

  • 作者:詹森
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030310187
  • 出版日期:2011年06月01日
  • 页数:298
  • 定价:¥38.00
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    Age 年龄
    A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund. You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum. (John Dewey) 美满的婚姻就像一笔丰厚得难以置信的退休金。你在盛年将全部财富投入其中,经年累月,它便从白银变成黄金,又变成白金。(杜威)
    A man finds himself seven years older the day after his marriage. (Francis Bacon) 结婚次日,男人发现自己长了七岁。(培根)
    A man has reached middle age when the girl he winks at thinks he has something in his eye. (Franklin P. Jones) 在一个男人向姑娘挤眼而姑娘以为他眼睛迷了的时候,这个男人就到了中年。(琼斯)
    A man is as old as he’s feeling, a woman is as old as she looks. (Mortimer Collins) 男人的年龄凭他的感觉,女人的年龄看她的外貌。(柯林斯)
    A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (John Barrymore) 不到悔恨取代梦想,人就没老。(巴里穆尔)
    A truthful woman is one who won't lie about anything except her age, weight & her husband's salary. (Anon.) 诚实的女人不会就任何事说谎,她的年龄、体重及丈夫的收入除外。(佚名)
    After forty, men have married their habits, and wives are only an item in the list, and not the most important. (George Meredith) 年过四十,男人就跟种种习惯结了缘。老婆不过是这张单子上的一项,并且算不上*重要的。(梅瑞狄斯)
    Age and wedlock we all desire and repent of. (Thomas Fuller) 成年与结婚,是我们都想要也都后悔的事情。(富勒)
    Age becomes reality when you hear someone refer to that attractive young woman standing next to the woman in the green dress, and you find that you're the one in the green dress. (Lois Wyse) 听人提到绿衣女人身旁的漂亮女郎又意识到自己就是绿衣女人时,年龄便成了现实。(怀斯)
    Age does not make us childish, as some say; it finds us true children. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 年岁并不像有人说的那样使我们变得孩子气,而是它发现我们是真正的孩童。(歌德)
    Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. (Jeanne Moreau) 老年挡不住爱情,倒是爱情多少抵挡着老年。(莫罗)
    Age is a matter of feeling, not of years. (George William Curtis) 年龄是个感觉问题,不是岁月问题。(柯蒂斯)
    Age is bothersome only when you stop to coddle it. (Maurice Chevalier) 只有在你不再珍惜它的时候,年龄才成为累赘。(谢瓦利埃)
    All of my past life that has not faded into mist has passed through the filter, not of my mind, but of my affection. (Iris Origo) 我一生中尚未淡忘的全部往事都经过了一道过滤,不是理智的而是感情的过滤。(奥里戈)
    An old man in love is like a flower in winter. (Portuguese proverb) 恋爱的老年人犹如冬天的花。(葡萄牙谚语)
    Any views are unimportant, if they are held about women by a man past forty. (Ben Heckt) 年逾四十的男人对女人所持的任何见解,均属无关紧要。(赫克特)
    As a general thing, people marry most happily with their own kind. The trouble lies in the fact that people usually marry at an age when they do not really know what their own kind is. (Robertson Davies) 一般而言,相同类型的人结婚是*美满的。问题在于这一事实,即人们结婚的时候,往往处于并不真正了解自己类型的年龄。(戴维斯)
    As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. (Marcus Tullius Cicero) 我赞赏具有老人风度的青年,同样喜欢带有青年气息的老人。(西塞罗)
    As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied. (Oscar Wilde) 女人只要显得比自己的女儿年轻十岁,她就会心满意足。(王尔德)
    At the age of forty, men that love love rootedly. If the love is plucked from them, the life goes with it. (George Meredith) 四十岁的时候,男人的爱情坚定不移。如果将爱情从他们身上抽走,生命会随之而去。(梅瑞狄斯)
    Better be an old man’s darling than become a young man’s slave. (Jame Robinson Planché) 与其当年轻男子的奴隶,不如做老年男人的爱妻。(普兰切)
    By the time men learn how to behave themselves, they are too old to do anything else. (Anon.) 到学会守规矩的时候,男人也老得干不了别的了。(佚名)
    Don't worry about avoiding temptation.... As you grow older, it will avoid you. (Winston Churchill) 别为逃避诱惑操心……随着你变老,它会逃避你的。(丘吉尔)
    Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs. (Anon.) 女人很少承认她们的年龄。男人很少按他们的年龄行事。(佚名)
    For real true love we believe the best age is from forty-five to seventy; up to that, men are generally given to mere flirting. (Anthony Trollope) 就真正的爱而言,我们相信*佳年龄在四十五至七十之间。在这之前,人们通常沉溺于纯粹的调情。(特罗洛普)
    Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age. (Victor Hugo) 四十是青年的老年,五十是老年的青年。(雨果)
    From forty to fifty a man is at heart a stoic or a satyr. (Arthur Wing Pinero) 四十至五十岁的男人本质上不是禁欲者就是色情狂。(平内罗)
    Hardly any woman reaches the age of 30 without having been asked to marry, at least twice -- once by her father; once by her mother. (Anon.) 几乎没有哪个女子年届三十而未曾得到结婚的建议,至少两次—— 一次来自父亲,一次来自母亲。(佚名)
    I have heard some people say they should like to be a girl, and a handsome girl too, from thirteen to two-and-twenty, and after that age again to become a man. (Jean de La Bruyère) 我听过有的人说,他们愿意自己从十三岁到二十二岁是姑娘,还要是漂亮姑娘;过了这个年龄再重新做男人。(拉布吕耶尔)
    I like convents, but I wish they wouldn’t admit any women under the age of fifty. (Napoleon Bonaparte) 我欣赏女修道院,惟希望院方不接收任何年龄未届五十之女子。(拿破仑)
    If a woman tells you she’s twenty and looks sixteen, she’s twelve. If she tells you she’s twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she’s damn near fourty. (Chris Rock) 如果一个看起来十六岁的女子告诉你她二十,她就是十二。如果她看起来二十六而告诉你她二十六,她准是快四十了。(洛克)
    If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. (A. A. Milne) 你要是活上一百年,我就想活一百年减**,以免生活中没有你。(米尔恩)
    Age 年龄
    Beauty 美貌
    Couple 夫妻
    Family 家庭
    Humor 幽默
    Husband 丈夫
    Jealousy 忌妒
    Kiss 吻
    Love 爱情
    Lover 恋爱
    Man 男人
    Man & Woman 男女
    Marriage 婚姻
    Passion 激情
    Philosophic Thoughts 哲理 显示全部信息



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