自然拼读学英语 真正的英语学习书 学英语的书 学英语从零开始 众多名师推荐

自然拼读学英语 真正的英语学习书 学英语的书 学英语从零开始 众多名师推荐

  • 作者:李芸
  • 出版社:经济科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787514184884
  • 出版日期:2017年11月01日
  • 页数:266
  • 定价:¥40.00
  • 分享领佣金




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    The first question is to deal with capturing of the source language culture. As mentioned earlier, language and culture are interdependent, language is the carrier of culture and culture reflected in the language, and both at the same time and constantly influence each other. Making capture from the source language culture has become a cultural connotation that must be out of the first step in the process of translation and this step should go directly and affect the cultural connotation of translation quality. If you do not capture in the source language culture, let it alone the processing of the source language culture connotation. Nida (1998) thought that "A failure to capture some of the fundamental elements in a foreign culture stems largely from the fact that people have no mental framework
    mto which various traits of a culture can fit" (p.34). (The reason cannot capture some basic elements of foreign culture and the root consists largely in peo ple. No one can take the culture of the various traces in framework in mind). To provide translators with a capture cultural ideological framework, Nida put the large concept of culture that could be divided into five categories: ecological culture, material culture, social culture, religious culture, language culture. On
    the basis of this framework, Capturing from the source language culture becomes easier to operate.
    After the capture of the source language culture, What should be taken into consideration before processing; the second question is how important in the source
    language culture. The important degree of judgment is a very difficult thing because they are not fixed and everyone can accept it. The uruversal standard to measure
    the importance of a culture is some kind of cultural phenomenon in a certain degree
    of important cases. No one can absolutely say that culture is important but culture
    is not important and the cultural phenomenon is not important. But in the process of
    cultural connotation of translation and cultural connotation of the important degree of judgment is a must because it involves the use of processing methods. Although the concept of culture is a wide coverage of everything, it is not as a big bundle, at least not in the laundry list of all the things are equally important. Translators have to do all of these factors as the individual to comprehensive and to analyze, measure, and make a judgment. The process of comprehensive, analysis, measurement and judgment, which are a conscious or unconscious process, is not clear. The final judgment result will affect the translator to source the use of the cultural connotation of processing methods, and reflect in the translation.
    In the capture of the cultural connotation and its importance to judge, the translator is facing with specific processing problems: the cultural connotation which should not be modified or needn't to be modified, which can be modified or
    be transformed. To what extent, these problems in the final analysis are based on
    the source language into a home to retum to the alienation of or use with purpose of
    language into ownership of naturalization. Foreignization and domestication are two
    ultimate ways of cultural connotation in the translation. They are a series of options
    at the ends of the method. Cultural connotation can determine which should not be naturalized and which can be naturalized the degree of the naturalization
    process. Besides considering the above discussions of the importance of cultural
    connotation in the source language, the translator must consider the two factors:
    the purpose of translation and the potential readers in the translation.
    Part 1 Translation Research and Study
    A study of the mitigation effects of prefabricated chunks on English-Chinese consecutive interpreting: On Chinese translations of Southeast Asian English variants
    A survey of the apphcation of Simultaneous Interpreting in News Reports Research on Flipped Classroom Teaching Based on SPOC English Translation Courses
    A study Undergraduate Interpretation Teaching in a New Era

    Part 2 Translation Theory Study
    A Study of View-interpretation Information Schema Theory Boole Translation Theory
    An Overview of the Interdisciplinary Theory of Oral Interpretation
    Theory, Methodology and Advance of Empirical Research in Translation Studies

    Part 3 Translation Method Study
    Rethinking Translation Norms from Mimetic Perspective
    Re-conceptualize the Cognitive Map Initiate the "Cognitive Turn" in Translation Studies
    An Analysis of Western Studies on Translation Norms
    Indeterminacy of Translation and Negation of Meaning

    Part 4 Translation Practice Study
    Translation Strategies on Cultural Comparison Between East and West Toponymy
    Literary Translation of Foreignizing and Domesticating
    Cultural Perspectives on Translation
    How to Understand and Translate the "Law of Peoples"
    Fidelity, Intelligibility, Literary In Film Title Translation
    Prescriptive and Descriptive Ethics in Translation

    Part 5 Translation Teaching Study
    Translation Evaluation-oriented Model for Translation Teaching
    Translation Testing of Some Theoretical and Practical Issues
    Cultivation of Intercultural Communication in Translation Teaching



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