

  • 作者:阿伦森 威尔逊 埃克特
  • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510053276
  • 出版日期:2012年12月01日
  • 页数:591
  • 定价:¥99.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





    《社会心理学》*大的特色是从解决现实问题的角度出发开展研究,从人们身边发生的事情阐发深奥的理论,使读者不仅能够领略一门学问严谨科学的魅力,同时也深深浸润在希望以科学使世界更美好的人文关怀之中。 社会心理学-影印第7版_(美)阿伦森,(美)威尔逊,(美)埃克特_世界图书出版公司_
    When we began writing this book, our overriding goal was to
    capture the excitement of social psychology. We have been pleased
    to hear, in many kind letters and e-mail messages from professors
    and students, that we succeeded. One of our favorites was from a
    student who said that the book was so interesting that she always
    saved it for last, to reward herself for finishing her other
    work.With that one student, at least, we succeeded in making our
    book an enjoyable, fascinating story, not a dry report of
    facts and figures.
    There is always room for improvement, however, and our goal in
    this, the seventh edition, is to make the field of social
    psychology an even better read. When we teach the course, there is
    nothing more gratifying than seeing the sleepy students in the back
    row sit up with interest and say, “Wow, I didn’t know that!Now
    that’s interesting.” We hope that students who read our book will
    have that very same reaction.
    What’s New in This Edition?
    We are pleased to add two new features to this edition that we
    believe will appeal greatly to students. The first being the,
    “Critical Thinking: How Could You Use This?” feature. In Chapter 9,
    for example, we point out to students that sooner or later they
    will be part of a group that needs to make an important decision,
    and invite them to think about how they might use concepts
    the chapter to ensure that the group makes the best decision it
    can. The purpose of this feature is to encourage students to think
    critically about the material and apply it to their own
    In addition, we added sample test questions at the end of each
    chapter.Both of these new features, we believe, will be of
    substantial help in teaching students how to approach the material
    presented in the book.
    In addition to adding these new features we have updated the
    seventh edition substantially with numerous references to new
    research. Here is a sampling of the new research that is
    ?A brand new section at the end of each chapter called, “Critical
    Thinking: How Could You Use This?” We pose questions to students
    about their everyday lives—ones that they should find interesting
    and intriguing—and ask them to address the questions using one or
    more of the major concepts from the chapter. The purpose of this
    feature is to encourage students to think critically about the
    material and apply it to their own lives.
    ?Also new to this edition are end of chapter sample test questions
    that are designed to communicate how to study and learn the
    material. These questions, which are mostly from our own test
    files, are critical-thinking type questions that are designed to
    encourage students to understand social psychological concepts and
    apply them to new situations, rather than viewing the material as a
    set of facts to be memorized.
    ?Chapter 2, “Methodology: How Social Psychologists Do Research”
    includes a new section entitled, “New Frontiers in Social
    Psychological Research.” This section discusses new methods and
    approaches that social psychologists have adopted in recent years,
    including cross-cultural research, evolutionary psychology, and
    social neuroscience.
    ?Chapter 3, “Social Cognition: How We Think about the Social
    World,” has been updated with over 40 references to recent
    research.We added a major new section entitled “Cultural
    Differences in Social Cognition” that discusses cultural influences
    on schemas and recent research
    on holistic versus analytic thinking in different cultures.
    ?In Chapter 4, “Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other
    People,” we have updated the section on nonverbal
    communication,discussing several recent studies that address the
    evolutionary significance of facial expressions of emotion (for
    example, the work on pride and shame by Tracy & Matsumoto,
    2008). We have revised and updated the section on attribution and
    culture. We begin this section with holistic versus analytic
    thinking, discussing the research of Masuda and colleagues(2008).
    We continue with studies that have used a social neuroscience
    methodology to study cultural differences in attribution,
    discussing the work of Hedden and colleagues (2008) and Lewis and
    colleagues (2008). In the area of attributional biases, we include
    new research on how perceptual saliency affects the correspondence
    bias in police interrogations and new research on cultural
    differences in the self-serving bias.
    ?Chapter 5 has been reorganized and renamed, “The Self:
    Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context,” to reflect the fact
    that it is includes a broad coverage of research on the self and
    not just self-knowledge. Reflecting the broader coverage of
    research on the self, there is a new major heading called,
    “Self-Control: The Executive Function Of The Self” that discusses
    recent research on self-regulation. There is also increased
    coverage of cultural differences in the self.
    ?In Chapter 6, “The Need to Justify Our Actions,” we have sharpened
    and updated our coverage of self-justification and included some
    new research on cultural differences. We have also included some
    recent research showing cognitive dissonance in monkeys. We have
    also expanded our coverage of research by Harmon-Jones showing
    differences in brain activity during the experi- ence of dissonance
    and dissonance reduction.
    ?Chapter 7, “Attitudes and Attitude Change: Influencing Thoughts
    and Feelings,” includes over 50 references to recent research.
    There is an expanded discussion of implicit attitudes, including
    recent research on the origins of implicit attitudes. We added a
    new section with the heading “Confidence in One’s Thoughts and
    Attitude Change” that discusses recent research by Petty and Brinol
    and colleagues. Finally, we revised substantially the section on
    subliminal advertising, with new research examples, and added a
    section on the effects of the media on attitudes toward weight in
    men and women.
    ?Chapter 8, “Conformity: Influencing Behavior,” includes over 45
    new references to recent research. The opening vignette (the
    McDonald’s hoax )has been updated to reflect the recent conclusion
    of the suspect’s criminal trial. We have substantially revised the
    section on injunctive and descriptive norms, including discussion
    of the “boomerang effect.” We discuss new research on the use of
    informational conformity to change people’s behavior. The section
    on body image and conformity has also been updated with recent
    research. A major new section has been added, “The Obedience
    Studies, Then and Now,” which discusses the startling results of
    Jerry Burger’s (2009) research, the first replication of the
    Milgram obedience study in the United States in 30 years. This
    section has also been expanded to include a discussion of the
    ethical issues surrounding the obedience studies.
