世界文学评论. 第9辑

世界文学评论. 第9辑

  • 作者:《世界文学评论》编辑部
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787519203016
  • 出版日期:2016年12月01日
  • 页数:1
  • 定价:¥50.00
  • 分享领佣金




    纪念莎士比亚逝世四百周年——李伟民教授访谈录 邹 茜(1)
    游走于档案与想象之间——阿米塔夫?高希访谈录 金万锋 译(9)

    反思“强制阐释”的独断性 敖 翔(17)
    有限认识论与本体阐释多元化 郭 伟(21)
    “强制阐释”存在的必然性 丁 萌(25)
    对“强制阐释”基本特征的疑惑 杨 子(30)
    “强制阐释”为何受关注 甘小盼(35)

    《原野》中的地理叙事 朱晓薇(40)
    废名小说中的“桥”:从物象到意象 高 爽(48)
    现当代湖北作家作品中的长江意象 叶吉娜(53)

    梦幻之境:谭恩美长篇小说的空间属性及其美学意义 邹建军(60)
    《望断南飞雁》与《逃离》中的女性形象之比较 刘卓群(68)
    缅甸华文诗歌中的多元文化与身份焦虑 苏葆荣(75)

    《他们眼望上苍》中黑人男性形象的嬗变 侯春硕 隋红升(81)
    记忆中的未来与魔幻中的现实——《未来的回忆》中的魔幻时间观 杨 力(85)
    记忆:从普鲁斯特到莫迪亚诺——以《追忆似水年华》和《��店街》为例 黄 驰(91)
    《傲慢与偏见》起源研究中的几点论争 张素玫(96)
    《丹麦女孩》中的“双性同体”原型形象 罗 玲(102)
    从社会学看《弗兰肯斯坦》悲剧之成因 郭 源(105)
    《惊魂记》中的双重人格 刘丽琴 程乐森 高 民 刘亚林(109)
    《问题的核心》中斯考比的身份危机 罗斯密(112)

    我对莎士比亚十四行诗第51首的理解 蒋坚霞(117)
    布洛克诗歌中的象征意蕴 林明理(123)
    从弥尔顿的《失乐园》探讨人与上帝的关系 斯陈雁(129)
    《当你老了》的爱情主题 叶金梅(135)

    曾涵复诗歌的精神境界 张用生(138)
    从庄严熔铸的视角看华美颓败的人性——《生死疲劳》的叙述视角 阎 格(143)
    虚实之辨:王蒙诗学话语中的存在论 李御娇(147)

     ——以《武士冢》、《苏尔豪格的宴会》和《海尔格伦的海盗》为例 王金黄(154)
    《愤怒的葡萄》中的伦理主题 崔金燕(162)
    《麦田里的守望者》中的伦理救赎 李文彬(167)

    地方与乡土对于汉语诗歌的意义——熊明修先生访谈录 叶雨其(172)
    生命之花开自厚土与深山——论熊明修诗歌艺术的来源 袁敦文(178)

    《两访中国茶乡》中的双面中国与植物朝圣 刘玉杰(184)
    《查泰莱夫人的情人》与《万延元年的足球队》中的森林意象之比较 段亚鑫(190)
    《茶花女》在中国的第四度改写 彭思锦(197)
    《忏悔录》中卢梭形象的“人本心理学” 李亚男(203)

    《易卜生研究》中的教学实践问题——以《海尔格伦的海盗》为例 邹岳奇 等(207)
     ——以比较文学、西方戏剧、外国文学课程为例 杜雪琴(219)

    建构原创性批评理论体系的尝试——读《江山之助:邹建军教授讲文学地理学》 曹卫军(227)
    在现实与荒诞的罅隙中绽放——评樊晓君《爱德华?阿尔比戏剧研究》 李小刚(232)
    空间思维下电影叙事研究的新视野——评《电影叙事的空间转向》 郅凯华(235)
    中国文学地理学会第六届年会暨首届硕博论坛综述 流 怒(239)
    第二届桂子山诗歌对话会综述 杨 翔(247)
    纪念秦兆阳百年诞辰暨《秦兆阳文集》出版座谈会纪要 王冠含(253)

