

  • 作者:王荔芳
  • 出版社:云南科技出版社
  • ISBN:9787541698644
  • 出版日期:2016年08月01日
  • 页数:89
  • 定价:¥18.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《病变动脉内非正常血流超声信号的特征提取(英文版)》包含:he research background and significance、The causes of cercbral stroke and its harm、The growth and trcatmcnt ofintracranial aneurysms、 The growth and treatment of the vascular stenosis、 Significance of measurement of abnormal blood flow in diseased artery by dopplcr ultrasonography、The research status at home and abroad、 Numerical simulation of blood flow in ancurysms等内容。
    In the cxperimental studics, (1) the pressure gradicnts and the oscillalory blood flowficlds in intracranial ancurysms with dilatation degrees of 30% and 70% at the position x= Ro and x = 3Ro arc simulatcd and analyzcd respectively.(2) a numcrical model that canproduccs Doppler ultrasound signals for blood pulsatile flow in ancurysm is prcscntcd.(3)The PSDs of blood flow in the rcgion close to the vcssel wall whose radial hcight is**** , 30% , 20%, 10% .5% and 2% of the cross—section radius of the normal artery andmcdium—sizcd aneurysms with various sucs of30%.10% and 2% at the axial position x=3ko arc simulated using above methods.
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 The research background and significance
    1.1.1 The causes of cercbral stroke and its harm
    1.1.2 The growth and trcatmcnt ofintracranial aneurysms
    1.1.3 The growth and treatment of the vascular stenosis
    1.1.4 Significance of measurement of abnormal blood flow in diseased artery by dopplcr ultrasonography
    1.2 The research status at home and abroad
    1.2.1 Numerical simulation of blood flow in ancurysms
    1.2.2 Computer simulation of Dopplcr ultrasound blood flow signals in stenosed vesscls
    1.3 The research contents and objectives
    1.3.1 The research contents
    1.32 The rescarch objcctivcs

    Chapter 2 Simulation of Doppler ultrasound signals from abnormal blood flow and the characteristic analysis of flow field close to the vascular wall in growing aneurysms
    2.1 Aneurysm model
    2.2 Governing equations and boundary conditions of blood flow field in aneurytsm
    2.3 Solutions for the equations of blood flow
    2.4 The estimation of power spectraldenSfty
    2.5 The simulation of Doppler ultrasonic blood flow signal
    2.6 Experiments and results
    2.6.1 Pressure gradient
    2.62 Blood flow velocity distribution
    2.6.3 The theorctical PSD and the spectra of STFT of Doppler ultrasound blood flow signals in ancurysm with various dilatalion dcgrees at diffcrent positions
    2.6.4 The PSDs of blood flow in the region close to the vessel wall whose radial hcight is ****, 30%, 20%, 10%, 5% and 2% of the cross-scction radius of the normal artery and medium_sized ancurysms with various sizes of30%, 10% and 2% at the axial
    2.7 Conclusion

    Chapter 3 Simulation of Doppler ultrasound blood flow signals and the
    characteristic analysis of flow field close to the vascular wallin stenosed artery
    3.1 The stenosis model (in cylindrical pipe)
    3.2 The stenosed tapered artery model
    3.3 Experiments
    3.4 Results and conclusions
    3.4.1 Dopplcr ultrasound signal for pulsatile blood flow in stenoscd artcry (in cylindrical pipes) with various stenotic dcgrees at different positions
    3.4.2 The characteristic analysis of flow field close to the vascular wall in stenosed artery (in cylindrical pipes
    3.4.3 Doppler ultrasound signals for pulsatile blood flow in a tapcrcd artcry with mild stcnosis with various taper angles and different stcnotic degrees
    3.4.4 The PSDs of blood flow in the region close to the vascular wall through a tapcrcd artery with small stenosis

    Chapter 4 Numerical modeling of Doppler ultrasound signals from nonstationary blood flow with the pulsation of the vascular wall
    4.1 The simulation principles of Doppler ultrasound signals from nonstationary blood flow
    4.2 The simulation principles of Doppler ultrasound signals from the pulsatile vascular wall
    4.3 The combination of signals from nonstationary blood flow and the pulsatile vascular wall
    4.4 Simulation experiments and results
    4.5 Conclusions

    Chapter 5 Doppler spectrum analysis of pulsatile blood flow in elastic artery
    5.1 Geometry of elastic artery
    5.2 Experiments and results
    5.3 Conclusions
    Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future work
    6.1 Full text summary
    6.2 Future work



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