    ?Chapter 9, “Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups” has a new
    opening vignette that discusses President George W. Bush’s decision
    to initiate the Iraq War. Later in the chapter we return to this
    example (in a “Connections” feature) that discusses whether the
    decision to invade Iraq was the result of group-think, based on
    recent books by Bob Woodward, Scott McClelland, and others. The
    section on “Why People Join Groups” has been revised to include
    research on social rejection and social identity, and the section
    on gender and leadership is updated with a discussion of recent
    research on the “glass cliff.”
    ?Chapter 10, “Interpersonal Attraction: From First Impressions to
    Close Relationships,” includes over 50 new references to recent
    research. The section on evolution and love has been substantially
    revised. For example, recent research by Johnston and colleagues
    (2001) and Gangestad and colleagues (2007) is presented, which
    focuses on how the menstrual/ovulatory cycle affects women’s
    perceptions of male attractiveness. A second major addition is to
    the attachment styles section, which focuses on the genetic
    contribution to attachment styles, and discusses the recent work of
    Gillath and colleagues (2008) and Donnellan and colleagues (2008).
    Additional new material and revisions occur throughout the chapter,
    for example, in the sections on propinquity, similarity, facial
    attractiveness, assumptions about attractive people, and cultural
    definitions of love.
    ?Chapter 11, “Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help?” features two
    new Try It! exercises. This popular feature makes concepts from
    social psychology concrete and helps you see how they can be
    applied to your own life. Also, discussions of group selection,
    what causes people to feel empathy, and research on religion and
    prosocial behavior have been added.
    ?In Chapter 12, “Aggression: Why We Hurt Other People,” we have
    added comments on Craig Anderson’s recent study (2009) on the
    possible effects of global warming on aggression. We have also
    discussed Bushman’s (2007) research on scriptural violence and
    aggressive behavior. We have also included some recent research on
    building empathy as a way of curbing aggression.
    ?In Chapter 13, “Prejudice: Causes and Cures,” one of the major
    additions is on the election of an African American to the
    presidency. It has produced what one social psychologist has dubbed
    the Obama effect. Shortly after the election of Barack Obama,
    researchers were able to show two consequences of that election.
    Plant and colleagues (2009) showed a decrease in prejudice against
    African Americans; Dillon (2009) showed an apparent decrease in
    stereotype threat among African American test takers.
    ?Social Psychology in Action 1, “Making a Difference with Social
    Psychology: Attaining a Sustainable Future,” was new to the
    previous edition. We believe it was a timely addition, given
    current interest in global warming and other environmental issues,
    as well as the more general question of how social psychology can
    be used to address important social problems. We updated the
    chapter in this edition with a discussion of recent research,
    including studies by Goldstein, Cialdini, and Griskevicius (2008)
    on getting hotel guests to reuse their towels, research by Graham,
    Koo, and Wilson (in press) on how to get college students to
    conserve energy by driving less, and a study by Holland, Aarts, and
    Langendam (2006) on getting people to recycle more. Finally, in the
    section, “What Makes People Happy?” we added a description of a
    study by Dunn, Aknin, and Norton (2008) showing that helping others
    makes people happy.
    ?Social Psychology in Action 2: “Social Psychology and Health”
    includes a new opening vignette, namely a true story about a woman
    who showed remarkable resilience after losing 12 family members in
    a four-year period. The section on social support is completely
    revised, including the addition of recent reseach by Shelley Taylor
    and colleagues on cultural differences in social support and
    research by Niall Bolger and colleagues on visible versus invisible
    social support.
    ?Social Psychology in Action 3: “Social Psychology and the Law” has
    been updated considerably. For example, the section on line-ups and
    how to improve them is updated with an example of recent research
    by Gary Wells, research on individual differences in detecting lies
    by Bond and DePaulo (2008), and a study on recovered memories by
    Geraerts and colleagues (2007).
    Social psychology comes alive for students when they understand the
    whole context of the field: how theories inspire research, why
    research is performed as it is, how further research triggers yet
    new avenues of study. We have tried to convey our own fascination
    with the research process in a down-to-earth, meaningful way and
    have presented the results of the scientific process in terms of
    the everyday experience of the reader; however, we did not want to
    “water down” our presentation of the field. In a world where human
    behavior can be endlessly surprising and where research results can
    be quite counterintuitive, students need a firm foundation on which
    to build their understanding of this challenging discipline.
    The main way we try to engage students is with a storytelling
    approach. Social psychology is full of good stories, such as how
    the Holocaust inspired investigations into obedience to authority
    and how reactions to the marriage of the crown prince of Japan to
    Masako Owada, a career diplomat, illustrates cultural differences
    in the self-concept.By placing research in a real-world context, we
    make the material more familiar, understandable, and memorable.
    Each chapter begins with a real-life vignette that illustrates the
    concepts to come. We refer to this event at several points in the
    chapter, clarifying to students the relevance of the material they
    are learning. Examples of the pening vignettes include the tragic
    death of Amadou Diallo, who was shot 41 times by four white police
    officers, as he reached for his wallet in the vestibule of his New
    York apartment building (Chapter 3, “Social Cognition: How We Think
    about the Social World”), and some amazing acts of altruism at the
    sites of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 (Chapter 11,
    “Prosocial Behavior: Why do People Help?”).
