

  • 作者:李振
  • 出版社:中国矿业大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787564630560
  • 出版日期:2017年08月01日
  • 页数:168
  • 定价:¥43.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Aiming at the problem that there are only few reports on related basic theory research of stirred pulp-mixing in flotation, this book describes and evaluates the stirred pulp mixing process and its effect from several different angles: summarize parameters that are used to evaluate power consumption and mixing time, conclude characteristic parameters that represent circulation and shear properties, and come up with the corresponding evaluation standard for mixing efficiency; according to the dis
    Chapter 1 Origin and occurrence
    1.1 Demand of flotation machine system to efficient stirred pulp-mixing
    1.2 Demand of flotation column on efficient pulp-mixing
    1.3 Demand of fine particle mineral separation on efficient pulp-mixing
    1.4 Demand of compact process on efficient pulp-mixing

    Chapter 2 Function and application status of flotation pulp-mixing
    2.1 Basic functions and realization ways of pulp-mixing
    2.2 Industrialization and application of current pulp-mixing technology
    2.3 Difficulties and challenges of fine particle pulp-mixing

    Chapter 3 Equipment configuration characteristics and R & D dynamics of stirred pulp-mixing
    3.1 Basic configuration of pulp-mixing agitated tank in flotation unit
    3.2 Contrast analysis of the stirring equipment of flotation unit
    3.3 R & D of agitated tank process characteristics
    3.4 The proposal of R & D of stirred pulp-mixing process

    Chapter 4 Mixing characteristics of stirred pulp-mixing process
    4.1 Overview of test research on stirring characteristic
    4.2 Basic flow field types under the effect of stirring mechanism
    4.3 Mixing characteristic parameters of the stirring process
    4.4 Mixing efficiency analysis of the stirring process
    4.5 General comments on the mixing performance of conventional stirred pulp-mixing process

    Chapter 5 Solid-liquid suspension characteristics of the stirred pulp-mixing process
    5.1 Experimental design of the research on solid-liquid suspension characteristics
    5.2 Material distribution characteristic under different stirring mechanism...
    5.3 Evaluation of the stirring system suspension capability
    5.4 Regularity of the function of interval concentration variance
    5.5 Analysis of suspension capability of stirring system
    5.6 General evaluation of material suspension capability of conventional stirred pulp-mixing process

    Chapter 6 Numerical simulation of stirred pulp-mixing process
    6.1 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and simulation software introduction
    6.2 Fundamental governing equations and turbulence model
    6.3 Numerical computation
    6.4 Simulation of axial flow field
    6.5 Simulation of radial flow field
    6.6 Simulation of flow field added with draft-tube
    6.7 Simulation of flow field added with baffles
    6.8 Analysis of influence factors of flow field characteristics in agitated tank
    6.9 Comprehensive evaluation of numerical simulation of stirring flow field characteristics

    Chapter 7 Stirred pulp-mixing process mechanism
    7.1 Flow field characteristics in agitated tank
    7.2 Mixing process in agitated tank
    7.3 The interaction process among mineral particles
    7.4 Diffusion process of flotation reagents
    7.5 Theoretical derivation of mixing performance evaluation parameters
    7.6 Mass transfer between solid-liquid phases

    Chapter 8 Future research and development of pulp-mixing process intensification
    8.1 Efficient pulp-mixing based on process intensification
    8.2 High efficiency characteristic of stirred pulp-mixing
    8.3 Similarity scale-up problem of efficient pulp-mixing equipments



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