Education Is a Key
Part I Warming up
A Key words: Oxford Cambridge the University of Sydney the University of Victoria the University of Auckland Harvard University Columbia University Boston University
Vocabulary: commitment / undertake / innovation / excel / cosmopolitan /stimulating / enrollment
You are going to hear some people introducing some universities in some English-speaking countries. Supply the missing information.
1. What kind of student comes to Oxford? The answer to this is, there is no "Oxford Type. " Common qualities they look for are commitment, enthusiasm and motivation for your chosen area of study backed by strong academic record.
2. The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the large St in the United Kingdom. It has a worldwide reputation for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects.
3. The University of Sydney was the first to be established in Australia, after almost l50 years of proud achievement, still leads in innovation and quality. The University excels in sport and social activities, debating, drama, music and much more.
初版《英语听力入门》(Step by Step,下称《听力入门》)在走过十五个春秋之后,正式向大家告别了。编者由衷地感激众多同行与广大师生多年来所给予的厚爱和帮助。其实,这份情缘也正是《听力入门》的生命力之所在。而且,当历史的车轮和社会的巨变以咄咄逗人之势挑战《听力入门》时,还是这份情缘为《听力入门》的更新与发展铺路导航。今天, 在新世纪的曙光中《英语听力入门2000》(下称《听力入门2000》)迈出了**步。编者特意将千禧之年各国人民普天同庆的真实记录编入《听力入门2000》**册**单元。这首先是为了致意;第二则是借此引出《听力入门2000》富有时代性的主题内涵并表达其继往开来的责任与志向。
《听力入门2000》是《听力入门》的延伸。它仍遵循内容与听力技巧并重的原则, 注重入选材料的语言真实度和典型性,把**始终放在发展学生的听力理解能力和思维能力等方面。
《听力入门2000》更是《听力入门》的超越。它采用全新的听力素材,且更注意四册教材中主题布局的整体性。以人为本,围绕学生这个主体,努力体现各阶段所学内容与人的发展之间的内在关系,以引导学生认识迅变中的客观世界, 扎扎实实地发展自我。