    We also weave “mini-stories” into each chapter that both illustrate
    specific concepts and bring the material to life. For each one, we
    first describe an example of a real-life phenomenon that is
    designed to pique students’ interest. These stories are taken from
    current events, literature, and our own lives. Next, we describe an
    experiment that attempts to explain the phenomenon. This experiment
    is typically described in some detail because we believe that
    students should not only learn the major theories in social
    psychology, but also understand and appreciate the methods used to
    test those theories. For example, in Chapter 4 on social
    perception, we introduce the correspondence bias by discussing
    public reaction to an event celebrating Rosa Parks’s
    courageous refusal in 1955 to move to the back of the bus in
    segregationist Montgomery, Alabama. In 2005, at the time of her
    death, transit companies across America posted signs in their city
    buses, asking people to leave the seat behind the driver empty for
    the day, in tribute to her. Despite the sign, some people sat in
    the seat anyway. A journalist, traveling on New York City buses,
    asked other riders what they thought of these “sitters.” Very
    negative internal attributions were made about them (e.g., that
    they were disrespectful, contemptuous or even racist). In fact, the
    explanation for their behavior was typically situational, that is,
    something external to them as a person. They hadn’t seen the sign,
    which was small in size and lost in the visual clutter of other
    signs in the bus, and therefore didn’t know that they weren’t
    supposed to sit in that seat. We invite you to thumb through the
    book to find examples of these mini-stories.
    Last but not least, we discuss the methods used by social
    psychologists in some detail. How can “boring” details about
    methodology be part of a storytelling approach, you might ask? We
    believe that part of what makes the story of social psycyhology so
    interesting is explaining to students how to test hypotheses
    scientifically. In recent years, the trend has been for textbooks
    to include only short sections on research methodology and provide
    only brief descriptions of the findings of individual studies. In
    this book, we integrate the science and methodology of the field
    into our story in several ways. First, we devote an entire chapter
    to methodology (Chapter 2). We use our storytelling approach by
    presenting two compelling real-world problems related to violence
    and aggression: Does pornography promote violence against women?
    Why don’t bystanders intervene more to help victims of violence? We
    then use actual research studies on these questions to illustrate
    the three major scientific methods (observational research,
    correlational research, and experimental research). Rather than a
    dry recitation of methodological principles, the scientific method
    unfolds like a story with a “hook” (what are the causes of
    real-world aggression and apathy toward violence?) and a moral
    (such interesting, real-world questions can be addressed
    scientifically). We have been pleased by the positive reactions to
    this chapter in the previous editions.
    Second, we describe prototypical studies in more detail than most
    texts. We discuss how a study was set up, what the research
    participants perceived and did, how the research design derives
    from theoretical issues, and the ways in which the findings support
    the initial hypotheses. We often ask readers to pretend that they
    were participants so they can better understand the study from the
    participants’ point of view. Whenever pertinent, we’ve also
    included anecdotal information about how a study was done or came
    to be; these brief stories allow readers insights into the
    heretofore hidden world of creating research. See, for example, the
    description of how Nisbett and Wilson (1977) designed one of their
    experiments on the accuracy of people’s causal inferences in
    Chapter 5 and the description of the origins of Aronson’s jigsaw
    puzzle technique in Chapter 13.
    Finally, we include a balanced coverage of classic and modern
    research. The field of social psychology is expanding rapidly, and
    exciting new work is being done in all areas of the discipline. In
    this seventh edition, we have added a great deal of new material,
    describing dozens of major studies done within the past few years.
    We have added hundreds of references from the past few years. Thus
    the book provides thorough coverage of up-to-date, cutting-edge
    research. But by emphasizing what is new, some texts have a
    tendency to ignore what is old.We have tried to strike a balance
    between the latest research findings and classic research in social
    psychology. Some older studies (e.g., early work in dissonance,
    conformity, and attribution) deserve their status as classics and
    are important cornerstones of the discipline. For example, unlike
    several other current texts, we present detailed descriptions of
    the Schachter and Singer (1962) study on misattribution of emotion
    (Chapter 5), the Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) dissonance study
    (Chapter 6), and the Asch (1956), and Sherif (1936) conformity
    studies (Chapter 8). We then bring up the older theories to date,
    following our discussions of the classics with modern approaches to
    the same topics. This allows students to experience the continuity
    and depth of the field, rather than regarding it as a collection of
    studies published in the past few years.
    About the Authors 关于作者
    Elliot Aronson
    When I was a kid, we were the only Jewish family in a virulently
    anti-Semitic neighborhood. I had to go to Hebrew school every day,
    late in the afternoon. Being the only youngster in my neighborhood
    going to Hebrew school made me an easy target for some of the older
    neighborhood toughs. On my way home from Hebrew school, after
    dark,I was frequently waylaid and roughed up by roving gangs
    shouting anti-Semitic epithets.
    I have a vivid memory of sitting on a curb after one of these
    beatings, nursing a bloody nose or a split lip, feeling very sorry
    for myself and wondering how these kids could hate me so much when
    they didn’t even know me. I thought about whether those kids were
    taught to hate Jews or whether, somehow, they were born that way. I
    wondered if their hatred could be changed—if they got to know me
    better, would they hate me less? I speculated about my own
    character. What would I have done if the shoe were on the other
    foot—that is, if I were bigger and stronger than they—would I be
    capable of beating them up for no good reason?
    I didn’t realize it at the time, of course, but eventually I
    discovered that these were profound questions. And some thirty
    years later, as an experimental social psychologist, I had the
    great good fortune to be in a position to answer some of those
    questions and to invent techniques to reduce the kind of prejudice
    that had claimed me as a victim.
    Elliot Aronson is one of the most renowned social psychologists in
    the world. In 2002 he was chosen as one of the 100 most eminent
    psychologists of the twentieth century. He is currently Professor
    Emeritus at the University of California at Santa Cruz and
    Distinguished Visiting Professor at Stanford University.
