

  • 作者:周皓 胡安琳 周亚芳
  • 出版社:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544643955
  • 出版日期:2016年09月01日
  • 页数:125
  • 定价:¥18.00
  • 分享领佣金




    A) Many companies approach hiring interns all wrong. Hiring interns for your company means more than just finding someone to get coffee or run errands for fulltime employees. Interns can be the future ofyour company.
    B) Last year, nearly 60 percent ofinterns joined their companies as fulltime hires. Properly run internship programs become invaluable recruiting pipelines because they provide the company with fieldtested employees. You don't have to worry if the interns can do the job or will fit into the company culture; they've already proven their abilities. Hiring the best interns, howeyer, isn't always easy and making sure they accept your fulltime offer can be even more difficult - especially ifthey're talented. So here are three of the best ways to find the right candidates for your internship program and ensure that they accept a full time offer if and when
    you make one.
    C) Seek out creativity when hiring interns. It is 2013, so why are you still hiring like it's 1980? If you want creative interns, you probably need to consider creative ways of attracting them to your company You need big ideas to keep your company moving forward, and people with vision and enthusiasm are attracted to companies willing to take calculated risks.Hackathon has become one of the more visible and creative ways that technology companies are recruiting top technology talent. Evernote, for example hosted its first Hackathon in Korea in an effort to recruit top Korean students. One advertising firm had interns apply to their position using the mobile app Draw Something.
    Unit 1 Life and Health
    Passage 1 Smoking Is Negatively Related to IQ and Thinking
    Passage 2 The Magic Power of Sleep
    Passage 3 Fashion Is Always Changing
    Passage 4 Government Control in Economic Life

    Unit 2 Experiential Education
    Passage 1 My Summer Internship
    Passage 2 How to Turn an Internship into a Job
    Passage 3 Tips for Internship Resume
    Passage 4 Ways to Make Successful Internship

    Unit 3 Learning and Examination
    Passage 1 How to Boost Your IQ
    Passage 2 Great Memory Strategies for Better Grades
    Passage 3 How to Pass Your Exams with Flying Colors
    Passage 4 TOEFL Secrets Study Guide

    Unit 4 Technology and Life
    Passage 1 Health Consequences of Global Warming
    Passage 2 Emerging Technology Is Not the Answer
    Passage 3 Media Exposure Has Adverse Impact on Children's Health
    Passage 4 Controversy on DNA Analysis Techniques

    Unit 5 Internet
    Passage 1 Internet Addiction
    Passage 2 Increasing Popularity and Challenges of E-learning
    Passage 3 Get Antivirus Security for Your Computer
    Passage 4 Boom in Internet-based Instruction

    Unit 6 Graduation
    Passage 1 Preparations for Graduation
    Passage 2 Graduation Speech
    Passage 3 How to Prepare for the Lifestyle Changes after College
    Passage 4 Evolution of Academic Dress for Graduations

    Unit 7 Academic Achievement
    Passage 1 Academic Dishonesty
    Passage 2 Online Degrees
    Passage 3 Problems of College Education
    Passage 4 Dreadful Examinations

    Unit 8 Practical Writing —— Instructions and Recipes
    Passage 1 Directions for Philips Electric Shaver
    Passage 2 Operating Instructions for Panasonic NV-F55MC
    Passage 3 Directions for Hair-Dryer
    Passage 4 Chinese Recipes

    Unit 9 The Culture of Cuisine and Fashion
    Passage 1 So You Think You Know about ... FASHION?
    Passage 2 History of Western Fashion
    Passage 3 Not Working-class Anymore
    Passage 4 French Cuisine

    Unit 10 General Knowledge about Flu
    Passage 1 Closing of Schools due to Flu-like Symptoms
    Passage 2 The Severity of the Situation of A/H1N1 Flu
    Passage 3 Britain on Alert for A/H1N1 Flu Outbreak
    Passage 4 Let's Know about Flu

    Unit 11 Speeches by Contemporary Celebrities
    Passage 1 Speech by Craven at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony
    Passage 2 See China in the Light of Her Development —— Speech at the University of Cambridge by Wen Jiabao
    Passage 3 Barrack Obama's Inauguration (就职典礼)Address
    Passage 4 Speech at Yale by Hu Jintao (extracted)

    Unit 12 The Global Financial Crisis
    Passage 1 The Financial Crisis Sharply Increases the MBA Applicants
    Passage 2 Influence from the Global Financial Crisis
    Passage 3 The Financial Crisis to "Increase" Mental Illness
    Passage 4 The Global Financial Crisis of 2008




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