

  • 作者:(美)威克斯勒
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030199331
  • 出版日期:2007年09月01日
  • 页数:553
  • 定价:¥128.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书是在原版Encyclopedia of Toxicology(2nd edn)的基础上对词条进行的分类重排。编成三卷,分别为精选卷、拓展卷与社科管理卷,更加适合国内读者阅读。本书涵盖了毒理学研究的各个领域,从基础到前沿,甚至一些尚存争议的问题也包含其中。
    Aberrations of Chromosomes(染色体畸变,染色体异常)see Chromosome Aberrations
    Absorption(吸收)Jules Brodeur and Robert Tardif
    Acceptable Daily Intake(ADI)(每日允许摄入量)Jaya Chilakapati and Harihara M Mehendale
    Aggregate Exposures(累积照射)Jeffrey H Driver
    Ames Test(埃姆斯试验)Robin C Guy
    Analytical Toxicology(分析毒理学)Shayne C Gad
    Aneuploidy(非整倍性)David A Eastrnond
    Animal Models(动物模型)Shayne C Gad
    Aquatic Ecotoxicology(水域生态毒理学、水域生态毒物学)see EcotoxicologyAquatic
    Aquatic Toxicity Testing(水生毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,Aquatic
    Avian Ecotoxicology(鸟类生态毒理学)see Ecotoxicology,Avian
    Behavioral Toxicity Testing(行为中毒试验、行为毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing Behavioral
    Behavioral Toxicology(行为毒理学)Deborah A Cory-Slechta
    Benchmark Dose(基准剂量)Qiyu Jay Zhao
    Biological Exposure Index(生物照射)Alan J Weinrich
    Biomarkers,Environmental(环境生物标记),Lee R Shugart
    Biomarkers,Human Health(人类健康生物标记)Rogene F Henderson
    Biotrans{ormation(生物转化)Tanya C McCarthy and Christopher J Sinai
    Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and DNA Repair(致癌原一DNA加合物形成与DNA修复)Ainsley Weston andMiriam C Poirier
    Carcinogenesis(致癌作用)David E Malarkey and Robert R Maronpot
    Carcinogenicity Toxicity Testing(致癌毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing Carcinog-enesis
    Chemical-Specific Adjustment Factor(CSAF)(化学特异性调节因子)Bette Meek
    Chromosome Aberrations(染色体畸变、染色体异常)Antone L Brooks
    Combustion Toxicology(燃烧毒理学)Barbara C Levin and Erica D Kul igowski
    Common Mechanism of Toxicity(主要毒性机理)Beth Mileson
    Computational Toxicology(计算机毒理学)S Satheesh Anand and Harihara M Meh-endale
    Cumulative Risk Assessment(累积危险评价)Jeffrey H Driver
    Deoxyribonucleic Acid(脱氧核糖核酸)see Aneuploidy;Carcinogen-DNA AdductFormation and DNA Repair;Chromosome Aberrations;DNA Phosphoramidites;Genetic Toxicology;Genomics.Toxicogenomics
    Dernlal Toxicity Testing(皮肤毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,Dermal
    Development Toxicity Testing(发育毒性试验)see Toxicity Testing,Developmental
    Developmental Toxicology(发育毒理学)Calvin C Willhite and Philip E Mirkes
    DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)see Aneuploidy;Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and
    DNA Repair;Chromosome Aberrations;DNA Phosphoramidites;Genetic To-
    xicology;Genonlics,Toxicogenomics;Molecular Toxicology~Recombinant DNA
    Technology Toxicity Testing.Mutagenicity
    DNA Adduct(DNA加合物)see Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and DNA Repair
    DNA Phosphoramidites(DNA亚磷酰胺)Sang-Tae Kim
    DNA Repair(DNA修复)see Carcinogen-DNA Adduct Formation and DNA Repair