    Dr. Aronson is the only person in the 110-year history of the
    American Psychological Association to have received all three of
    its major awards:for distinguished writing, distinguished teaching,
    and distinguished research. Many other professional societies have
    honored his research and teaching as well. These include the
    American Association for the Advancement of Science, which gave him
    its highest honor, the Distinguished Scientific Research award; the
    American Council for the Advancement and Support of Education,
    which named him Professor of the Year of 1989; and the Society for
    the Psychological Study of Social Issues, which awarded him the
    Gordon Allport prize for his contributions to the reduction of
    prejudice among racial and ethnic groups. In 1992, he was named a
    Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has served
    as president of the Western Psychological Association as well as
    president of the Society of Personality and Social
    Tim Wilson
    One day, when I was 8, a couple of older kids rode up on their
    bikes to share some big news: They had discovered an abandoned
    house down a country road. “It’s really neat,” they said. “We broke
    a window and nobody cared!” My friend and I hopped onto our bikes
    to investigate. We had no trouble finding the house—there it was,
    sitting off by itself,with a big, jagged hole in a first-floor
    window. We got off of our bikes and looked around. My friend found
    a baseball-sized rock lying on the ground and threw a perfect
    strike through another first-floor window. There was something
    exhilarating about the smash-and-tingle of shattering glass,
    especially when we knew there was nothing wrong with what we were
    doing. After all, the house was abandoned, wasn’t it? We broke
    nearly every window in the house and then climbed through one of
    the first-floor windows to look around.
    It was then that we realized something was terribly wrong. The
    house certainly did not look abandoned. There were pictures on the
    wall, nice furniture, books in shelves. We went home feeling
    frightened and confused. We soon learned that the house was the
    residence of an elderly couple who were away on vacation.
    Eventually my parents discovered what we had done and paid a
    substantial sum to repair the windows. For years, I pondered this
    incident: Why did I do such a terrible thing? Was I a bad kid? I
    didn’t think so, and neither did my parents. How, then, could a
    good kid do such a bad thing? Even though the neighborhood kids
    said the house was abandoned, why couldn’t my friend and I see the
    clear signs that someone lived there? How crucial was it that my
    friend was there and threw the first rock? Although I didn’t know
    it at the time, these reflections touched on several classic social
    psychological issues, such as whether only bad people do bad
    things, whether the social situation can be powerful enough to make
    good people do bad things, and the way in which our expectations
    about an event can make it difficult to see it as it really is.
    Fortunately, my career as a vandal ended with this one incident. It
    did, however, mark the beginning of my fascination with basic
    questions about how people understand themselves and the social
    world—questions I continue to investigate to this day.
    Tim Wilson did his undergraduate work at Williams College and
    Hampshire College and received his Ph. D. from the University of
    Michigan. Currently Sherrell J. Aston Professor of Psychology at
    the University of Virginia, he has published numerous articles in
    the areas of introspection, attitude change, self-knowledge, and
    affective forecasting, as well as the recent book, Strangers to
    Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious. His research has
    received the support of the National Science Foundation and the
    National Institute for Mental Health. He has been associate editor
    of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and a member of
    the Social and Groups Processes Review Committee at the National
    Institute of Mental Health. He has been elected twice to the
    Executive Board of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology
    and is a Fellow in the American Psychological Society and the
    Society for Personality and Social Psychology. In 2009, he was
    named a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Wilson
    has taught the Introduction to Social Psychology course at the
    University of Virginia for more than twenty years. In 2001 he was
    awarded an All University Outstanding Teaching Award.
    Robin Akert
    One fall day, when I was about 16, I was walking with a friend
    along the shore of the San Francisco Bay. Deep in conversation, I
    glanced over my shoulder and saw a sailboat capsize. I pointed it
    out to my friend, who took only a perfunctory interest and went on
    talking. However, I kept watching as we walked, and I realized that
    the two sailors were in the water, clinging to the capsized boat.
    Again I said something to my friend, who replied, “Oh, they’ll get
    it upright, don’t worry.”
    But I was worried. Was this an emergency? My friend didn’t think
    so. And I was no sailor; I knew nothing about boats. But I kept
    thinking, “That water is really cold. They can’t stay in that water
    too long.” I remember feeling very confused and unsure. What should
    I do? Should I do anything? Did they really need help?
    We were near a restaurant with a big window overlooking the bay,
    and I decided to go in and see if anyone had done anything about
    the boat. Lots of people were watching but not doing anything. This
    confused me too. Very meekly, I asked the bartender to call for
    some kind of help. He just shrugged. I went back to the window and
    watched the two small figures in the water. Why was everyone so
    unconcerned? Was I crazy?
    Years later, I reflected on how hard it was for me to do what I did
    next: I demanded that the bartender let me use his phone. In those
    days before “911,” it was lucky that I knew there was a Coast Guard
    station on the bay, and I asked the operator for the number. I was
    relieved to hear the Guardsman take my message very
    It had been an emergency. I watched as the Coast Guard cutter sped
    across the bay and pulled the two sailors out of the water. Maybe I
    saved their lives that day. What really stuck with me over the
    years was how other people behaved and how it made me feel. The
    other bystanders seemed unconcerned and did nothing to help. Their
    reactions made me doubt myself and made it harder for me to decide
    to take action. When I later studied social psychology in college,
    I realized that on the shore of the San Francisco Bay that day, I
    had experienced the “bystander effect” fully: The presence of
    other, apparently unconcerned bystanders had made it difficult for
    me to decide if the situation was an emergency and whether it was
    my responsibility to help.
    Robin Akert graduated summa cum laude from the University of
    California at Santa Cruz, where she majored in psychology and
    sociology. She received her Ph. D. in experimental social
    psychology from Princeton University. She is currently a Professor
    of psychology at Wellesley College, where she was awarded the
    Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching early in her
    career. She publishes primarily in the area of nonverbal
    communication and recently received the AAUW American Fellowship in
    support of her research. She has taught the Social Psychology
    course at Wellesley College for nearly thirty years.
