

  • 作者:洛根·波绍尔·史密斯 著,朱纯深 译
  • 出版社:译林出版社
  • ISBN:9787544791632
  • 出版日期:2022年08月01日
  • 页数:448
  • 定价:¥68.00
  • 分享领佣金




    The Author
    These pieces of moral prose have been written, dear Reader, by a large Carnivorous Mammal, belonging to that sub-order of the Animal Kingdom which includes also the Orang-outang, the tusked Gorilla, the Baboon with his bright blue and scarlet bottom, and the gentle Chimpanzee.
    ‘You must beware of thinking too much about Style,’ said my kindly adviser, ‘or you will become like those fastidious people who polish and polish until there is nothing left.’
    ‘Then there really are such people?’ I asked eagerly. But the well-informed lady could give me no precise information about them.
    I often hear of them in this tantalizing manner, and perhaps one of these days I shall have the luck to come across them.
    Cricketers on village greens, hay-makers in the evening sunshine, small boats that sail before the wind—all these create in me the illusion of Happiness, as if a land of cloudless pleasure, a piece of the old Golden World, were hidden, not (as poets have fancied) in far seas or beyond inaccessible mountains, but here close at hand, if one could find it, in some undiscovered valley. Certain grassy lanes seem to lead through the copses thither; the wild pigeons talk of it behind the woods.
    I woke this morning out of dreams into what we call Reality, into the daylight, the furniture of my familiar bedroom—in fact into the well-known, often-discussed, but, to my mind, as yet unexplained Universe.
    Then I, who came out of the eternal silence and seem to be on my way thither, got up and spent the day as I usually spend it. I read, I pottered, I complained, and took exercise; and I sat punctually down to eat the cooked meals that appeared at regular intervals.
    The Afternoon Post
    The village Post Office, with its clock and letter-box, its postmistress lost in the heartless seductions of the Aristocracy and tales of coroneted woe, and the sallow-faced grocer watching from his window opposite, is the scene of a daily crisis in my life, when every afternoon I walk there: through the country lanes and ask that well-read young lady for my letters. I always expect good news and cheques; and then, of course, there is the magical Fortune which is coming, and word of it may reach me any day. What it is, this strange Felicity, or whence it shall arrive, I have no notion; but I hurry down in the morning to find the news on the breakfast table, open telegrams in delighted panic, and cry ‘Here it comes!’ when in the night-silence I hear wheels approaching along the road. So, happy in the hope of Happiness, and not greatly concerned with any other interest or ambition, I live on in my quiet, ordered house; and so I shall live perhaps until the end. Is it merely the last great summons and revelation for which I am waiting?
    The Busy Bees
    Sitting for hours idle in the shade of an apple tree, near the garden-hives, and under the aerial thoroughfares of those honey-merchants, —sometimes when the noonday heat is loud with their minute industry, or when they fall in crowds out of the late sun to their night-long labours, —I have sought instruction from the Bees, and tried to appropriate to myself the old industrious lesson.
    And yet, hang it all, who by rights should be the teacher and who the learners? For those peevish, over-toiled, utilitarian insects, was there no lesson to be derived from the spectacle of Me? Gazing out at me with myriad eyes, from their joyless factories, might they not learn at last—could I not finally teach them—a wiser and more generous-hearted way to improve the shining hours?
