

  • 作者:(美)戴尔·卡耐基
  • 出版社:中国纺织出版社
  • ISBN:9787506484176
  • 出版日期:2012年07月01日
  • 页数:332
  • 定价:¥35.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《语言的突破》是卡耐基*早的作品之一,*早的版本是1926年他根据自己讲授演讲课程的心得体会和学员的学习经验写的一本题为《公开演讲:企业人士的实用课程》的教科书。经过多年的修订,于1931年以《语言的突破》为名正式出版发行。本书为双语版经典作品,汉语翻译流畅、准确,通俗易懂,并在中文之后附有相对完整准确的原版英文,使读者在阅读大师经典作品的同时,更能提升自己的英语水平。 语言的突破(汉英对照)_(美)戴尔·卡耐基_中国纺织出版社_
    **章 成功演讲的基本原则



































































    在你继续阅读此书并将书中所需求的付诸实践的时候,你也是在冒险。你会发现,在这项冒险中,你的自我引导力和敏锐的观察力会帮助你。你会发现这项冒险会改变你,从内到外。PART ONE

    Fundamentals of Effective Speaking

    In every art there are few principles and many techniques.

    In the chapters that make up the first part of this book, we discuss the basic principles of effective speaking and the attitudes to make these principles come alive.

    As adults, we are interested in a quick and easy way to speak effectively. The only way we can achieve results quickly is to have the right attitude about achieving our goal and a firm foundation of principles to build upon.

    Chapter 1 -Acquiring the Basic Skills

    I STARTED TEACHING classes in public speaking in 1912, the year the Titanic went down in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Since then, more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people have been graduated from these classes.

    In the demonstration meetings preceding the first session of the Dale Carnegie Course, people are given the opportunity of telling why they intend to enroll and what they hope to gain from this training. Naturally, the phraseology varies; but the central desire, the basic want in the vast majority of cases, remains surprisingly the same:" When I am called upon to stand up and speak, I become so self-conscious, so frightened, that I can't think clearly, can't concentrate, can't remember what I intended to say. I want to gain self-confidence, poise, and the ability to think on my feet. I want to get my thoughts together in logical order, and I want to be able to talk clearly and convincingly before a business or social group."

    Doesn't this sound familiar? Haven't you experienced these same feelings of inadequacy? Wouldn't you give a small fortune to have the ability to speak convincingly and persuasively in public? I am sure you would. The very fact that you have begun reading the pages of this book is proof of your interest in acquiring the ability to speak effectively.

    I know what you are going to say, what you would say if you could talk to me:" But Mr. Carnegie, do you really think I could develop the confidence to get up and face a group of people and address them in a coherent, fluent manner?"

    I have spent nearly all my life helping people get rid of their fears and develop courage and confidence. I could fill many books with the stories of the miracles that have taken place in my classes. It is not, therefore, a question of my thinking. I know you can, if you practice the directions and suggestions that you will find in this book.

    Is there the faintest shadow of a reason why you should not be able to think as well in aperpendicular position before an audience as you can sitting down? Is there any reason why you should play host to butterflies in your stomach and become a victim of the "trembles" when you get up to address an audience? Surely, you realize that this condition can be remedied, that training and practice will wear away your audience-fright and give you self-confidence.

    This book will help you to achieve that goal. It is not an ordinary textbook. It is not filled with rules concerning the mechanics of speaking. It does not dwell on the physiological aspects of vocal production and articulation. It is the distillation of a lifetime spent in training adults in effective speaking. It starts with you as you are, and from that premise works naturally to the conclusion of what you want to be. All you have to do is co-operate-follow the suggestions in this book, apply them in every speaking situation, and persevere.

