PART I A child at Gateshead 1 The red room 3 2 Leaving Gateshead 15 PART II A girl at Lowood 3 My first impressions of school 27 4 Making a friend 35 5 Mr Brocklehurst’s visit and its results 41 6 Learning to like school 50 PART III A governess at Thornfield 7 Thornfield and Mr Rochester 57 8 Getting to know Mr Rochester 65 9 Mr Rochester’s past 75 10 The mystery of Grace Poole 82 11 The Thornfield house-party 88 12 The gipsy woman 97 13 The stranger is attacked 104 14 Trouble at Gateshead 112 15 The future Mrs Rochester 120 16 Preparing for the wedding 129 17 The wedding day 136 18 Mr Rochester’s explanation 143 PART IV A woman at Moor House 19 Finding shelter 157 20 A new home 162 21 Mr Rivers’ sacrifice 168 22 Sudden wealth 176 23 A voice from the past 184 PART V A wife at Ferndean Manor 24 Returning to Thornfield 195 25 Finding Mr Rochester again 198 ACTIVITIES 206