中国民族教育发展报告(2017内蒙古卷 英文版)/民族教育蓝皮书

中国民族教育发展报告(2017内蒙古卷 英文版)/民族教育蓝皮书

  • 作者:Chen Zhongyong Sodobilig Uretogtahu
  • 出版社:社会科学文献出版社
  • ISBN:9787520119894
  • 出版日期:2017年12月01日
  • 页数:371
  • 定价:¥298.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《中国民族教育发展报告(2017内蒙古卷 英文版)/民族教育蓝皮书》是《内蒙古民族教育发展报告(2017)》一书的英文版。全书由总报告、专题篇、族别篇、调研篇、案例篇和附录组成。总报告以精炼的语言全面阐述内蒙古自治区民族教育事业发展的历程和现状,展示民族教育事业取得的重大成就,指出发展中存在的问题及今后的工作方向。专题篇和族别篇全方位、多角度地就民族教育事业的某一侧面进行具体探讨,具体内容涉及学前教育、双语教育、少数民族高层次人才培养、民族职业技术教等。此外,书中还对内蒙古自治区达斡尔族、鄂温克族、鄂伦春族的教育发展状况进行了解析;对蒙古学研究及人才培养、民族美术教育研究智库等问题予以阐发并提出建议。
    《中国民族教育发展报告(2017内蒙古卷 英文版)/民族教育蓝皮书》:
    With the continuous improvement of strategic position and constant increase of social influence in the whole education system, vocational education has formed complex relations with other education types, and changed greatly itself. As an independent education type, vocational education needs to plan strategically, wluch means "top-level design" including policy planning, resource planning, public opinion planrung and evaluation planning. To be speafic, it is necessary to plan as a whole within the education system itself with development of the society, planning relations between vocational education and other elements in the society; relations between vocational education and other types; relations of all elements within the vocational education system. And it is necessary to make sure the coordination and balance of vocational education among various educational bodies, different levels, areas, education types and all the internal elements, so that the comprehensive function of vocational education can work best. As to this point, suggestions are as follows.
    Firstly, ensure the overall development of vocational education among afeas. Plan educational resources between remote backward areas and central areas, developed areas and undeveloped areas; support especially vocational education in ethnic areas. At the same time, avoid the polarisation of vocational education development and realise balanced development.
    Secondly, ensure the overall development among various types of vocational education at different levels. Implement secondary and higher vocational education training integration, promote an effective connection between secondary and higher vocational education in the aspects of training aim, disciplines, course systems, teaching contents and quality assessment. Ensure the overall planning between secondary vocational education and higher vocational education, higher vocational education and applied undergraduate education, applied undergraduate education and professional master and doctor degree education.
    Thirdly, ensure the overall development between vocational education and regular education. Establish and perfect the school-running mechanism and the assessment system between regular education and vocational education in communication and connection; coordinate the school establishment, resource
    input, recruitment and employment, education and teaching research, guidance of public opinion as a whole; ensure to attach the same importance to both regular
    education and vocational education, and keep mutual prosperity of them.
    Fourthly, ensure the overall development between public education and private education. As an essential part in Inner Mongolia education system, private vocational education plays an irreplaceable role in IMAR economic and soaal development. Private vocational education should get the special support on school funds, capacity building, enrolment and employment, teacher trairung and title assessment; meanwhile, private vocational education should be highly affirmed and enjoy the equal treatment to public vocational schools so as to develop along with public education.
    Fifthly, ensure the overall coordination and development among various types inside the vocational education system, and ensure the overall coordination and development among vocational schools, higher vocational colleges, technical schools, secondary specialised schools and secondary specialised schools for adults.
    I General Report
    B.1 Adhering to the Path of Scientific Development that Brings Together Quality, Performance and Unique Characteristics
    ——A Report on the Development of Ethnic Education in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Re, on

    II Sub Reports
    B.2 A Report on the Development of Ethnic Preschool Education in Inner Mongolia
    B.3 The Current State and Suggestions for the Development of Ethnic Vocational Education in Inner Mongolia
    B.4 The Current State, Problems, and Suggestions for Developing Bilingual Education in Inner Mongolia

    III Special Reports
    B.5 The Programme for Training Inner Mongolian Ethnic Minorities to a High Professional Level and Suggestions on Its Development
    B.6 Fostering Ethnic Education via Developing Research in Mongolian Studies and Professional Development

    IV Education of "Three Ethnic Minorities"
    B.7 A Report on the Development of Daur Ethnic Education
    B.8 A Report on the Development of Evenki Ethnic Education
    B.9 A Report on the Development of Oroqen Ethnic Education

    V Education with Special Features
    8.10 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Fine Arts Education
    8.11 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Music and Dance Education
    8.12 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Physical Education

    VI Case Studies
    B.13 An Investigative Report on Ethnic Primary Schools in Inner Mongolia
    ——A Case Study of Horqin Left Back Banner Mongolian Experimental Primary School in Tongliao City
    B.14 An Investigative Report on Ethnic Middle Schools in Inner Mongolia
    ——A Case Study of Horqin Right Wing Front Banner Cha'ersen Middle School in Hinggan league
    B.15 A Report on the Development of Xilingol Vocational College

    VII Appendix
    B.16 A Chronicle of Ethnic Education Events in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (1947-2016)
    B.17 Acknowledgements



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