    In order to get the most out of this book, and to get it with rapidity and dispatch, you will find these four guideposts useful:


    There is no such animal, in or out of captivity, as a born public speaker. In those periods of history when public speaking was a refined art that demanded close attention to the laws of rhetoric and the niceties of delivery, it was even more difficult to be born a public speaker. Now we think of public speaking as a kind of enlarged conversation. Gone forever is the old grandiloquent style and the stentorian voice. What we like to hear at our dinner meetings, in our church services, on our TV sets and radios, is straightforward speech, conceived in common sense and dedicated to the proposition that we like speakers to talk with, and not at, us.

    Despite what many school texts would lead us to believe, public speaking is not a closed art, to be mastered only after years of perfecting the voice and struggling with the mysteries of rhetoric. I have spent almost all of my teaching career proving to people that it is easy to speak in public, provided they follow a few simple, but important, rules. When I started to teach at the l25th Street YMCA in New York City back in 1912, I didn't know this any more than my first students knew it. I taught those first classes pretty much the way I had been taught in my college years in Warrensburg, Missouri. But I soon discovered that I was on the wrong track; I was trying to teach adults in the business world as though they were college freshmen. I saw the futility of using Webster, Burke, Pitt, and O'Connell as examples to imitate. What the members of my classes wanted was enough courage to stand on their hind legs and make a clear, coherent report at their next business meeting. It wasn't long before I threw the textbooks out the window, got right up there on the podium and, with a few simple ideas, worked with those fellows until they could give their reports in a convincing manner. It worked, because they kept coming back for more.

    I wish I could give you a chance to browse through the files of testimonial letters in my home or in the offices of my representatives in various parts of the world. They come from industrial leaders whose names are frequently mentioned in the business section of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, from governors of states and members of parliaments, from college presidents, and from celebrities in the world of entertainment. There are thousands more from housewives, ministers, teachers, young men and women whose names are not well known yet, even in their own communities, executives and executive trainees, laborers, skilled and unskilled, union men, college students, and business women. All of these people felt a need for self-confidence and the ability to express themselves acceptably in public. They were so grateful for having achieved both that they took the time to write me letters of appreciation.

    Of the thousands of people I have taught, one example comes to mind as I write because of the dramatic impact it had on me at the time. Some years ago, shortly after he joined my course, D. W. Ghent, a successful businessman in Philadelphia, invited me to lunch. He leaned across the table and said." I have sidestepped every opportunity to speak to various gatherings, Mr. Carnegie, and there have been many. But now I am chairman of a board of college trustees. I must preside at their meetings. Do you think it will be possible for me to learn to speak at this late date in life?"

    I assured him, on the basis of my experience with men in similar positions who had been members of my classes, that there was no doubt in my mind that he would succeed.

    About three years later we lunched together again at the Manufacturers' Club. We ate in the same dining room and at the very same table we had occupied at our first meeting. Reminding him of our former conversation, I asked him whether my prediction had come true. He smiled, took a little red-backed notebook out of his pocket, and showed me a list of speaking engagements for the next several months. "The ability to make these talks," he confessed, "the pleasure I get in giving them, the additional service I can render in the community-these are among the most gratifying things in my life."

    But that was not all. With a feeling of justifiable pride, Mr. Ghent then played his ace card. His church group had invited the prime minister of England to address a convocation in Philadelphia. And the Philadelphian selected to make the introduction of the distinguished statesman, on one of his rare trips to America, was none other than Mr.D.W.Ghent.

    This was the man who had leaned across that same table less than three years before and asked me whether I thought he would ever be able to talk in public!

    Here is another example. The late David M. Goodrich, Chairman of the Board of the B. F. Goodrich Company, came to my office one day. "All my life," he began, "I have never been able to make a talk without being frozen with fear. As Board Chairman I have to preside at our meetings. I have known all the board members intimately for years, and I have no trouble talking to them when we are sitting around the table. But the moment I stand up to talk, I am terrified. I can hardly say a word. I have been that way for years. I don't believe you can do anything for me. My trouble is too serious. It has existed too long."

    "Well," I said, "if you don't think I can do anything for you, why did you come to see me?"

