

  • 作者:许南 张雅
  • 出版社:中国人民大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787300176710
  • 出版日期:2013年09月01日
  • 页数:286
  • 定价:¥35.00
  • 分享领佣金





    chapter 1 introduction
    1.1 definition and contents of international settlement
    1.2 classification of international settlement
    1.3 emergence and development of international settlement
    1.4 role of bank in international settlement
    1.5 related international customs and practices
    1.6 the banking network in international settlement

    chapter 2 negotiable instrument
    2.1 general introduction of negotiable instruments
    2.2 bill of exchange
    2.3 promissory notes
    2.4 cheque contents chapter 1 introduction 1.1 definition and contents of international settlement 1.2 classification of international settlement 1.3 emergence and development of international settlement 1.4 role of bank in international settlement 1.5 related international customs and practices 1.6 the banking network in international settlement chapter 2 negotiable instrument 2.1 general introduction of negotiable instruments 2.2 bill of exchange 2.3 promissory notes 2.4 cheque chapter 3remittance 3.1 introduction of remittance 3.2 basic parties to remittance 3.3 types of remittance 3.4 reimbursement of remittance 3.5 cancellation of remittance 3.6 application of remittance chapter 4 collection 4.1 an overview of collection 4.2 parties to collection 4.3 types of collection 4.4 responsibilities and obligations under collection 4.5 points for attention under collection 4.6 international customs and practices for collection—urc522 chapter 5 letter of credit 5.1 definition of letter of credit 5.2 features of letter of credit 5.3 role of banks under letter of credit 5.4 parties to letter of credit 5.5 application and issuing of letter of credit 5.6 procedures of documentary letter of credit 5.7 main contents of letter of credit 5.8 checking and examining of letter of credit 5.9 discrepant documents handling under letter of credit 5.10 types of letter of credit 5.11 uniform customs and practice for documentary credit chapter 6 standby letter of credit 6.1 overview and definition of standby letter of credit 6.2 characteristics of standby letter of credit 6.3 parties to standby letter of credit 6.4 main contents of standby letter of credit 6.5 procedures of standby letter of credit 6.6 types of standby letter of credit 6.7 differences between standby letter of credit and documentary letter of credit 6.8 the international customs and practices for standby l/c chapter 7 letter of guarantee 7.1 definition of letter of guarantee 7.2 characteristics and function of guarantees 7.3 parties to letter of guarantee 7.4 contents fo letter of guarantee 7.5 basic procedures of letter of guarantee 7.6 types to letter of guarantee 7.7 differences between bank guarantee and documentary letter of credit 7.8 international customs and practices of l/g chapter 8 international factoring 8.1 origination and development of factoring 8.2 definition of factoring 8.3 service items of factoring 8.4 main factoring behavior 8.5 main feature and function of factoring 8.6 basic parties to factoring 8.7 procedures of factoring 8.8 types of factoring 8.9 advantages and disadvantages of factoring 8.10 puzzles when using factoring in international trade 8.11 the international customs and practices for factoring chapter 9 forfaiting 9.1 evolution and development of forfaiting 9.2 characteristics and documentation of forfaiting 9.3 costs of forfaiting business 9.4 parties to forfaiting 9.5 procedure of forfaiting 9.6 differences between forfaiting and other trade financing methods chapter 10 documents in international settlement 10.1 general introduction 10.2 bill of exchange 10.3 invoice 10.4 transport documents 10.5 insurance documents 10.6 certificate of origin 10.7 other documents chapter 11 examination of documents under letter of credit 11.1 checklist for examination of documents 11.2 document examination principle and method 11.3 handling of documents by banks 11.4 common discrepancies of main documents 11.5 international standard banking practice chapter 12 financing in international settlement 12.1 export finance 12.2 import finance 12.3 innovation in international trade finance chapter 13 risks in international settlement 13.1 types of risks in international settlement 13.2 risks and risk control in instrument 13.3 risks and risk control in remittance 13.4 risks and risk control in collection 13.5 risks and risk control in letter of credit 13.6 risks and risk control in other payment methods 后 记



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外