

  • 作者:卜艳萍
  • 出版社:电子工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787121200939
  • 出版日期:2013年04月01日
  • 页数:300
  • 定价:¥32.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书分为4个单元,第1单元介绍计算机硬件知识,包括计算机硬件基础,计算机的发展历程,处理器、主存储器和输入/输出技术。第2单元介绍计算机软件知识,内容有C程序设计,数据结构,操作系统,数据库技术,编译原理及软件工程。第3单元介绍多媒体知识,内容有计算机图形学,多媒体技术,计算机动画,多媒体软件,虚拟现实和CAD技术。第4单元介绍计算机网络相关知识,包括计算机网络,无线网,互联网应用,搜索引擎,计算机**,远程教育,电子商务和电子市场。本书可作为高职高专计算机应用及相关专业的教材,也可供计算机专业技术人员学习和参考。 计算机专业英语_卜艳萍主编_电子工业出版社_
    1.5 Input/Output Systems
    1.5.1 TextAKeyboard
    If you are familiar with a typewriter,you'11 find the layout of the computer keyboard verysimilar.You can use your keyboard for many purposes:
    ·Typing information
    ·Entering numbers with the numeric keypad
    ·Requesting specific functions
    ·Performing system functions with key combinations
    ·Moving around the computer screen
    The keyboard has leRer keys,punctuation keys,and a spacebar.It also has functions,numeric,and arrow keys.How you use the keys depends on the software installed on yourcomputer.The documentation that comes with your software has information about specific keyfunctions.You will probably notice a difference between the touch(response)on a computerkeyboard and the response of a typewriter.A computer keyboard is SO responsive that you cantype using a light touch.When you hold down a character key,the character continues to type.This is called the typematic effect of a computer keyboard.Monitor
    Monitors maybe are one of the most important output devices.Computers only usemonitors to show you exciting operation results or marvelous and vivid pictures.Monitors alsoare the best windows for conversation between users and computers.So,many users selectmonitors carefully.Which parameters or indexes ought be paid attention to when you select amonitor?We provide some here for your reference.
    Element Distance:The distance between two picture elements in horizontal direction iscalled element distance here and its current value in most PC monitors iS 0.28mm.If the valueis smaller,the screen is more distinct.
    Video Bandwidth:It is an important concept in monitor technology.It is related to thehighest work frequency of the monitor.It is from tens MHz to hundreds MHz.
    Solution:It is another important parameter of a monitor.It'S higher,the view on a screen isclearer.Solution means the sum of all picture elements on a screen.
    Scan Style:The scan style of a electron gun in a tube is divided into two styles:interlaceand non-interlace.In interlace style,electron-beam sweeps elements in odd rows first time anddoes elements in even rows second time.A flame to be renewed needs sweepining two times.In non-interlace style,electron.beam sweeps all elements only in one time.In non-interlacework style,the monitor works better and gives clear pictures without flash.Mouse
    The interface between a mouse and a system can take one of two forms:the mouse eithergenerates a series of pulses when it is moved(using the LED and detector to generate thepulses),or it increments and decrements counters.The processor can periodically read thesecounters,or count up the pulses,and determine how far the mouse has moved since it was lastexamined.The system then moves the cursor on the screen appropriately.This motion appearssmooth because the rate at which you can move the mouse is slow compared with the rate atwhich the processor can read the mouse status and move the cursor on the screen.