    Special Tips for Students 给学生们的特别提示
    Brief Contents 简目
    CHAPTER 1 Introducing Social Psychology 社会心理学导论
    CHAPTER 2 Methodology:How Social Psychologists Do Research
    CHAPTER 3 Social Cognition:How We Think about the Social World
    CHAPTER 4 Social Perception:How We Come to Understand Other People
    CHAPTER 5 The Self:Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context
    CHAPTER 6 The Need to Justify Our Actions:The Costs and Benefits of
    Dissonance Reduction 合理化行为的需要:减少失调的代价和收益
    CHAPTER 7 Attitudes and Attitude Change:Influencing Thoughts and Feelings
    CHAPTER 8 Conformity:Influencing Behavior 从众:影响行为
    CHAPTER 9 Group Processes:Influence in Social Groups
    CHAPTER 10 Interpersonal Attraction:From First Impressions to Close
    Relationships 人际吸引:从**印象到亲密关系
    CHAPTER 11 Prosocial Behavior:Why Do People Help?
    CHAPTER 12 Aggression:Why Do We Hurt Other People? Can We Prevent It?
    CHAPTER 13 Prejudice:Causes and Cures 偏见:原因与消除
    SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION 1 Making a Difference with Social Psychology:Attaining a Sustainable Future
    SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION 2 Social Psychology and Health
    SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY IN ACTION 3 Social Psychology and the Law
    Contents 目录
    出版前言 iii
    前言 iv
    关于作者 xi
    给学生们的特别提示 xiii
    Chapter 1 Introducing Social Psychology 社会心理学导论
    What Is Social Psychology? 什么是社会心理学?
    TRY IT! How Do Values Change? 试一试!价值观是如何改变的?
    The Power of Social Interpretation 社会性解读的力量
    How Else Can We Understand Social Influence? 了解社会影响的其他方法
    Social Psychology Compared with Personality Psychology
    TRY IT! Social Situations and Behavior 试一试!社会情境与行为
    Social Psychology Compared with Sociology 社会心理学与社会学的比较
    The Power of Social Influence 社会影响的威力
    Underestimating the Power of Social Influence 低估社会影响的力量
    The Subjectivity of the Social Situation 社会情境的主观性
    Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
    The Self-Esteem Approach: The Need to Feel Good about Ourselves
    The Social Cognition Approach: The Need to Be Accurate
    Additional Motives 其他动机
    Social Psychology and Social Problems 社会心理学与社会问题
    Chapter 2 Methodology: How Social Psychologists Do Research
    Social Psychology: An Empirical Science 社会心理学:一门实证科学
    TRY IT! Social Psychology Quiz: What‘s Your Prediction?
    Formulating Hypotheses and Theories 假说和理论的形成
    Inspiration from Earlier Theories and Research
    Hypotheses Based on Personal Observations 以个人观察为依据建立假说
    The Observational Method: Describing Social Behavior
    Archival Analysis 档案分析法
    TRY IT! Archival Analysis: Women, Men, and the Media
    Limits of the Observational Method 观察法的局限性
    The Correlational Method: Predicting Social Behavior
    Surveys 调查法
    CONNECTIONS Random Selection in Political Polls
    链接 政治民意调查中的随机抽样
    Limits of the Correlational Method: Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
    TRY IT! Correlation and Causation: Knowing the Difference
    The Experimental Method: Answering Causal Questions
    Independent and Dependent Variables 自变量与因变量
    Internal Validity in Experiments 实验的内部效度
    External Validity in Experiments 实验的外部效度
    Basic Versus Applied Research 基础研究与应用研究
    New Frontiers in Social Psychological Research
    Culture and Social Psychology 文化与社会心理学
    The Evolutionary Approach 进化心理学
    Social Neuroscience 社会神经科学
    Ethical Issues in Social Psychology 社会心理学的伦理问题
    Guidelines for Ethical Research 伦理研究的指导方针
    Chapter 3 Social Cognition: How We Think about the Social World
    On Automatic Pilot: Low-Effort Thinking 自动化:低努力水平思维
    People as Everyday Theorists: Automatic Thinking with Schemas
    TRY IT! Avoiding Self-Fulfilling Prophecies 试一试!避免自证预言
    Mental Strategies and Shortcuts 心理策略与心理捷径
    CONNECTIONS Personality Tests and the Representativeness Heuristic
    链接 人格测验与代表性法则
    TRY IT! Reasoning Quiz 试一试!推理小测验
    The Power of Unconscious Thinking 无意识思维的力量
    Cultural Differences in Social Cognition 社会认知的文化差异
    Controlled Social Cognition: High-Effort Thinking
    Mentally Undoing the Past: Counterfactual Reasoning
    Thought Suppression and Ironic Processing 思考**和反向加工
    Improving Human Thinking 改进人类思维
    TRY IT! How Well Do You Reason? 试一试!你的推理能力如何?
    The Amadou Diallo Case Revisited 阿马登?戴尔罗案例反思
    Chapter 4 Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other People 社会知觉:我们如何理解他人
    Nonverbal Behavior 非语言行为
    TRY IT! Using Your Voice as a Nonverbal Cue
    Facial Expressions of Emotion 表达情绪的面部表情
    Culture and the Channels of Nonverbal Communication
    Multichannel Nonverbal Communication 多渠道的非语言交流
    CONNECTIONS The E-Mail Dilemma: Communicating Without Nonverbal Cues
    链接 e-mail 的两难:没有非语言线索的交流
    Implicit Personality Theories: Filling In the Blanks
    Culture and Implicit Personality Theories 文化与内隐人格理论
    Causal Attribution: Answering the “Why” Question
    The Nature of the Attribution Process 归因过程的本质
    The Covariation Model: Internal versus External Attributions
    TRY IT! Listen as People Make Attributions
    The Correspondence Bias: People as Personality Psychologists
    CONECTIONS Police Interrogations and the Correspondence Bias
    链接 警察审问和一致性偏见
    Culture and the Correspondence Bias 文化与一致性偏见
    The Actor/Observer Difference 当事人与旁观者差异
    Self-Serving Attributions 自利归因
    TRY IT! Self-Serving Attributions in the Sports Pages
    Culture and Other Attributional Biases 文化与其他归因偏见
    Chapter 5 The Self: Understanding Ourselves in a Social Context
    Self-Knowledge 自我认知
    Cultural Differences in Defining the Self 自我定义的文化差异
    TRY IT! A Measure of Independence and Interdependence
    Gender Differences in Defining the Self 自我定义的性别差异
    TRY IT! A Measure of Relational Interdependence
    Knowing Ourselves Through Introspection 通过内省来认识自己
    TRY IT! Measure Your Private Self-Consciousness
    Knowing Ourselves by Observing Our Own Behavior
    CONNECTIONS How Should Parents Praise Their Children?
