

  • 作者:姚保慧
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040185911
  • 出版日期:2006年05月01日
  • 页数:148
  • 定价:¥23.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Unit Possibility and Impossibility
    Ways of Traveling
    Part A: Way to Speak 1
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 3
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 4
    PartD: Fun to Speak: Inference A Strange Case 5

    Unit 2 Concentration and Interruption 7
    Customs Inspection, Customs Declaration
    Part A: Wayto Speak 7
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 9
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 10
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Role Play Have Nothing to Declare 12

    Unit 3 Interest and Boredom 14
    Sightseeing in the UK
    Part A: Way to Speak 14
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 16
    Part C: Topicto Discuss 17
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Role Play Let's Stay at Home 18

    Unit 4 Insisting and Urging 21
    Sightseeing in the US
    Part A: Way to Speak 21
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 23
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 24
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Questionnaire Opinions and Attitudes 26

    Unit 5 Reassuring and Persuading 28
    Hotel Reservations
    Part A: Way to Speak 28
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 31
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 31
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Two-in-One Stories The Loan The Bumlar 33

    Unit 6 Condition and Concession 36
    Business Negotiations
    Pert A: Way to Speak 36
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 38
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 39
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Questionnaire 41

    Unit 7 Deducing and Concluding 43
    Body Language
    Part A: Way to Speak 43
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 45
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 47
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Deduction Puzzles The Lawyers 48

    Unit 8 Obligation and Necessity 52
    Environmental Protection
    Part A: Way to Speak 52
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 54
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 55
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Inference Recycling 56

    Unit 9 Defining and Exemplifying 60
    British English and American English
    Part A: Wayto Speak 60
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 62
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 63
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Humor Dog Food 64
    Three-Item Story 65

    Unit 10 Curiosity and Ignorance 67
    Part A: Way to Speak 67
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 69
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 70
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Inference Who is the Murderer? 72

    Unit 11 Listing and Summarizing 75
    Part A: Way to Speak 75
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 77
    Part C: Topicto Discuss 78
    Part D: Fun to Speak: A Song Shalala lala 79

    Unit 12 Tolerating and Criticizing 83
    Generation Gap
    Part A: Way to Speak 83
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 85
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 86
    Part D: Fun to Speak: A Story Hold Your Tongue 87

    Unit 13 Cause and Effect 90
    The Press
    Part A: Way to Speak 90
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 92
    Part C: Topicto Discuss 93
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Ambiguous Picture. A Report Advert/sing 94

    Unit 14 Prediction and Judgement 97
    Weddings and Marriage
    Part A" Wayto Speak 97
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 99
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 100
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Role Play The Wedding Ceremony 102

    Unit 15 Correcting and Explaining 106
    New Fashions
    Part A: Wayto Speak 106
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 108
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 109
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Unfinished Story Ghost Story 110

    Unit 16 Clarifying and Repeating 112
    TV and Radio
    Part A: Way to Speak 112
    Part B" Challenge to Speak 114
    Part C: Topic to Discuss 115
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Tongue Twisters
    Three-Item Story 117

    Unit 17 Hesitation and Confidence 119
    A lob Application
    Part A: Way to Speak 119
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 121
    Part C: Topicto Discuss 122
    Part D: Fun to Speak: A Poem Don't Quit 123
    Job Choosing 124

    Unit 18 Hopes and Desires 126
    Part A: Way to Speak 126
    Part B: Challenge to Speak 128
    Part C: Topicto Discuss 128
    Part D: Fun to Speak: Sequencing The Story of the American Flag 129
    Appendix ISongs 133
    Appendix II Proverbs and Idioms 137
    Appendix III Poems 142



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外