

  • 作者:东南大学大学数学教研室
  • 出版社:东南大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787564151737
  • 出版日期:2014年09月01日
  • 页数:252
  • 定价:¥36.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书是在响应东南大学国际化需求, 根据**教育部非数学专业数学基础课教学指导分委员会制定的工科类本科数学基础课程教学基本要求, 并结合东南大学多年教学改革实践经验编写的全英文教材。全书分为上、下两册, 此为上册, 主要包括极限, 一元函数微积分及其应用和常微分方程四部分。本书对基本概念的叙述清晰准确, 对基本理论的论述简明易懂, 例题习题的选配典型多样, 强调基本运算能力的培养及理论的实际应用。
    Chapter 1 Limits
    1.1 The Concept of Limits and its Properties
    1.1.1 Limits of Sequence
    1.1.2 Limits of Functions
    1.1.3 Properties of Limits
    Exercise 1.1
    1.2 Limits Theorem
    1.2.1 Rules for Finding Limits
    1.2.2 The Sandwich Theorem
    1.2.3 Monotonic Sequence Theorem
    1.2.4 The Cauchy Criterion
    Exercise 1.2
    1.3 Two Important Special Limits
    Exercise 1.3
    1.4 Infinitesimal and Infinite
    1.4.1 Infinitesimal
    1.4.2 Infinite
    Exercise 1.4
    1.5 Continuous Function
    1.5.1 Continuity
    1.5.2 Discontinuity
    Exercise 1.5
    1.6 Theorems about Continuous Function on a Closed Interval
    Exercise 1.6
    Review and Exercise
    Chapter 2 Differentiation
    2.1 The Derivative
    Exercise 2.1
    2.2 Rules for Fingding the Derivative
    2.2.1 Derivative of Arithmetic Combination
    2.2.2 The Derivative Rule for Inverses
    2.2.3 Derivative of Composition
    2.2.4 Implicit Differentiation
    2.2.5 Parametric Differentiation
    2.2.6 Related Rates of Change
    Exercise 2.2
    2.3 Higher-Order Derivatives
    Exercise 2.3
    2.4 Differentials
    Exercise 2.4
    2.5 The Mean Value Theorem
    Exercise 2.5
    2.6 L'Hospital's Rule
    Exercise 2.6
    2.7 Taylor's Theorem
    Exercise 2.7
    2.8 Applications of Derivatives
    2.8.1 Monotonicity
    2.8.2 Local Extreme Values
    2.8.3 Extreme Values
    2.8.4 Concavity
    2.8.5 Graphing Functions
    Exercise 2.8
    Review and Exercise
    Chapter 3 The Integration
    3.1 The Definite Integral
    3.1.1 Two Examples
    3.1.2 The Definition of Definite Integral
    3.1.3 Properties of Definite Integrals
    Exercise 3.1
    3.2 The Indefinite Integral
    Exercise 3.2
    3.3 The Fundamental Theorem
    3.3.1 First Fundamental Theorem
    3.3.2 Second Fundamental Theorem
    Exercise 3.3
    3.4 Techniques of Indefinite Integration
    3.4.1 Substitution in Indefinite Integrals
    3.4.2 Indefinite Integration by Parts
    3.4.3 Indefinite Integration of Rational Functions by
    Partial Fractions
    Exercise 3.4
    3.5 Techniques of Definite Integration
    3.5.1 Substitution in Definite Integrals
    3.5.2 Definite Integration by Parts
    Exercise 3.5
    3.6 Applications of Definite Integrals
    3.6.1 Lengths of Plane Curves
    3.6.2 Area between Two Curves
    3.6.3 Volumes of Solids
    3.6.4 Areas of Surface of Revolution
    3.6.5 Moments and Center of Mass
    3.6.6 Work and Fluid Force
    Exercise 3.6
    3.7 Improper Integrals
    3.7.1 Improper Integrals.Infinite Limits of Integration
    3.7.2 Improper Integrals: Infinite Integrands
    Exercise 3.7
    Review and Exercise
    Chapter 4 Differential Equations
    4.1 The Concept of Differential Equations
    Exercise 4.1
    4.2 Differential Equations of the First Order
    4.2.1 Equations with Variable Separable
    4.2.2 Homogeneous Equation
    Exercise 4.2
    4.3 First-order Linear Differential Equations
    Exercise 4.3
    4.4 Equations Reducible to First Order
    4.4.1 Equations of the Form y(n)=f(x)
    4.4,2 Equations of the Form y =y (x,y )
    4.4.3 Equations of the Form y=f(y,y')
    Exercise 4.4
    4.5 Linear Differential Equations
    4.5.1 Basic Theory of Linear Differential Equations
    4.5.2 Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations of the
    Second Order with Constant Coefficients
    4.5.3 Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations of the
    Second Order with Constant Coefficients
    4.5.4 Euler Differential Equation
    Exercise 4.5
    4.6 Systems of Linear Differential Equations
    with Constant Coefficients
    Exercise 4.6
    4.7 Applications
    Exercise 4.7
    Review and Exercise



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