    巷陌琐记 卷一 前言 幸福 今天 午后邮件 蜜蜂营营 麦子 机缘 我的讲话 巨石阵 我的肖像 难题 希尔维亚·多丽亚 柏莱大楼 星星 教堂礼拜 牧师 谈吐之声 发生的事 卢顿 有备无患 大作 我的使命 鸟语 **生活 空空的贝壳 临窗眺望 此事怎讲 惧高症 恶眼一瞥 不如意 自制 奇想一则 他们 布道坛上 旅队 人心所求 在哪儿呢? 亚登勋爵 望星空 我的地图 满月 自我感觉良好 良伴 欲望 心智建设 玫瑰 你也会是一眼源泉 蜘蛛 时代 卷二 青鸟 银行里 ** 表象与真实 街上 见世面 社交成功 超凡入圣 山羊 长寿 公共汽车上 白日遐思 天意 波斯诗人语 单调 伦敦之春 时装图片 思想之恶 孤独 生活的风琴 羞辱 绿象牙 正确 “我能做什么?” 病原体 找寻 万花筒 修道院夜思 牛津街 美 词语的威力 自我分析 世界的声音 不管怎样 不是之处 人言 英国国教 忧虑 避难** 征兆 跟踪 不可思议 恐怖 伤感 世事无常 白杨树 台阶前 月亮 慰藉 市长大人 负担 伞下 巷陌续记 修饰语 安心 闯荡世界 荣福直观 人面 观察者 混沌 鬼魂 市郊 门钥匙 训练有方 闪烁其词 赴宴 问题所在 尤斯迪斯·卡尔爵士 庄严的音乐会上 灵魂交通 蜡像 形容词 徒叹奈何 座椅 不满 引语出错 维多利亚街 理据 沙漏 行动 等待 制 错词 风住船止 诽谤 整合 萎缩 安慰 伊伯利街 威尔士竖琴酒馆 误解 升降机 斯隆街 摄政公园 鸟舍 圣约翰树林 花园郊区 星期天的叩问 另类 听者 鱼子酱 高上云端 泡沫 乐园复得 瞬间 打岔 炼金之术 号角状助听筒 愧疚 卡多根花园 解救 墓志铭 罗马教皇 魅力 协奏曲 有一个地方 奇迹 陈词滥调 神物 欲言…… 回音 起居成规 收垃圾的 温床 失语症 巴克太太 魔法 名声 新闻 络腮胡须 单词拼写课 俱乐部里 耽搁 微笑 梨子 黎明 失眠 读哲学 道德胜利 行动发条种种 笼中 声音 自得 理性主义者 语词 圣亚他那修信经 别再问我 欣喜 人在世外 忧烦 财产 布雷耶太太 上教堂的危险 可写的东西 临齐的牧师 两难 游园会 悲观 生命强化 金字塔 黯然 反思 理想 妖怪 世界观 异类 成就 追记 一、 人生与人性 二、 年岁与死亡 三、 他人 四、 人世间 五、 艺术与文学 六、 我本人 *后的话 跋 注释 TRIVIA BOOK I Preface Happiness To-day The Afternoon Post The Busy Bees The Wheat The Coming of Fate My Speech Stonehenge My Portrait Complex Questions Silvia Doria Bligh House The Stars In Church Parsons The Sound of a Voice What Happens Luton A Precaution The Great Work My Mission The Birds High Life Empty Shells At the Window How it Happened Vertigo The Evil Eye Dissatisfaction Self-Control A Fancy They In the Pulpit Caravans Human Ends Where? Lord Arden The Starry Heaven My Map The Full Moon The Snob Companions Desires Edification The Rose Tu Quoque Fontium—— The Spider The Age BOOK II L’Oiseau Bleu At the Bank Mammon Appearance and Reality In the Street I See the World Social Success Apotheosis The Goat Longevity In the Bus Daydream Providence The Saying of a Persian Poet Monotony The Spring in London Fashion Plates Mental Vice Loneliness The Organ of Life Humiliation Green Ivory The Correct ‘Where do I Come In?’ Microbes The Quest The Kaleidoscope The Abbey at Night Oxford Street Beauty The Power of Words Self-Analysis The Voice of the World And Anyhow Drawbacks Talk The Church of England Misgiving Sanctuaries Symptoms Shadowed The Incredible Terror Pathos Inconstancy The Poplar On the Doorstep The Moon Consolation The Lord Mayor The Burden Under an Umbrella MORE TRIVIA The Epithet Reassurance The Great Adventure The Beatific Vision Faces The Observer Chaos The Ghost The Suburbs The Latchkey Good Practice Evasion Dining Out What’s Wrong Sir Eustace Carr At a Solemn Music The Communion of Souls Waxworks Adjectives Desperance Chairs A Grievance Misquotation Victoria Street Justification The Hour-Glass Action Waiting Ions The Wrong Word Becalmed A Slander Synthesis Shrinkage Comfort Ebury Street The Welsh Harp Misapprehension The Lift Sloane Street Regent’s Park The Aviary St. John’s Wood The Garden Suburb Sunday Calls An Anomaly The Listener Caviare Above the Clouds The Bubble Paradise Regained Moments Interruption Alchemy The Ear-Trumpet Guilt Cadogan Gardens The Rescue The Epitaph The Popes of Rome Charm The Concerto Somewhere The Miracle The Platitude The Fetish Things to Say The Echo Routine The Scavenger The Hot-Bed Aphasia Mrs. Backe Magic Fame News-Items Whiskers The Spelling Lesson At the Club Delay Smiles The Pear The Dawn Insomnia Reading Philosophy Moral Triumph The Springs of Action In the Cage Voices Complacency The Rationalist Phrases Athanasius Ask me no more Joy In Arcady Worries Property Mrs. Braye The Danger of Going to Church Things to Write The Vicar of Lynch In a Fix The Garden Party Weltschmerz Life-Enhancement The Pyramid Eclipse Reflections The Ideal Bogeys Weltanschauung The Alien Achievement AFTERTHOUGHTS Ⅰ . Life and Human Nature Ⅱ . Age and Death Ⅲ . Other People Ⅳ . In the World Ⅴ . Art and Letters Ⅵ . Myself LAST WORDS EPILOGUE



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外