    链接 父母应怎样赞扬孩子?
    Mindsets: Understanding Our Own Abilities 心态:理解我们的能力
    Using Other People to Know Ourselves 通过他人来认识自己
    Self-Control: The Executive Function of the Self
    Impression Management: All the World’s a Stage
    Culture, Impression Management, and Self-Enhancement
    Chapter 6 The Need to Justify Our Actions: The Costs and Benefits of Dissonance Reduction
    Maintaining a Stable, Positive Self-Image
    The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance 认知失调理论
    Rational Behavior versus Rationalizing Behavior 理性行为与合理化行为
    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions 决策,决策,还是决策
    TRY IT! The Advantage of Finality 试一试!一锤子买卖的好处
    Dissonance, the Brain, and Evolution 认知失调、大脑和进化
    Justifying Your Effort 合理化你的努力
    TRY IT! Justifying Actions 试一试!合理化你的行为
    The Psychology of Insufficient Justification 非充分合理化的心理学
    Advocacy and Hypocrisy Applied to Social Problems
    Good and Bad Deeds 善行与恶行
    TRY IT! Good Deeds 试一试!善 行
    Culture and Dissonance 文化与失调
    CONNECTIONS Dissonance Theory Used by Mainstream Journalist to Explain the Actions of Suicide Bombers
    链接 主流记者基于认知失调理论对自杀性爆炸事件的解释
    Some Final Thoughts on Dissonance: Learning from Our Mistakes
    Heaven‘s Gate Revisited 再探天门教事件
    Chapter 7 Attitudes and Attitude Change: Influencing Thoughts and Feelings 态度与态度改变:影响思维和情绪
    The Nature and Origin of Attitudes 态度的本质与根源
    Where Do Attitudes Come From? 态度从何而来?
    TRY IT! Affective and Cognitive Bases of Attitudes 试一试!态度的情感和认知基础
    Explicit versus Implicit Attitudes 外显态度与内隐态度
    How Do Attitudes Change? 态度是如何改变的?
    Changing Attitudes by Changing Behavior: Cognitive Dissonance Theory Revisited 通过改变行为来改变态度:重返认知失调理论
    Persuasive Communications and Attitude Change 说服性沟通与态度改变
    TRY IT! The Need for Cognition 试一试!认知需求
    Emotion and Attitude Change 情绪与态度改变
    Confidence in One’s Thoughts and Attitude Change 对个人想法的信心与态度改变
    Resisting Persuasive Messages 抗拒说服信息
    Attitude Inoculation 态度的预防免疫
    Be Alert to Product Placement 警惕产品内置
    Resisting Peer Pressure 拒绝同伴压力
    When Persuasion Attempts Boomerang: Reactance Theory 当说服产生反作用:抗拒理论
    When Will Attitudes Predict Behavior? 态度何时能预测行为?
    Predicting Spontaneous Behaviors 预测自发行为
    Predicting Deliberative Behaviors 预测有意行为
    The Power of Advertising 广告的威力
    How Advertising Works 广告如何发挥作用
    CONNECTIONS Do Media Campaigns to Reduce Drug Use Work?
    链接 减少**使用的媒体宣传有用吗?
    Subliminal Advertising: A Form of Mind Control? 阈下广告:一种精神控制方式?
    Advertising, Cultural Stereotypes, and Social Behavior 广告、文化的刻板印象与社会行为
    TRY IT! Advertising and Mind Control 试一试!广告与思想控制
    Chapter 8 Conformity: Influencing Behavior 从众:影响行为
    Conformity: When and Why 从众行为:发生的时机与原因
    Informational Social Influence: The Need to Know What‘s “Right”
    The Importance of Being Accurate 保持正确的重要性
    When Informational Conformity Backfires 当信息性社会影响导致相反的效果时
    When Will People Conform to Informational Social Influence? 何时人们会顺从信息性社会影响?
    TRY IT! Informational Social Influence and Emergencies
    Normative Social Influence: The Need to Be Accepted
    Conformity and Social Approval: The Asch Line Judgment Studies
    The Importance of Being Accurate, Revisited 回顾:保持正确的重要性
    The Consequences of Resisting Normative Social Influence 拒绝规范性社会影响的后果
    TRY IT! Unveiling Normative Social Influence by Breaking the Rules
    Normative Social Influence in Everyday Life 日常生活中的规范性社会影响
    When Will People Conform to Normative Social Influence? 何时人们会顺从规范性社会影响?
    TRY IT! Fashion: Normative Social Influence in Action
    Minority Influence: When the Few Influence the Many
    CONNECTIONS The Power of Propaganda 链接 宣传的威力
    Using Social Influence to Promote Beneficial Behavior 利用社会影响以促进有益行为
    The Role of Injunctive and Descriptive Norms 命令性规范与描述性规范的作用
    Obedience to Authority 服从权威
    The Role of Normative Social Influence 规范性社会影响的作用
    The Role of Informational Social Influence 信息性社会影响的作用
    Other Reasons Why We Obey 服从的其他原因
    The Obedience Studies, Then and Now 过去和现在的服从研究
    Chapter 9 Group Processes: Influence in Social Groups 团体过程:社会团体的影响
    What Is a Group? 什么是团体?
    Why Do People Join Groups? 人们为什么要加入团体?
    The Composition and Functions of Groups 团体的组成与功能
    TRY IT! What Happens When You Violate a Role? 试一试!当你违背角色时会怎样?
