现代宇宙学(经典名著系列)(MODERN COSMOLOGY)

现代宇宙学(经典名著系列)(MODERN COSMOLOGY)

  • 作者:(英国)(Scott Dodelson)都德尔逊
  • 出版社:世界图书出版社
  • ISBN:9787506291996
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:440
  • 定价:¥55.00
  • 分享领佣金





    The Men of the Great Assembly had three sayings: "Be patient before reachinga decision; Enable many students to stand on their own; Make a fence around yourteaching."
    Ethics of the Fathers 1:1
    There are two aspects of cosmology today that make it more alluring than ever.First, there is an enormous amount of data. To give just one example of how rapidlyour knowledge of the structure of the universe is advancing, consider galaxy surveyswhich map the sky. In 1985, the state-of-the-art survey was the one carried out bythe Center for Astrophysics; it consisted of the positions of 1100 galaxies. Today, theSloan Digital Sky Survey and the Two Degree Field between them have recordedthe 3D positions of half a million galaxies.
    The other aspect of modern cosmology which distinguishes it from previousefforts to understand the universe is that we have developed a consistent theoret-ical framework which agrees quantitatively with the data. These two features arethe secret of the excitement in modern cosmology: we have a theory which makespredictions, and these predictions can be tested by observations.
    Understanding what the theory is and what predictions it makes is not trivial.First, many of the predictions are statistical. We don't predict that there should bea hot spot in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at RA = 15h, dec= 27~.Rather, predictions are about the distribution and magnitude of hot and cold spots.Second, these predictions, and the theory on which they are based, involve lots ofsteps, many arguments drawn from a broad range of physics. For example, wewill see that the distribution of hot and cold spots in the CMB depends on quan-tum mechanics, general relativity, fluid dynamics, and the interaction of light withmatter. So we will indeed follow the first dictum of the Men of the Great Assem-bly and be patient before coming to judgment. Indeed, the fundamental measuresof structure in the universe--the power spectra of matter and radiation--agreeextraordinary well with the current cosmological theory, but we won't have thetools to understand this agreement completely until Chapters 7 and 8. Sober mindshave always knows that it pays to be patient before pronouncing judgment on ideasas lofty as those necessary to understand our Universe. The modern twist on this"Be patient" theme is that we need to set up the framework (in this case Chapters.
    1 The Standard Model and Beyond
    1.1 The Expanding Universe
    1.2 The Hubble Diagram
    1.3 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
    1.4 The Cosmic Microwave Background
    1.5 Beyond the Standard Model
    1.6 Summary

    2 The Smooth, Expanding Universe
    2.1 General Relativity
    2.1.1 The Metric
    2.1.2 The Geodesic Equation
    2.1.3 Einstein Equations
    2.2 Distances
    2.3 Evolution of Energy
    2.4 Cosmic Inventory
    2.4.1 Photons
    2.4.2 Baryons
    2.4.3 Matter
    2.4.4 Neutrinos
    2.4.5 Dark Energy
    2.4.6 Epoch of Matter-Radiation Equality
    2.5 Summary
    Beyond Equilibrium

    3.1 Boltzmann Equation for Annihilation
    3.2 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
    3.2.1 Neutron Abundance
    3.2.2 Light Element Abundances
    3.3 Recombination
    3.4 Dark Matter
    3.5 Summary

    4 The Boltzmann Equations
    4.1 The Boltzmann Equation for the Harmonic Oscillator
    4.2 The Collisionless Boltzmann Equation for Photons
    4.2.1 Zero-Order Equation
    4.2.2 First-Order Equation
    4.3 Collision Terms: Compton Scattering
    4.4 The Boltzmann Equation for Photons
    4.5 The Boltzmann Equation for Cold Dark Matter
    4.6 The Boltzmann Equation for Baryons
    4.7 Summary

    5 Einstein Equations
    5.1 The Perturbed Ricci Tensor and Scalar
    5.1.1 Christoffel Symbols
    5.1.2 Ricci Tensor
    5.2 Two Components of the Einstein Equations
    5.3 Tensor Perturbations
    5.3.2 Ricci Tensor for Tensor Perturbations
    5.3.3 Einstein Equations for Tensor Perturbations
    5.4 The Decomposition Theorem
    5.5 From Gauge to Gauge
    5.6 Summary

