大数据时代的科技资源共享:COINFO 2013论文集:the proceedings of COINFO 2013

大数据时代的科技资源共享:COINFO 2013论文集:the proceedings of COINFO 2013

  • 作者:中国科学技术信息研究所 武汉大学信息管理学院 中国记忆与数字保存协同创新中心
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030388957
  • 出版日期:2013年10月01日
  • 页数:424
  • 定价:¥150.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《大数据时代的科技资源共享:coinfo 2013论文集》**对科技资源管理与服务、信息质量与数据治理、语义信息组织与检索进行深入的研究与探讨。内容涉及科技资源开放共享与评价、科技资源增值利用与服务创新、科研项目知识产权管理、科学数据管理开放共享、信息质量管理、科技成果信息开放获取以及语义信息组织与检索的技术与方法等方面。
    part 1 management and service of sci-tech resources
    analysis of science and technology resource as public goods
    analysis the national science foundation from 2001 to 2012: taking the research of"library and informationscience" subject as an example
    cloud computing information service innovation
    company knowledge creation mode in large-scale public enterprise
    comprehensive assessment and research of intellectual property right management capabilities
    cross-system service mashup based on knowledge innovation value chain
    from distributed to collaborative: the organizational transformation of chinese industry information services system
    government intellectual property rights management of strategic emerging industries development
    information service innovation in the big data era
    on innovation of archive management in big data era
    relationship of behavior, performance and income of agricultural technician: transformation of agricultural technology achievements in china
    research focuses and frontiers of intellectual property of china
    research on scientific and technical talents discovery based on large data
    research on supply chain management of food security based on intemet
    research on the evaluation index system of high-level innovative sci-tech talents
    review on websites and network information resources evaluation
    study on the information service of innovative sci-tech resource under the big data background
    study on sharing of scientific and technological resources in china
    study on the shared mental model of academic teams
    the construction and value-added service of nation achievement of science and technology database
    the evolution of the research topics of chinese library and information science research institutions
    the innovation and development of knowledge service in the era of big data
    the path of chinese university patent: a comparison and best model research
    the study for network intellectual property management in research institutions based on sharing
    the study of excellent national laboratory's large-scale scientific instrument information sharing
    user stickiness research based on social network theory in social media environment
    user-oriented cross-system collaborative information services platform construction and customized service advance
    part 2 information quality and data governance
    a case study for evaluating data quality in european patent office
    big data analytics in ageing propulation and reproductive health: science data center as an example
    big data in the population and reproductive health science data sharing platform: accelerating value and innovation of healthcare research
    evaluation on web accessibility of the scientific data sharing platforms
    human-centred ehealth: current features and future perspectives
    identifying and evaluating the cost-benefit of data curation and sharing
    infrastructure, standards, and policies for research data management
    international scientific data sharing policies and regulations system: the institutional foundation of linked science
    management for electronic resources metadata
    new development of scientific data analysis method: visualization analysis
    proposing a framework for the analysis of qualitative research data
    reviews of data curation at home and abroad
    study on metadata interoperablility extension of data sharing infrastructure of earth system science of china based on geonetwork
    telehealth enhancement of hospital outreach for the aged and chronic disease management:
    a utaut-based model for review of patients acceptance
    the analysis and visualization study on the big data research papers in china from
    the years of 2003 to 2013
    the analysis of the first screen time for chinese scientific data sharing websites
    the analysis on sharing mode of scientific data in the era of big data
    the current situation of scientific metadata
    《大数据时代的科技资源共享:coinfo 2013论文集》力求体现科技资源管理领域的*新研究成果,具有一定的学术性与参考性,适合广大科技资源管理者和研究者阅读。



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