for example appear hundreds of times in this text.
    · appeals to readers; therefore, I have tried to write in such a way that you will almost hear students' voices and smell the lunch cooking in the school cafeteria as you read.
    These have been my objectives in the seventh edition as well as in earlier editions. In addition, I have made changes throughout the text, adding new examples, refining language, and deleting dated or unessential material. I am fanatical about keeping the text up to date, so this edition has more than 2,000 reference citations, about half of which are from 1995 or later. Although most readers may not care much about citations, I want you and your professors to know what research supports the statements I've made and where to find additional information.
    1. Educational Psychology: A Foundation for Teaching
    2. Theories of Development
    3. Development during Childhood and Adolescence
    4. Student Diversity
    5. Behavioral Theories of Learning
    6. Information Processing and Cognitive Theories of Learning
    7. The Effective Lesson
    8. Student-Centered and Constructivist Approaches to Instruction
    9. Accommodating Instruction to Meet Individual Needs
    10. Motivating Students to Learn
    11. Effective Learning Environments
    12. Learners with Exceptionalities
    13. Assessing Student Learning
    14. Standardized Tests



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