    Dominant Lethal Tests(显性致死试验)Samantha E Gad
    Dose-Response Relationship(剂量效应关系)Samantha E Gad
    Ecotoxicology(生态毒理学、生态毒物学)Chris Theodorakis
    Ecotoxicology,Aquatic(水域生态毒理学)Yuan Zhao and Michael C Newman
    Ecotoxicology,Avian(-g类生态毒理学)Pierre Mineau1
    Ecotoxicology,Genetic(遗传生态毒理学)Wendy L Rose and Susan L Anderson
    Ecotoxicology,Invertebrate(无脊椎动物生态毒理学)Pawel J Migula
    Ecotoxicology,Terrestrial(陆地生物生态毒理学)Anne Fairbrother and Bruce Hope
    Ecotoxicology,Wildlife(野生动植物生态毒理学)Richard S Halbrook
    Environmental Hormone Disruptors(环境激素破坏剂)Lorenz Rhomberg and MaraSeeley
    Environmental Toxicology(环境毒理学)Chris Theodorakis
    Exposure(暴露)Gary Whitmyre and Sam Kacew
    Exposure Assessment[(危害)暴露评估]Gary Whitmyre and Jeffrey H Driver
    Exposure Criteria(暴露标准)Andrew Maier
    Eye Irritancy Testing(眼球刺激试验)Samantha E Gad
    Food Safety and Toxicology(食品**与毒理学)Michael Bolger and Clark D Carr_ington
    Foreign Body Response(异物反应)Shayne C Gad
    Forensic Toxicology(法医毒理学)Felix K Adatsi
    Genetic Ecotoxicology(遗传生态毒理学)see Eeotoxicology,Genetic
    Genetic Toxicology(遗传毒理学)Joseph R Landolph
    Genomics,Toxicogenomics(基因组、毒物基因组)Kartik Shankar and Harihara M Mehendale
    GOOd Clinical Practice(GcP)(**临床试验管理规范)Sharmilee P Sawant and Harihara M Mehendale
    Good LaboratorY Practices(GLP)(良好实验室管理规范)Robin C Guy
    Hormesis(毒物刺激作用)Elyisha A Hanniman and Christopher J Sinai
    Hormone Disruptors(激素破坏剂)see Environmental Hormone Disruptors
    Host-Mediated Assay(宿主间介试验)David A Eastmond
    Hypersensitivity,Delayed Type(迟发型超敏反应)Leigh Ann Burns-Naas
    Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health(IDLH)Values(即刻性损伤或致死浓度) Alan J Weinrich
    Inhalation Testing(吸入试验)see Toxicity Testing,Inhalation
    Interactions(相互作用)see Interactive Toxicity
    Interactive Toxicity(相互作用毒性)S Satheesh Anand and Harihara M Mehendale
    Irritation Testing(刺激试验)see Toxicity Testing,Irritation
    LD50/LCs0(Lethal Dosage 50/Lethal Concentration 50)(半数致死剂量)Shayne C Gad
    Lethal,Dosage Or Concentration(致死剂量/浓度)see LD50/LC50(Lethal Dosage
    50/Lethal Concentration 50)
    Levels of Effect in Toxicological Assessment(毒物效应评价水平)Michael Dourson
    Lowest-Observed~Adverse-Effect Level(观察到副作用的*小剂量)see Levels of
    Effect in Toxicological Assessment
    Lowest-Observed-Effect Level(观察到作用的*小剂量,*低作用水平)see Leve-
    Is of Effect in Toxicological Assessment
    Margin of Exposure(MOE)(暴露界限)Udayan M Apte and Harihara M Mehendale
    Maximum Allowable Concentration(MAC)(*高容许浓度)Shayne C Gad
    Maximum T01erated Dose(MTD)(*大耐受剂量)Shayne C Gad
    Mechanisms of Toxicity(毒性机制)Sanjay Chanda and Harihara M Mehendale
    Mode of Action(作用方式)Lynne Haber
    Models(模型)see Animal Models
    Modifying Factors of Toxicity(毒性修饰因子)Frank C Lu and Sam Kacew
    M01ecular Toxic010gy_Recombinant DNA Technology(分子毒理学一重组DNA技术)
    Evan A Thackaberry
    Mouse Lymphoma Assay(小鼠淋巴瘤测定)Robin C Guy