    "For one reason only," he replied. "I have an accountant who takes care of my personal accounting problems. He is a shy chap, and to get into his little office, he has to walk through my office. He has been sneaking through my office for years, looking at the floor and hardly ever saying a word. But lately, he has been transformed. He walks into my office now with his chin up, a light in his eye; and he says, 'Good morning, Mr. Goodrich, with confidence and spirit. I was astonished at the change. So, I said to him,' Who has been feeding you meat?' He told me about taking your course of training; and it is only because of the transformation that I have witnessed in that frightened little man that I have come to see you."

    I told Mr.Goodrich that if he attended the classes regularly and did what we asked him to do, within a few weeks he would enjoy speaking before audiences.

    "If you can do that," he replied, "I'll be one of the happiest men in the country."

    He joined the course, made phenomenal progress, and three months later, I invited him to attend a meeting of three thousand people in the ballroom of the Hotel Astor, and talk to them on what he had gotten out of our training. He was sorry-couldn't come-a previous engagement. The next day he phoned me. "I want to apologize," he said," I have broken that engagement. I'll come and speak for you. I owe it to you. I'll tell the audience what this training did for me. I'll do it with the hope that my story will inspire some of the listeners to get rid of the fears that are devastating their lives."

    I asked him to speak for two minutes only. He spoke to three thousand people for eleven minutes.

    I have seen thousands of similar miracles worked in my courses. I have seen men and women whose lives were transformed by this training, many of them receiving promotions far beyond their dreams or achieving positions of prominence in their business, profession, and community. Sometimes this has been done by means of a single talk delivered at the right moment. Let me tell you the story of Mario Lazo.

    Years ago, I received a cable from Cuba that astonished me. It read," Unless you cable me to the contrary, I am coming to New York to take training to make a speech." It was signed:" Mario Lazo." Who was he? I wondered! I had never heard of him before.

    When Mr. Lazo arrived in New York, he said, "The Havana Country Club is going to celebrate the fiftieth birthday of the founder of the club; and I have been invited to present him with a silver cup and to make the principal talk of the evening. Although I am an attorney, I have never made a public talk in my life. I am terrified at the thought of speaking. If I fail, it will be deeply embarrassing to my wife and myself socially; and, in addition, it might lower my prestige with my clients. That is why I have come all the way from Cuba for your help. I can stay only three weeks."

    During those three weeks, I had Mario Lazo going from one class to another speaking three or four times a night. Three weeks later, he addressed the distinguished gathering at the Havana Country Club. His address was so outstanding that Time Magazine reported it under the head of foreign news and described Mario Lazo as a "silver-tongued orator."

    Sounds like a miracle, doesn't it? It is a miracle—a twentieth-century miracle of conquering fear.

    **章 成功演讲的基本原则




    第二章 演讲、讲演者及听众




    第三章 如何成功发表即席演讲





    第四章 演讲时的沟通艺术


    第五章 成功演讲的挑战





    PART ONE - Fundamentals of Effective Speaking

    Chapter 1 -Acquiring the Basic Skills

    Chapter 2 -Developing Confidence

    Chapter 3 -Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way

    PART TWO - Speech, Speaker, and Audience

    Chapter 4 -Earning the Right to Talk

    Chapter 5 -Vitalizing the Talk

    Chapter 6 -Sharing the Talk with the Audience

    PART Three - The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu Talks

    Chapter 7 -Making the Short Talk to Get Action

    Chapter 8 -Making the Talk to Inform

    Chapter 9 -Making the Talk to Convince

    Chapter 10 -Making Impromptu Talks

    Part FOUR - The Art of Communicating

    Chapter 11 -Delivering the Talk

    PART FIVE - The Challenge of Effective Speaking

    Chapter 12 -Introducing Speakers, Presenting and Accepting Awards

    Chapter 13 -Organizing the Longer Talk

    Chapter 14 -Applying What You Have Learned




    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外