语言学教程(第五版) 英文版

语言学教程(第五版) 英文版

  • 作者:胡壮麟
  • 出版社:北京大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787301281932
  • 出版日期:2017年04月01日
  • 页数:362
  • 定价:¥48.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





    《语言学教程》自1988年**出版以来,改版四次,印刷八十余次,发行量达二百万册。目前已被国内高等院校普遍作为英语专业本科、硕士语言学方向必修教材以及考研必读教材,并吸引了大量对语言学感兴趣的非英语专业读者。是国内出名的语言学教材,具有较高的社会影响力和教学、科研认可度。此次改版,编辑部事先通过网上信息搜集、访谈等方式,就一线教师和学生对该教材的使用情况进行了调查。后经本书主编、副主编和出版社方面的讨论,一致达成如下修改方案:   1. 难度上不做大的变动。2. 全书的总体框架不变,章节不变。3.根据一线教师的需求,一方面在教程中增加一些生动的,贴近生活的例子来解释、说明专业术语和理论;另一方面,内容更新,与时俱进,就近些年来语言学研究的新发展和新热点加以补充和阐释,如将近些年来很热点的认知语言学部分进行扩充等。但从页数考虑,全书增加的内容版面要限制在第四版的10%以内。4.排版时缩小行距,使用英文版式,减少页数。以便定价让学生更能接受。
    Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics
    1.1 Why Study Language?
    1.2 What Is Language?
    1.3 Design Features of Language
    I.3.1 Arbitrariness
    1.3.2 Duality
    1.3.3 Creativity
    1.3.4 Displacement
    1.4 Origin of Language
    1.5 Functions of Language
    1.5.1 Informative Function
    1.5.2 Interpersonal Function
    1.5.3 Performative Function
    1.5.4 Emotive Function
    1.5.5 Phatic Communion
    1.5.6 Recreational Function
    1.5.7 Metalingual Function
    1.6 What Is Linguistics?
    1.7 Main Branches of Linguistics
    1.7.1 Phonetics
    1.7.2 Phonology
    1.7.3 Morphology
    1.7.4 Syntax
    1.7.5 Semantics
    1.7.6 Pragmatics
    1.8 Macrolinguistics
    1.8.1 Psycholinguistics
    1.8.2 Sociolinguisties
    1.8.3 Anthropological Linguistics
    1.8.4 Computational Linguistics
    1.9 hnportant Distinctions in Linguistics
    1.9.1 Descriptive vs.Prescriptive
    1.9,2 Synchronic vs.Diachronic
    1.9.3 Langue & Parole
    1.9.4 Competence & Performance
    Chapter 2 Speech Sounds
    2.1 Speech Production and Phonetic Transcription
    2.1.1 Speech Production
    2.1.2 Phonetic Transcription—The IPA
    2.2 Consonants and Vowels
    2.2.1 Consonants
    2.2.2 Vowels
    2.2.3 The Sounds of English
    2.3 Phonological Analysis
    2.3.1 Phonemes
    2.3.2 Allophones
    2.3.3 Phonological Rules
    2.3.4 Rule Ordering
    2.4 Suprasegmentals
    2,4.1 Syllable
    2.4.2 Sonority Scale
    2.4.3 Stress
    2.4.4 Intonation and Tone
    Chapter 3 Words and Morphology
    3.1 The Nature of Words
    3.1.1 What Is aWord?
    3.1.2 Content Words and Function Words
    3.2 Types of Morphemes
    3.3 Morphological Processes
    3.3.1 Derivation
    3.3.2 Compounding
    3.3.3 Inflection
    3.3.4 Minor Morphological Processes
    Chapter 4 From Word to Text
    4.1 Syntactic Relations
    4.1.1 Positional Relation
    4.1.2 Relation of Substitutability
    4.1.3 Relation ot Co Occurrence
    4.2 Grammatical Construction and Its Constituents
    4.2.1 Grammatical Construction
    4.2.2 Immediate Constituents
    4.2.3 Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions
    4.2.4 Coordination and Subordination
    4.3 Syntactic Function
    4.3.1 Subject
    4.3.2 Predicate
    4.3.3 Obiect
    4.3.4 The Relation Between Classes and Functions
    4.4 Category
    4.4.1 Number
    4.4.2 Gender
    4.4.3 Case
    4.4.4 Agreement
    4.5 Phrase,Clause and Sentence
    4.5.1 Phrase
    4.5.2 Clause
    4.5.3 Sentence
    4.6 Recursiveness
    4.6.1 Conjoining
    4.6.2 Embedding
    4.7 Beyond the Sentence
    4.7.1 Sentential Connection
    4.7.2 Cohesion
    4.7.3 Coherence
    Chapter 5 Meaning
    5.1 Meanings of"Meaning"
    5.2 The Referential Theory
    5.3 Sense Relations
    5.3.1 Synonymy
    5.3.2 Antonymy
    5.3.3 Hyponymy
    5.4 Componential Analysis
    5.5 Sentence Meaning
    5.5.1 Cognitive Semantics
    5.5.2 Logical Semantics
    Chapter 6 Language and Cognition
    6.1 What Is Cognition?
    6.2 Three Approaches to Language and Cognition
    6.3 What Is Psycholinguistics?
    6.4 Language Acquisition
    6.4.1 Holophrastic Stage
    6.4.2 Two Word Stage
    6.4.3 Stage of Three Word Utterances
    6.4.4 Fluent Grammatical Conversation Stage
    6.5 Language Comprehension
    6.5.1 Word Recognition
    6.5.2 Comprehension of Sentences
    6.5.3 Comprehension of Text
    6.6 Language Production
    6.6.1 Access to Words
    6.6.2 Generation of Sentences
    6.6.3 Written Language Production
    6.7 What Is Cognitive Linguistics?
    6.8 Construal and Construal Operations
    6.8.1 Attention/Salience
    6.8.2 Judgment/Comparison
    6.8.3 Perspeetive/Situatedness
    6.9 Categorization
    6.9.1 Basic Level
    6.9.2 Superordinate Level
    6.9.3 Subordinate Level
    6.10 Image Schemas
    6.11 Metaphor
    6.11.1 Structural Metaphors
    6.11.2 Orientational Metaphors
    6.11.3 Ontological Metaphors
    6.12 Metonymy
    6.12.1 Whole ICM and lts Part(s)
    6.12.2 Parts of anICM
    6.13 Blending Theory
    Chapter 7 Language,Culture,and Society
    Chapter 8 Language in Use
    Chapter 9 Language and Literature
    Chapter 10 Language and Computer
    Chapter 11 Second and Foreign Language Teaching
    Chapter 12 Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics
    Glossary and Index



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