

  • 作者:H. Douglas Brown
  • 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
  • ISBN:9787521329780
  • 出版日期:2021年11月01日
  • 页数:440
  • 定价:¥69.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Contents Preface, xxxi Chapter 1 Language, Learning, and Teaching 1 Questions about SLA, 2 Rejoicing in Our Defeats, 4 Language, 6 Learning and Teaching, 8 Three Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition, 9 Nineteen Centuries of Language Teaching, 15 Language Teaching in the Twentieth Century, 16 Suggested Readings, 18 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 1, 19 Guidelines for Entry 1, 19 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 20 Chapter 2 First Language Acquisition 22 Theories of First Language Acquisition, 23 Issues in First Language Acquisition, 34 L1-Acquisition-Inspired Methods, 48 Suggested Readings, 49 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 2, 50 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 50 Chapter 3 Age and Acquisition 52 Dispelling Myths, 53 Types of Comparison and Contrast, 54 The Critical Period Hypothesis: The Younger the Better?, 55 Neurobiological Considerations, 56 The Significance of Accent, 59 Cognitive Considerations, 61 Affective Considerations, 64 Linguistic Considerations, 66 Issues in First Language Acquisition Revisited, 71 Age-and-Acquisition-Inspired Teaching Methods, 74 Suggested Readings, 76 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 3, 77 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 77 Chapter 4 Human Learning 79 Behavioral Perspectives, 80 Cognitive Perspectives, 83 Social-Constructivist Perspectives, 90 Fundamental Concepts in Human Learning, 94 Language Aptitude, 99 Intelligence and Language Learning, 102 Learning Theories in the Classroom: ALM & CLL, 104 Suggested Readings, 107 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 4, 108 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 108 Chapter 5 Individual Differences 110 Some Historical Background, 111 Learning Styles, 112 Autonomy and Awareness, 123 Self-Regulation, 125 Strategies, 126 Strategies-Based Instruction, 134 Suggested Readings, 140 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 5, 140 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 141 Chapter 6 Affective Factors 143 The Affective Domain, 144 Affective Factors in SLA, 145 Personality Type, 158 Motivation, 161 The Neurobiology of Affect, 168 Measuring Affective Factors, 170 Classroom Applications: Intrinsic Motivation, 171 Suggested Readings, 173 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 6, 174 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 175 Chapter 7 Language, Culture, and Identity 177 Defining Culture, 178 Cultural Parameters, 179 Stereotypes, 181 Language, Thought, and Culture, 183 Communities of Practice, 187 Identity and Language Learning, 188 Historical Landmarks in Cross-Cultural Research, 189 Ideology, Policy, and Politics, 194 Teaching Intercultural Competence, 199 Classroom Applications: Tips for Teaching Culture, 203 Suggested Readings, 204 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 7, 205 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 205 Chapter 8 Communicative Competence 207 Defining Communicative Competence, 208 Language Functions, 213 Interactional Competence, 218 Discourse Analysis, 219 Pragmatics, 227 Corpus Analysis, 231 Nonverbal Communication, 233 Classroom Applications: CLT and Task-Based Suggested Readings, 240 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 8, 241 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 242 Chapter 9 Interlanguage 244 Learner Language, 245 Learners’ Errors: Windows of Opportunity, 250 Sources of Difficulty, 256 Error Treatment: Focus on Form, 268 Suggested Readings, 278 Language Learning Experience: Journal Entry 9, 279 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 280 Chapter 10 Sorting through Perspectives on SLA 281 Weaving a Tapestry of “Perspectives” on SLA, 283 Six Perspectives on SLA, 288 Some Final Comments, 307 Suggested Readings, 312 Language Learning Experience: Final Journal Entry, 312 For the Teacher: Activities (A) & Discussion (D), 313 Bibliography, 315 Glossary, 370



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