    6 Initial Conditions
    6.1 The Einstein-Boltzmann Equations at Early Times
    6.2 The Horizon'
    6.3 Inflation
    6.3.1 A Solution to the Horizon Problem
    6.3.2 Negative Pressure
    6.3.3 Implementation with a Scalar Field
    6.4 Gravity Wave Production
    6.4.1 Quantizing the Harmonic Oscillator
    6.4.2 Tensor Perturbations
    6.5 Scalar Perturbations
    6.5.1 Scalar Field Perturbations around a Smooth Background
    6.5.2 Super-Horizon Perturbations
    6.5.3 Spatially Flat Slicing
    6.6 Summary and Spectral Indices

    7 Inhomogeneities
    7.1 Prelude
    7.1.1 Three Stages of Evolution
    7.1.2 Method
    7.2 Large Scales
    7.2.1 Super-horizon Solution
    7.2.2 Through Horizon Crossing
    7.3 Small Scales
    7.3.1 Horizon Crossing
    7.3.2 Sub-horizon Evolution
    7.4 Numerical Results and Fits
    7.5 Growth Function
    7.6 Beyond Cold Dark Matter
    7.6.1 Baryons
    7.6.2 Massive Neutrinos
    7.6.3 Dark Energy

    8 Anisotropies
    8.1 Overview
    8.2 Large-Scale Anisotropies
    8.3 Acoustic Oscillations
    8.3.1 Tightly Coupled Limit of the Boltzmann Equations
    8.3.2 Tightly Coupled Solutions
    8.4 Diffusion Damping
    8.5 Inhomogeneities to Anisotropies
    8.5.1 Free Streaming
    8.5.2 The Cl's
    8.6 The Anisotropy Spectrum Today
    8.6.1 Sachs-Wolfe Effect
    8.6.2 Small Scales
    8.7 Cosmological Parameters
    8.7.1 Curvature
    8.7.2 Degenerate Parameters
    8.7.3 Distinct Imprints

    9 Probes of Inhomogeneities
    9.1 Angular Correlations
    9.2 Peculiar Velocities
    9.3 Direct Measurements of Peculiar Velocities
    9.4 Redshift Space Distortions
    9.5 Galaxy Clusters

    10 Weak Lensing and Polarization
    10.1 Gravitational Distortion of Images
    10.2 Geodesics and Shear
    10.3 Ellipticity as an Estimator of Shear
    10.4 Weak Lensing Power Spectrum
    10.5 Polarization: The Quadrupole and the Q/U Decomposition
    10.6 Polarization from a Single Plane Wave
    10.7 Boltzmann Solution
    10.8 Polarization Power Spectra
    10.9 Detecting Gravity Waves

    11 Analysis
    11.1 The Likelihood Function
    11.1.1 Simple Example
    11.1.2 CMB Likelihood
    11.1.3 Galaxy Surveys
    11.2 Signal Covariance Matrix
    11.2.1 CMB Window Functions
    11.2.2 Examples of CMB Window Functions
    11.2.3 Window Functions for Galaxy Surveys
    11.2.4 Summary
    11.3 Estimating the Likelihood Function
    11.3.1 Karhunen-Loeve Techniques
    11.3.2 Optimal Quadratic Estimator
    11.4 The Fisher Matrix: Limits and Applications
    11.4.1 CMB
    11.4.2 Galaxy Surveys
    11.4.3 Forecasting
    11.5 Mapmaking and Inversion
    11.6 Systematics
    11.6.1 Foregrounds
    11.6.2 Mode Subtraction

    A Solutions to Selected Problems
    B Numbers
    B.1 Physical Constants
    B.2 Cosmological Constants
    C Special Functions
    C.1 Legendre Polynomials
    C.2 Spherical Harmonics
    C.3 Spherical Bessel Functions
    C.4 Fourier Transforms
    C.5 Miscellaneous
    D Symbols



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