    Groups and Individuals’ Behavior 团体与个人行为
    Social Facilitation: When the Presence of Others Energizes Us
    Social Loafing: When the Presence of Others Relaxes Us 社会懈怠:他人在场使我们放松
    Gender and Cultural Differences in Social Loafing: Who Slacks Off the Most?
    Deindividuation: Getting Lost in the Crowd 去个体化:迷失在人群中
    Group Decisions: Are Two (or More) Heads Better Than One?
    Process Loss: When Group Interactions Inhibit Good Problem Solving
    CONNECTIONS Was the Decision to Invade Iraq a Result of Groupthink?
    链接 出兵伊拉克的决定是团体思维的结果吗?
    Group Polarization: Going to Extremes 团体极化:走向**
    TRY IT! Choice Dilemmas Questionnaire 试一试!选择困境问卷
    Leadership in Groups 团体中的领导
    Conflict and Cooperation 冲突与合作
    Social Dilemmas 社会困境
    TRY IT! The Prisoner‘s Dilemma 试一试!囚徒困境
    Using Threats to Resolve Conflict 用威胁解决冲突
    Effects of Communication 沟通的作用
    Negotiation and Bargaining 协商与讨价还价
    Chapter 10 Interpersonal Attraction: From First Impressions to Close Relationships 人际吸引:从**印象到亲密关系
    What Causes Attraction? 产生吸引的原因
    The Person Next Door: The Propinquity Effect 住在隔壁的人:时空接近效应
    TRY IT! Mapping the Effect of Propinquity in Your Life
    Similarity 相似性
    Reciprocal Liking 互惠式的好感
    Physical Attractiveness and Liking 外表的吸引力与好感
    Theories of Interpersonal Attraction: Social Exchange and Equity
    Close Relationships 亲密关系
    Defining Love 爱的定义
    TRY IT! Passionate Love Scale 试一试!激情之爱量表
    Culture and Love 文化和爱
    Love and Relationships 爱情和人际关系
    Evolution and Love: Choosing a Mate 进化和爱:选择配偶
    CONNECTIONS Does Ovulation Affect Perceptions of Male Attractiveness?
    链接 排卵是否会影响对男性吸引力的知觉?
    Attachment Styles in Intimate Relationships 亲密关系中的依恋类型
    CONNECTIONS This Is Your Brain ... In Love 链接 恋爱中的大脑
    Social Exchange in Long-Term Relationships 长期人际关系中的社会交换
    Equity in Long-Term Relationships 长期人际关系中的公平性
    Ending Intimate Relationships 亲密关系的结束
    The Process of Breaking Up 分手的过程
    The Experience of Breaking Up 分手的体验
    Chapter 11 Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help? 亲社会行为:为什么人们助人?
    Basic Motives Underlying Prosocial Behavior: Why Do People Help?
    Evolutionary Psychology: Instincts and Genes 进化心理学:本能与基因
    TRY IT! Does the Reciprocity Norm Increase Helping?
    Social Exchange: The Costs and Rewards of Helping 社会交换:助人的成本与报酬
    Empathy and Altruism: The Pure Motive for Helping 移情与利他主义:助人的纯粹动机
    Personal Qualities and Prosocial Behavior: Why Do Some People Help More Than Others?
    Individual Differences: The Altruistic Personality 个体差异:利他人格
    Gender Differences in Prosocial Behavior 亲社会行为中的性别差异
    Cultural Differences in Prosocial Behavior 亲社会行为中的文化差异
    Religion and Prosocial Behavior 宗教和亲社会行为
    The Effects of Mood on Prosocial Behavior 心境对亲社会行为的影响
    TRY IT! Do Good, Feel Good? 试一试!心情好,做好事?
    Situational Determinants of Prosocial Behavior: When Will People Help?
    Environment: Rural versus Urban 环境:乡村与城市
    Residential Mobility 居民流动性
    The Number of Bystanders: The Bystander Effect 旁观者数目:旁观者效应
    The Nature of the Relationship: Communal versus Exchange Relationships
    TRY IT! The Lost Letter Technique 试一试!遗失信件技术
    How Can Helping Be Increased? 怎样增加助人行为?
    Increasing the Likelihood That Bystanders Will Intervene 增加旁观者干预的可能性
    Positive Psychology and Prosocial Behavior 积极心理学与亲社会行为
    CONNECTIONS Increasing Volunteerism 链接 增加志愿主义
    Chapter 12 Aggression: Why Do We Hurt Other People? Can We Prevent It? 侵犯:我们为什么伤害他人?能防止吗?
    What Is Aggression? 什么是侵犯?
    Is Aggression Inborn or Learned? 侵犯是天生的还是后天习得的?
    Is Aggression Instinctual? Situational? Optional?
    TRY IT! Fighting and Its Attractiveness 试一试!打架及其吸引力
    Aggression and Culture 侵犯与文化
    Neural and Chemical Influences on Aggression 神经生化因素对侵犯的影响
    Gender and Aggression 性别与侵犯
    Alcohol and Aggression 酒精与侵犯
    Pain, Discomfort, and Aggression 疼痛、不适与侵犯
    TRY IT! Heat, Humidity, and Aggression 试一试!炎热、潮湿与侵犯
    Social Situations and Aggression 社会情境与侵犯
    Frustration and Aggression ��折感与侵犯
    Being Provoked and Reciprocating 被激怒和报复
    Aggressive Objects as Cues 攻击性物体的提示作用
    TRY IT! Insults and Aggression 试一试!侮辱和侵犯
    Endorsement, Imitation, and Aggression 社会赞许、模仿和侵犯
    Violence in the Media: TV, Movies, and Video Games
    Does Violence Sell? 暴力能提高销售吗?
    Violent Pornography and Violence against Women 暴力色情与对女性的暴力
    How to Reduce Aggression 如何减少侵犯
    Does Punishing Aggression Reduce Aggressive Behavior? 惩罚能减少侵犯行为吗?
