Unsolved Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory数学体系与控制论的未解问题
How China Grows:Investment, Finance, and Reform中国如何成长:投资、财务和改革
Econometric Modeling:A Likelihood Approach计量经济建模:可能性研究
Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy马呼吸道内窥镜检查法手册
Cash Return on Capital Invested: Ten Years of Investment Analysis with the CROCI Economic Profit Model资产估值、投资类型与 Alpha值计算:现实世界模型应用
Perspectives on Intellectual Capital智力资本透视
Veterinary Ophthalmology: A Manual for Nurses and Technicians兽医眼科学:兽医护士与医师手册
The dark side of organizational behavior组织行为的阴暗面
Global Executive Leadership Inventory: Facilitators Guide全球经理主管领导人员清单服务商指南
25 Activities for Developing Team Leaders发展中团队领导的25项活动
Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations公共与非营利组织人力资源管理
Right Projects Done Right: From Business Strategy to Successful Project Implementation正确执行正确的项目:从经营战略到成功项目实施
Managing Health Programs and Projects
百变张韶涵 2007世界巡回演唱会 DVD 幕后花絮(DVD)
The Corporate University Workbook: Launching the 21st Century Learning Organization公司大学工作手册:创建21世纪学习机构
企业学习:建立可持续学习战略实用指南 Corporate Learning: Proven and Practical Guidelines for Building a Sustainable Learning Strategy
Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Simulation Games有趣的学习:电子学习模拟活动设计
师说系列讲座 心灵的和谐(DVD)
Designing and Conducting Survey Research: A Comprehensive Guide, 3rd Edition调查研究的设计与指导
电子学习中的模拟、计算机游戏和教育综合指南Learning by Doing: A Comprehensive Guide to Simulations
Beyond Transfer of Training: Engaging Systems to Improve Performance超越训练迁移:改善业绩的吸引人的系统
60分钟培训领导60 Minute Training Leaders Library Set
Instructor Excellence
Envisioning the Future of Doctoral Education : Preparing Stewards of the Discipline - Carnegie Essays on the Doctorate博士教育的前景展望
Prevention is primary : strategies for community well being预防第一:社区福利策略
太阳照常升起 电影原声大碟(CD)
师说系列讲座 成功探索十二讲(DVD)
Geostatistics for engineers and earth scientists工程师和地球科学家用大地统计学
Food Irradiation Research and Technology食物放射研究与技术
Encyclopedia of The World’s Nations and Cultures, 4- Volume Set 2 Ed.世界民族与文化百科全书
Guidelines for maintenance and mechnical integrity机械完整性系统纲要
Distributions in the physical and engineering sciences物理和工程科学的分配
Progressive censoring逐步审查:理论、方法和应用
中老年社交舞 梦幻华尔兹 1VCD(VCD)
Equations with involutive operators具对合算子的方程
The Laplace distribution and generalizations拉普拉斯分布和普遍性
The monge-ampere equationMonge-Ampere方程
Caught by disorder无序介质的束缚态
Mathphys odyssey 2001.数学物理学历程 2001:可积模型及其它
FIC/49: Bifurcation theory and spatio-temporal pattern formation分歧理论时空系统模式形成
CHEL/326.H: Filtering for stochastic processes with applications to guidance随机过程的滤波及制导应用
MEMO/180/850: A categorical approach to imprimitivity theorems for C*-dynamical systems动力系统非本原法则的专类措施
AMSIP/35: The principle of the fermionic projector费米投影仪原理
CONM/424: The Interaction of Analysis and Geometry分析和几何学的相互作用
Gradient Inequalities : With Applications to Asymptotic Behavior And Stability of Gradient-like Systems梯度不等式
MMONO/232: Number-theoretic algorithms in cryptography密码术中的数论算法
天天艺术 中老年社交舞 浓情探戈 1VCD(VCD)
CHEL/142.H : Lectures on ergodic theory遍历理论讲义
Steenrod Squares in Spectral Sequences谱序列中的斯廷罗德正方形
ASST/2006: Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships in the Mathematical Sciences 20062006数学助学金及奖学金
TRANS2/219: Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society.圣彼得堡数学协会会议录,卷6
Nutrition and Behavior: A Multidisciplinary Approach营养与行为:多学科探讨
Integrated Pest Management: Potential Constraints and Challenges综合虫害管理:潜力、限制与挑战
37无机及有机金属化合物的光谱特性 第37卷Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and
Chemistry Crosswords化学纵横字谜 第1卷
Hesiod’s Anvil赫西奥德之砧
A Garden of Integrals积分园地
天天艺术 中老年社交舞 扭.恰恰 1VCD(VCD)
The Early Mathematics of Leonhard Euler莱昂哈德·欧拉的早期数学
Harmony of the World《数学杂志》名家获奖文章精选
Real Infinite Series.实数无穷级数
Math Made Visual数学创作视觉
Market Wizards : Interviews with Top Traders市场奇才
The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America’s Top Traders 新市场奇才:和美国顶尖商人对话
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems心血管和呼吸系统的建模,分析和控制
Electrical estimator’s manual电气估计员手册
Empirical estimates in stochastic optimization and identification随机优化与识别的经验估计
A modern perspective on type theory : from its origins until today类型理论的现代观点
An introduction to queueing theory : and matrix-analytic methods排队论概论与矩阵分析法
Delay Differential Equations and Applications延迟微分方程与应用/会议录
爱跳舞 迪高最流行2007 (CD)
Morphosemantic Number: From Kiowa Noun Classes to Ug Number Features形态语义的数:从基奥瓦语的名词类到UG数特征
中国之声·发烧天碟 限量珍藏版 5CD(CD)
International Handbook of Urban Education国际城市教育手册
Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe欧洲城市间的合作
Intercultural Language Use and Language Learning不同文化间的语言使用与语言学习
苏格兰风笛Scotland bagpipe 限量珍藏 2CD (CD)
汽车音乐 THE CAR MUSIC 限量珍藏2CD(CD)
Writing and Learning in the Science Classroom科学课堂中的协作与学习