

  • 作者:陈锦华
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • ISBN:9787119051918
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:546
  • 定价:¥150.00
  • 分享领佣金




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    This book author Chen Jinhua experiences richly, in the State agency, the place and the enterprise different important post has worked, has experienced many milestones, has participated in many major decisions. As the witness, he has recorded in really China reform and open policy development process in the book, a series of major decisions and some milestones, like new Chinese second, third large-scale introduction complete technical equipment, after smashing “Gang of Four”, central accredits S
    Chapter Ⅰ New China's Second Round of Large-scale
    Importation of Complete Sets of Technology and Equipment
    Background to the Decision-making
    Expansion and Approval of the Importation Plan
    Implementation and Construction of Projects
    Important Role and Far-reaching Influence
    Chapter Ⅱ The Work Team Sent to Shanghai by the Party Central Committee Following the Downfall of the Gang of Four
    Background, Formation and Principal Mission of the Work Team
    Exposing, Repudiating and Investigating the Crimes of the Gang of Four and Its Followers
    Rectifying the Leading Bodies and Implementing the Party's Policies Making Revolution, Promoting Production, Work and Combat Readiness
    Chapter Ⅲ New China's Third Round Large-scale Importation of Complete Sets of Technology andEquipment and the Construction of Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Company
    The Macro-economic Situation and Implementation of the Plan
    Background to the Decision, the Construction Process and Demonstration Effect of Shanghai Baoshan Steel
    The Great Success and Lessons of the Importation
    Chapter Ⅳ Making Good Use of China's Oil Resources and the Founding of China National PetrochemicalCompany
    A Company Reinforced by Ten Government Ministers
    How It Began?
    How to Blaze the Trail?
    From China National Petrochemical Company to China Petrochemical Corporation and Conversion into a Joint-stock Company
    Giant State-owned Enterprises Could Grow Stronger and Larger
    Chapter Ⅴ Establishment of the Socialist Market System
    Midnight Call from the Party General Secretary
    Planned Economy: from Theory to Practice
    Market-oriented Reform Takes Hold, Advancing and Retreating Amidst Disputes
    Key and Difficult Points in Market-oriented Reform
    Successful Application of Deng Xiaoping Theory and His Riposte to Margaret Thatcher
    Chapter Ⅵ Origin of the1993 Macro-economic Control and Soft Landing
    Appointed Director in Charge of the State Planning Commission
    The Economy Overheats Again
    Preparing, Deciding, and Implementing Macro-economic Control
    Containing Inflation to Ensure Economic and So
    From the Manila Proposal to the Boao Forum for Asia Declaration
    "The Gods in Heaven Sent Down Dongyu Island."
    Four Annual Conferences Spread Boao's Fame Far and Wide
    The Future of Asia and Its Regional Economic Cooperation
    Chapter Ⅹ Recalling the Visits to China of Russian, Japanese, Cuban and American State Leaders
    Yeltsin's Eagerness to Meet Deng Xiaoping
    Morihiro Hosokawa's Hopes for a Pair of Crested Ibises for Japan
    Castro Full of Praise for China's Socialist Cause
    Al Gore's Enthusiasm for IT and Environmental Protection
    作者介绍:Chen Jinhua
    Chen Jinhua, born in July 1929, is a native ofQingyang, Anhui Province, China. From the 1950sto the 1990s, he served as Secretary to the Min-ister of Textiles, Deputy Secretary of the Shang-hai Municipal Party Committee, Executive ViceMayor of Shanghai, General Manager of the ChinaNational Petrochemical Company, Director of theState Commission for Restructuring the Economyand Director of the State Planning Commission.He was Vice Chairman of the Ninth National Com-mittee of the Chinese People's Political Consul-tative Conference from March 1998 to March2003. In July 2001 he became a member of theNational Council for Social Security Fund. Chen Jinhua is currently President of the ChinaEnterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Di-rectors Association, China's Chief Delegate to theBoao Forum for Asia and consultant to the ChinaEconomic and Social Council. His other major works include Guiding Macro-Control to a Soft Landing, and On the Compat/'bil-ity of Socialism and tie Market.
    New China's Second Round of Large-scale Importation of Complete Sets of Technology and Equipment.
    The Work Team Sent to Shanghai by the Party Central Committee Following the Down fall of the Gang of Four.
    New China's Third Round of Large-scale Importation of Complete Sets of Technology and Equipment and the Construction of Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Company.
    Making Good Use of China's Oil Resources and the Founding of China National Petrochemical Company.
    Establishment of the Socialist Market System.
    Origin of the 1993 Macro-economic Control and Soft Landing.
    Four Inspection Tours as a Standing Committee Member of the Ninth National Committee of the CPPCC and My Four Visits to Africa.
    Origins of the China Enterprise Confederation and Evolution of Its Functions.
    Boao Forum for Asia and Chief Delegate of the Chinese Government.
    Recalling the Visits to China of Russian, Japanese, Cuban and American State Leaders.
    The author Chen Jinhua recollects through his personal experiences the major decisions regarding China's ecomomic development and industrial modernization eached by the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China (CPC) since the 1970s, and their implementation process. This book is of great value for research into the history of the CPC's governance and China's econom c development.



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