    CONNECTIONS Curbing Bullying: A Case Study in Reducing Agression at School
    链接 阻止恃强凌弱:一项减少学校中侵犯行为的个案研究
    Catharsis and Aggression 宣泄与侵犯
    The Effect of War on General Aggression 战争对总体侵犯性的影响
    What Are We Supposed to Do with Our Anger? 我们应该怎么处理愤怒?
    Dehumanization: The Opposite of Empathy 去人性化:同情心的反面
    CONNECTIONS Teaching Empathy in School 链接 学校里的同情心教育
    Could the Columbine Massacre Have Been Prevented?
    Chapter 13 Prejudice: Causes and Cures 偏见:原因与消除
    Prejudice: The Ubiquitous Social Phenomenon 偏见:普遍的社会现象
    Prejudice and Self-Esteem 偏见和自尊
    A Progress Report 发展的报告
    Prejudice Defined 偏见的定义
    Stereotypes: The Cognitive Component “刻板印象”:认知要素
    TRY IT! Stereotype and Aggression 试一试!刻板印象和攻击
    Discrimination: The Behavioral Component “歧视”:行为要素
    What Causes Prejudice? 偏见的起因
    The Way We Think: Social Cognition 我们的思维方式:社会认知
    How We Assign Meaning: Attributional Biases 如何赋予意义:归因偏差
    Blaming the Victim 责怪受害者
    Prejudice and Economic Competition: Realistic Conflict Theory
    The Way We Conform: Normative Rules 从众行为:规范性标准
    Subtle Sexism 内隐性别歧视
    How Can Prejudice be Reduced? 如何消除偏见?
    The Contact Hypothesis 接触假说
    When Contact Reduces Prejudice: Six Conditions 接触减少偏见的六个条件
    Why Early Desegregation Failed 早期种族混合教育为什么会失败
    CONNECTIONS Cooperation and Interdependence: The Jigsaw Classroom
    链接 合作与互倚:拼图教室
    Why Does Jigsaw Work? 拼图教室法为什么有效
    TRY IT! Jigsaw-Type Group Study 试一试!拼图式的学习小组
    CONNECTIONS A Letter from“Carlos” 链接 来自“卡洛斯”的一封信
    Making a Difference with Social Psychology: Attaining a Sustainable Future
    Applied Research in Social Psychology 社会心理学的应用性研究
    Capitalizing on the Experimental Method 利用实验法
    Social Psychology to the Rescue 社会心理救援
    Using Social Psychology to Achieve a Sustainable Future
    Resolving Social Dilemmas 解决社会困境
    Conveying and Changing Social Norms 传递并改变社会规范
    TRY IT! Reducing Littering with Descriptive Norms
    Keeping Track of Consumption 追踪消费
    Introducing a Little Competitiveness 适当引入竞争
    Inducing Hypocrisy 诱导伪善
    Removing Small Barriers to Achieve Big Changes 消除小障碍,实现大变化
    TRY IT! Changing Environmentally Damaging Behaviors 试一试!改变破坏环境的行为
    Happiness and a Sustainable Lifestyle 幸福和可持续的生活方式
    What Makes People Happy? 让人们幸福的是什么?
    Money, Materialism, and Happiness **,物质主义和幸福
    Do People Know What Makes Them Happy? 人们知道让他们幸福的是什么吗?
    Social Psychology and Health
    Stress and Human Health 压力与人类健康
    Resilience 恢复力
    TRY IT! The College Life Stress Inventory 试一试!大学生生活压力量表
    Perceived Stress and Health 知觉压力与健康
    Feeling in Charge: The Importance of Perceived Control 自主感:知觉控制感的重要性
    Knowing You Can Do It: Self-Efficacy 知道自己能做得到:自我效能
    Explaining Negative Events: Learned Helplessness 解释负性事件:习得性无助
    Optimism: Looking on the Bright Side 乐观:从光明面看
    TRY IT! The Life Orientation Test 试一试!生活定向测验
    Coping with Stress 压力的应对
    Gender Differences in Coping with Stress 应对压力的性别差异
    Social Support: Getting Help from Others 社会支持:获得他人的帮助
    TRY IT! Social Support 试一试!社会支持
    Opening Up: Making Sense of Traumatic Events 敞开心扉:弄清创伤性事件的意义
    Prevention: Promoting Healthier Behavior 预防之道:改善健康习惯
    Preventable Health Problems 可预防的健康问题
    Social Psychological Interventions: Targeting Safer Sex 社会心理学干预:更**的性行为
    TRY IT! Changing Your Health Habits 试一试!改变你的健康习惯
    Social Psychology and the Law
    Eyewitness Testimony 目击者证词
    Why Are Eyewitnesses Often Wrong? 为何目击者经常指认错误?
    Judging Whether Eyewitnesses Are Mistaken 判断目击证人是否犯错
    TRY IT! The Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony 试一试!目击者证词的准确性
    Judging Whether Witnesses Are Lying 判断证人是否撒谎
    TRY IT! Lie Detection 试一试!测谎
    Can Eyewitness Testimony Be Improved? 目击者的证词能够得到改进吗?
    The Recovered Memory Debate 关于恢复性记忆的争论
    Juries: Group Processes in Action 陪审团:团体判决过程
    How Jurors Process Information During the Trial 审判过程中陪审员对信息的处理
    Confessions: Are They Always What They Seem? 认罪:它们总是像看起来那样吗?
    Deliberations in the Jury Room 陪审室内的商议
    Why Do People Obey the Law? 公民为何守法?
    Do Severe Penalties Deter Crime? 严惩能够阻止犯罪吗?
    TRY IT! Are You Aware of the Penalties for Federal Crimes?
    Procedural Justice: People’s Sense of Fairness 程序公平:人们对公平的理解
    Glossary 重要词汇
    References 参考文献
    Credits 鸣谢
    Name Index 人名索引
    Subject Index 主题索引



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外