

  • 作者:[英] 洛特 李金河 郭丽丽
  • 出版社:北京语言大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787561933213
  • 出版日期:2012年07月01日
  • 页数:306
  • 定价:¥59.00
  • 分享领佣金




    nouns,determiners,and pronouns 名词、限定词和代词
    1 nouns(book,books) 名词
    2 a,an,and the 冠词
    3 names and places with alld without the(the Andes,the hospital,the Smiths) 带the和不带the的人名和地名
    4 some and any some和any的用法
    5 this and these;that and those this和these的用法;that和those的用法
    6 subject and object pronouns(I,me,who) 主格和宾格代词
    7 possessive adjectives(my,his) 物主形容词
    8 possessives('s,s',of) 所有格
    9 possessive and reflexive pronouns(mine,myself) 物主代词和反身代词
    10 empty subjects:there and it 虚主语:there和it
    11 nouns andverbs;group and pair nouns 名词和动词;集合名词和成对名词

    verbs present and past 动词的现在时和过去时
    12 present simple(I work) 一般现在时
    13 present continuous (I am working) 现在进行时
    14 present simple and present continuous 一般现在时和现在进行时
    15 past simple and used to(I worked,I used to work) 一般过去时和used to
    16 past continuous(I was working) 过去进行时
    17 verbs rarely used in the continuous 很少用于进行时的动词

    perfect forms 完成时形式
    18 present perfect simple(I have worked) 现在完成时
    19 present perfect and past simple 现在完成时和一般过去时
    20 present perfect continuous(I have been working) 现在完成进行时
    21 past perfect simple(I had worked) 过去完成时
    22 past perfect continuous(I had been working) 过去完成进行时

    future 将来时
    23 future:present simple,present continuous,and be going to 表示将来:一般现在时、现在进行时和be going to
    24 will,be going to,and shall will,be going to和shall的用法
    25 future:review of present tenses,will,and be going to 表示将来:复习现在时、will和be going to
    26 will be doing,will have done,was going to do will be doing,will have done,was going to do的用法

    imperative,conditional,and passive 祈使句、条件句和被动语态
    27 imperative(stop,don't move) 祈使句
    28 conditional 1(if you are…) 条件句1
    29 conditional 2(ifyou were…;if you had been…) 条件句2
    30 passive 1 (it is sold) 被动语态1
    31 passive 2:special uses;have something done 被动语态2:特殊用法;have something done

    special verbs特殊的动词
    32 make and do make和do的用法
    33 get get的用法
    34 say,tell,and ask say,tell和ask的用法
    35 bring,take,and fetch bring,take和fetch的用法

    modals 情态动词
    36 can can的用法
    37 could could的用法
    38 may and might may和might的用法
    39 will and shall will和shall的用法
    40 would would的用法
    41 must,have to,and need to must,have to和need to的用法
    42 should,ought to,and had better should,oughtl to和had berter的用法
    43 perfect modals(could have done,should have done) 情态动词的完成式
    44 modal verbs:review 情态动词:复习

    adjectives,adverbs,quantifiers,and prepositions 形容词、副词、量词和介词
    45 adjectives(good,happy) 形容词
    46 adverbs(well,happily) 副词
    47 comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs 形容词和副词的比较级和***
    48 modifiers(really,quite,awfully)with adjectives and adverbs 与形容词和副词连用的修饰词
    49 number quantifiers(many,a few) 可数量词
    50 amount quantifiers(no,a little,a lot of etc.) 不可数量词
    51 quantifiers:review 量词:复习
    52 space prepositions(at,in,off,on etc.) 空间介词
    53 time prepositions(in,on,at etc.) 时间介词
    54 at,in,by,to at,in,by,to的用法
    55 for and from for和from的用法
    56 of of的用法

    structure of sentences,clauses and phrases 句子结构、分句和短语
    57 clauses(while Keith was talking…) 分句
    58 questions 疑问句
    59 answers and tag questions 回答和附加疑问句
    60 reporting speech 1:statements(and then she said…) 直接引语和问接引语1:陈述句
    61 reporting speech 2:questions and instructions 直接引语和间接引语2:疑问句和指令
    62 relative clauses(…who lived in Wales) 关系从句
    63 verb+to+infinitive(I hope to win)alld verb+ing form(I enjoy winning) “动词+to+动词原形”和“动间+动词-ing形式”
    64 verb(+object)+t0+infinitive(she taught him to drive) “动词+(宾语)+to+动词原形”
    65 preposition+ing form(he's good at skating) “介词+动词-ing形式”
    66 verb+preposition(look at) “动词+介词”
    67 phrasal verbs(come in,put away,give in to) 短语动词
    68 aajective+preposition(angry with) “形容词+介词”
    69 preposition+noun(in time,for example) “介词+名词”
    70 conjunctions 1:simple(and,but,or)and time(when,while,as etc.) 连词1: 一般连词和时间连词
    71 conjunctions 2:logic conjunctions(if,because,so,unless,ahhough) 连词2:逻辑连词

    Appendices 附录
    Table 1:typesofwords andtheirusein sentences 不同词性的词及其在句子中的用法
    Table 2:irregular past forms 不规则动词的过去式和过去分词
    Table 3:irregular noun plurals and special cases 不规则名词的复数及特例
    Table 4:pronunciation 语音
    Table 5:American English grammar 美式英语语法
    Table 6:common idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs 英语常用固定搭配及短语动词
    Index 索引
    Answer key 答案(网上下载)



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