

  • 作者:[英]埃文斯 [英]特林普尔
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302084860
  • 出版日期:2004年06月01日
  • 页数:529
  • 定价:¥49.00
  • 分享领佣金




    List of Figures
    List of Tables
    Chapter 1 Architecture and Implementation
    1.1 Analogy:Piano Architecture
    1.2 Types of Computer Languages
    1.3 Why Study Assembly Language?
    1.4 Prefixes for Binary Multiples
    1.5 Instruction Set Architectures
    1.6 The Life Cycle of Computer Architectures
    1.7 SQUARES:A First Programming Example
    1.8 Review of Number Systems
    Chapter 2 Computer Structures and Data Representations
    2.1 Computer Structures
    2.2 Instruction Execution
    2.3 Classes of Instruction Set Architectures
    2.4 Migration to 64-Bit Architectures
    2.5 Itanium Information Units and Data Types
    Chapter 3 The Program Assembler and Debugger
    3.1 Programming Environments
    3.2 Program Development Steps
    3.3 Comparing Variants of a Source File
    3.4 Assembler Statement Types
    3.5 The Functions of a Symbolic Assembler
    3.6 The Assembly Process
    3.7 The Linking Process
    3.8 The Program Debugger
    3.9 Conventions for Writing Programs
    Chapter 4 Itanium Instruction Formats and Addressing
    4.1 Overview of Itanium Instruction Formats
    4.2 Integer Arithmetic Instructions
    4.3 Bit Encoding for Itanium Instructions
    4.4 HEXNUM:Using Arithmetic Instructions
    4.5 Data Access Instructions
    4.6 Other ALU Instructions
    4.7 DOTPROD:Using Data Access Instructions
    4.8 Itanium Addressing Modes
    4.9 Addressing in Other Architectures
    Chapter 5 Comparison,Branches,and Predication
    5.1 Hardware Basis for Control Flow
    5.2 Integer Compare Instructions
    5.3 Program Branching
    5.4 DOTLOOP:Using a Counted Loop
    5.5 Stops,Instruction Groups,and Performance
    5.6 DOTCLOOP:Using the Loop Count Register
    5.7 Other Structured Programming Constructs
    5.8 MAXIMUM:Using Conditional Instructions
    Chapter 6 Logical Operations,Bit-Shifts,and Bytes
    6.1 Logical Functions
    6.2 HEXNUM2:Using Logical Masks
    6.3 Bit and Field Operations
    6.4 SCANTEXT:Processing Bytes
    6.5 Integer Multiplication and Division
    6.6 DECNUM:Converting an Integer to Decimal Format
    6.7 Using C for SCII Input and Output
    6.8 BACKWARD:Using Byte Manipulations
    Chapter 7 Subroutines,Procedures,and Functions
    7.1 Memory Stacks
    7.2 DECNUM2:Using Stack Operations
    7.3 Register Stacks
    7.4 Program Segmentation
    7.5 Calling Conventions
    7.6 DECNUM3 and BOOTH:Making a Function
    7.7 Integer Quotients and Remainders
    7.8 RANDOM:A Callable Function
    Chapter 8 Floating-Point Operations
    8.1 Parallels Between Integer and Floating-Point Instructions
    8.2 Representations of Floating-Point Values
    8.3 Copying Floating-Point Data
    8.4 Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions
    8.5 HORNER:Evaluating a Polynomial
    8.6 Predication Based on Floating-Point Values
    8.7 Integer Operations in Floating-Point Execution Units
    8.8 Approximations for Reciprocals and Square Roots
    8.9 APPROXPI:Using Floating-Point Instructions
    Chapter 9 Input and Output of Text
    9.1 File Systems
    9.2 Keyboard and Display I/O
    9.3 SCANTERM:Using C Standard I/O
    9.4 SORTSTR:Sorting Strings
    9.5 Text File I/O
    9.6 SCANFILE:Input and Output with Files
    9.7 SORTINT:Sorting Integers from a File
    9.8 Binary Files
    Chapter 10 Performance Considerations
    10.1 Processor-Level Parallelism
    10.2 Instruction-Level Parallelism
    10.3 Explicit Parallelism in the Itanium Processors
    10.4 Software-Pipelined Loops
    10.5 Modulo Scheduling a Loop
    10.6 Program Optimization Factors
    10.7 Fibonacci Numbers
    Chapter 11 Looking at Output from Compilers
    11.1 Compilers for RISC-like Systems
    11.2 Compiling a Simple Program
    11.3 Optimizing a Simple Program
    11.4 Inline Optimizations
    11.5 Profile-Guided or Other Optimizations
    11.6 Debugging Optimized Programs
    11.7 Recursion for Fibonacci Numbers Revisited
    Chapter 12 Parallel Operations
    12.1 Classification of Computing Systems
    12.2 Integer Parallel Operations
    12.3 Applications to Integer Multiplication
    12.4 Opportunities and Challenges
    12.5 Floating-Point Parallel Operations
    12.6 Semaphore Support for Parallel Processes
    Chapter 13 Variations Among Implementations
    13.1 Why Implementations Change
    13.2 How Implementations Change
    13.3 The Original Itanium Processor
    13.4 A Major Role for Software
    13.5 IA-32 Instruction Set Mode
    13.6 Determining Extensions and Implementation Version
    Appenix A Command-Line Environments
    Appenix B Suggested System Resources
    B.1 System Hardware
    B.2 System Software
    B.3 Desktop Client Access Software
    Appendix C Itanium Instruction Set
    C-1 Instructions Listed by Function
    C-2 Instructions Listed by Assembler Opcode
    Appendix D Itanium Registers and Their Uses
    D.1 Instruction Pointer
    D.2 General Registers and NaT Bits
    D.3 Predicate Registers
    D.4 Branch Registers
    D.5 Floating-Point Registers
    D.6 Application Registers
    D.7 State Management Registers
    D.8 System Information Registers
    D.9 System Control Registers
    Appendix E Conditional Assembly and Macros(GCC Assembler)
    E.1 Interference from Explicit Stops
    E.2 Repeat Blocks
    E.3 Conditional Assembly
    E.4 Macro Processing
    E.5 Using Labels with Macros
    E.6 Recursive Macros
    E.7 Object File Sections
    E.8 MONEY:A Macro Illustrating Sections
    Appendix F Inline Assembly
    F.1 HP-UX C Compilers
    F.2 GCC Compiler for Linux
    F.3 Intel Compilers for Linux
    Answers and Hints for Selected Exercises
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8
    Chapter 9
    Chapter 10
    Chapter 11
    Chapter 12
    Chapter 13
    About the Authors



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