    Unit 1 Hardware Knowledge 1
    1.1 Hardware Basics 1
    1.1.1 Text A 1
    1.1.2 Text B 3
    1.1.3 Exercises 5
    1.2 Computer Development 6
    1.2.1 Text A 6
    1.2.2 Text B 9
    1.2.3 Exercises 11
    1.3 Central Processing Unit 12
    1.3.1 Text A 12
    1.3.2 Text B 15
    1.3.3 Exercises 17
    1.4 Memory 18
    1.4.1 Text A 18
    1.4.2 Text B 21
    1.4.3 Exercises 23
    1.5 Input/Output Systems 24
    1.5.1 Text A 24
    1.5.2 Text B 28
    1.5.3 Exercises 29
    1.6 计算机专业英语的词汇特点 30
    1.6.1 计算机专业英语的特点 30
    1.6.2 专业英语词汇的构成特点 33
    1.6.3 专业术语与命令 38
    1.7 习题答案与参考译文 40
    1.7.1 第1单元习题答案 40
    1.7.2 第1单元参考译文 43
    Unit 2 Software Knowledge 56
    2.1 C Language 56
    2.1.1 Text A 56
    2.1.2 Text B 59
    2.1.3 Exercises 60
    2.2 Data Structure 61
    2.2.1 Text A 61
    2.2.2 Text B 64
    2.2.3 Exercises 66
    2.3 Operating System 67
    2.3.1 Text A 67
    2.3.2 Text B 70
    2.3.3 Exercises 72
    2.4 Database Technologies 73
    2.4.1 Text A 73
    2.4.2 Text B 76
    2.4.3 Exercises 77
    2.5 Principles of Compiler 79
    2.5.1 Text A 79
    2.5.2 Text B 82
    2.5.3 Exercises 83
    2.6 Software Engineering 85
    2.6.1 Text A 85
    2.6.2 Text B 88
    2.6.3 Exercises 89
    2.7 计算机专业英语的阅读与翻译 91
    2.7.1 阅读方法 91
    2.7.2 翻译的方法与过程 92
    2.8 习题答案与参考译文 101
    2.8.1 第2单元习题答案 101
    2.8.2 第2单元参考译文 104
    Unit 3 Multimedia and Its Applications 118
    3.1 Computer Graphics 118
    3.1.1 Text A 118
    3.1.2 Text B 122
    3.1.3 Exercises 124
    3.2 Multimedia 125
    3.2.1 Text A 125
    3.2.2 Text B 129
    3.2.3 Exercises 130
    3.3 Computer Animation 132
    3.3.1 Text A 132
    3.3.2 Text B 135
    3.3.3 Exercises 137
    3.4 Multimedia Software 138
    3.4.1 Text A 138
    3.4.2 Text B 141
    3.4.3 Exercises 143
    3.5 Virtual Reality 144
    3.5.1 Text A 144
    3.5.2 Text B 148
    3.5.3 Exercises 150
    3.6 Computer Aided Design 151
    3.6.1 Text A 151
    3.6.2 Text B 154
    3.6.3 Exercises 156
    3.7 专业英语中被动语态与长句的运用 157
    3.7.1 被动语态的运用 157
    3.7.2 长句的运用 161
    3.8 习题答案与参考译文 164
    3.8.1 第3单元习题答案 164
    3.8.2 第3单元参考译文 168
    Unit 4 Network Knowledge 182
    4.1 Computer Networks 182
    4.1.1 Text A 182
    4.1.2 Text B 185
    4.1.3 Exercises 187
    4.2 Wireless Network 188
    4.2.1 Text A 188
    4.2.2 Text B 191
    4.2.3 Exercises 193
    4.3 Internet Applications 194
    4.3.1 Text A 194
    4.3.2 Text B 198
    4.3.3 Exercises 199
    4.4 Internet Search Engines 201
    4.4.1 Text A 201
    4.4.2 Text B 203
    4.4.3 Exercises 206
    4.5 Computer Security 207
    4.5.1 Text A 207
    4.5.2 Text B 210
    4.5.3 Exercises 213
    4.6 Distance Education 214
    4.6.1 Text A 214
    4.6.2 Text B 217
    4.6.3 Exercises 219
    4.7 Electronic-Commerce 220
    4.7.1 Text A 220
    4.7.2 Text B 224
    4.7.3 Exercises 226
    4.8 Electronic Marketing 227
    4.8.1 Text A 227
    4.8.2 Text B 230
    4.8.3 Exercises 232
    4.9 定语从句与状语从句 234
    4.9.1 定语从句 234
    4.9.2 状语从句 236
    4.10 习题答案与参考译文 241
    4.10.1 第4单元习题答案 241
    4.10.2 第4单元参考译文 245
    附录A 计算机专业英语词汇表 265
    附录B 计算机专业英语缩写词表 281
    参考文献 293



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