    Neoplasia(瘤形成)see Carcinogenesis
    Neurotoxicity(神经毒性)Peter S Spencer and Pamela J Lein
    Nonionizing Radiation(非电离辐射)see Radiation Toxicology,Ionizing and Non-
    No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level(未观察到的副作用水平)see Levels of Effect
    in Toxicological Assessment
    No-Observed-ElfeCt Level(未观察到的效应水平)see Levels of Effect in Toxicol-
    ogical Assessment
    Occupational Exposure Limits(职业性暴露极限)Andrew Maier
    Occupational Toxicology(职业毒理学)Elizabeth V Wattenberg3
    Ototoxicity(耳毒性)Michael J Sullivan
    PharmacokinetiCS/Toxicokinetics(**代谢动力学/毒物代谢动力学)Robert Tardif
    and Jules Brodeur
    Pharmacology and Safety(**药理学)see Safety Pharmacology(拓展卷)
    Radiation Toxicology,Ionizing and Nonionizing(电离辐射与非电离辐射毒理学)
    Bobby R Scott and Raymond A Guilmette
    Recombinant DNA(重组DNA)see Molecular Toxicology-Recombinant DNA Tee-
    Safety Testing,Clinical Studies(临床研究**试验)Alessandra Pagnoni366
    Sensitivity Analysis(灵敏度分析)Virginia Lau
    Sensitization Testing(敏感试验、致敏试验)see Toxicity Testing,Sensitization
    Short-Term Exposure Limit(短期暴露限度)see Occupational Exposure Limits
    Subchronic Toxicity(亚慢性毒性)see Toxicity,Subchronic
    Teratology(畸形学)see Developmental Toxicology
    Teratology Testing(致畸实验)see Toxicity Testing,Developmental
    Terrestrial Ecotoxicology(陆地生态毒理学)see Ecotoxicology,Terrestrial
    Threshold Limit Value(阈限值)see Occupational Exposure Limits
    Toxicity Testing,Alternatives(选择性毒性试验)Shayne C Gad
    Toxicity Testing,Aquatic(水域毒性试验)Shayne C Gad
    Toxicity Testing,Behavioral(行为毒性试验)Samantha E Gad
    Toxicity Testing,Carcinogenesis(致癌毒性试验)Shayne O Gad
    Toxicity Testing,Dermal(皮肤毒性试验)Samantha E Gad and Shayne C Gad
    Toxicity Testing,Developmental(发育毒性试验)Rochelle W Tyl
    Toxicity Testing,Inhalation(吸人毒性试验)Samantha E Gad and Shayne C Gad
    Toxicity Testing,Irritation(刺激毒性试验)Pertti J Hakkinen
    Toxicity Testing,Modeling(模型化毒性试验)Charles A Pittinger,Andrew Worth,
    Joanna Jaworska and Joanne Shatkin
    Toxicity Testing,Mutagenicity(致突变毒性试验)Robin C Guy435
    Toxicity Testing,'Read Across Analysis'[识读交叉分析(毒性试验)]Pertti J
    Toxicity Testing,Reproductive(生殖毒性试验)Rochelle W Tyl
    Toxicity Testing,Sensitization(致敏毒性试验)Rob in C Guy
    Toxicity Testing,Validation(毒性试验验证)Leon H Bruner,G J Carr,M Chamb-
    erlain and R D Curren
    Toxicity,Acute(急性毒性)Donald J Ecobichon
    Toxicity,Chronic(长期毒性)Donald J Ecobichon
    Toxicity,Subchronic(亚慢性毒性)Donald J Ecobichon
    Toxicokinetics(毒物代谢动力学)see Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics
    Toxicology(毒理学)Gabriel L Plaa
    Toxicology,Intuitive(直觉毒理学)Pertti J Hakkinen
    Uncertainty Analysis(不确定检验)Virginia Lau
    Uncertainty Factors(不确定系数)Michael Dourson
    Validation of Toxicity Testing(毒性试验验证)see Toxicity Testing,Validation
    Veterinary Toxicology(兽医毒理学)Wilson K Rumbeiha and Frederick W Oehme
    Virtually Safe Dose(VSD)(实际**剂量)Stephen M DiZio



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