Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.
One feminist professor stormed out of the room, and before you knew it, activists wereclamoring for Summers' resignation. Soon after, he embarked on an apology tour for even raisingthe point that aroused them. If the president of Harvard can not raise intellectual questions in auniversity Setting without endangering his job, what does that tell you about the state of highereducation in America? It tells you that American universities are in trouble. They are less freethan they were in the: McCarthy era (when I was in school), and something must be done torectify the situation. Two years ago, I drafted an Academic Bill of Rights that would defend "intellectual diversity"on college campuses and remove politics from the classroom. The idea has steadily gained tractionas the public and, indeed, legislators hear what's happening at universities across the country. Last month, I met with Minnesota legislators who have agreed to sponsor an Academic Billof Rights based on my model. Similar legislation is before legislatures in Ohio, Pennsylvania,Florida, Tennessee, Missourt, Georgia and a dozen other states this spring. Why do we needlegislation? There are too many people like Ward Churchill——the University of Colorado professorwho comparedg/11 Victitims With Nazi:war criminal Adolf Eichmann on faculties across thenation. They confuse their classrooms with a political soapbox. The issue is not one of their freespeech as citizens, but what is appropriate to an education.
6. When the author was in school, the American universities were______
A) less free than they are now
B) less troublesome than they are now
C) more troublesome than present
D) more free than'present
7. The Academic Bill of Rights would____________
A) defend faulty and students on college campus
B) defend politics from the classroom
C) defend intellectual diversity on college campus
D) defend the rights of
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