    Interviews with Chinese and Foreign Scholars
    To Commemorate the Four Hundred Anniversary of William Shakespeare's Death—Interviews of Prof.Li Weimin
    Zou Qian 1
    Between the Walls of Archives and Horizons of Imagination: An Interview with Amitav Ghosh
    Jin Wanfeng 9
    Research on Imposed Interpretations
    Reflections on Arbitrariness of "Imposed Interpretations"
    Ao Xiang 17
    Finite Epistemology and Diversification of Ontology Interpretation
    Guo Wei 21
    The Necessity of the Existence of the Imposed Interpretations
    Ding Meng 25
    Questions about Basic Characteristics of Imposed Interpretations
    Yang Zi 30
    A Discussion on Causes of the Prevalence of Imposed Interpretations
    Gan Xiaopan 35
    Literary Geography Study
    The Geographical Narrative in The Champaign
    Zhu Xiaowei 40
    The Bridges in Feiming's Fictions:From Objective Images to Subjective Images
    Gao Shuang 48
    The Yangtze River Appeared in the Works of Modern and Contemporary Hubei Writers
    Ye Ji'na 53
    Overseas Chinese Literature Study
    Land of Dreams: The Spatial attributes in Amy Tan's Novels
    Zou Jianjun 60
    The Comparison of Two Female Images in Listen to the Caged Bird Sing and Runaway
    Liu Zhuoqun 68
    The Multiculture and Identity Anxiety in the Chinese Poetry of Myanmar
    Su Baorong 75
    Research on Western Novels
    Transformation of the Black Male Characters in Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Hou Chunshuo Sui Hongsheng 81
    Future in Memories and Reality in Magic: The Magical Time Concept in Los recuerdos del porvenir
    Yang Li 85
    Memories from Proust to Modiano :A Case Study of A la Recherch? du Temps Perdu and Rue des Boutiques Obscures
    Huang Chi 91
    Some Disputes about the Origin of Pride and Prejudice
    Zhang Sumei 96
    Analysis of the Hero's Androgyny in The Danish Girl
    Luo Ling 102
    The Lack of Social Relations in Frankenstein
    Guo Yuan 105
    The Double Personality in The Psycho
    Liu Liqin Gao Min Liu Yalin Cheng Lesen 109
    Identity Crisis of Scobie in The Heart of the Matter
    Luo Simi 112
    Research on Western Poetry
    Shakespeare Sonnet Li:My Understanding
    Jiang Jianxia 117
    On the Symbolic Meaning of Blok's Poetry
    Lin MingLi 123
    Discussion on the Relationship between Man and God from Milton's Paradise Lost
    Si Chenyan 129
    The Love Theme of When you are old
    Ye Jinmei 135
    Chinese Literature Study
    The Spiritual Realm of Zeng Hanfu's Poems
    Zhang Yongsheng 138
    View the Gorgeous and Decadent Human Nature Through the Perspective Of Solemness And Remodeling—Elaboration of Narrative Skills of Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
    Yan Ge 143
    False or True: Ontology of Wang Meng's Poetic Discourse
    Li Yujiao 147
    Ethical Literary and Foreign Literature
    The Transformation of Ibsen's Religious Ethics Thoughts in the Early Dramas—In Cases of Kj?mpeh?jen,Gildet paa Solhoug and H?rm?ndene paa Helgeland
    Wang Jinhuang 154
    An Ethical Study of The Grapes of Wrath
    Cui Jinyan 162
    The Ethical Salvation in The Catcher in the Rye
    Li Wenbin 167
    Rereach on Local Literature and World Literature
    The Significance of Local and Native to Chinese Poetry:An Interview with Xiong Mingxiu
    Ye Yuqi 172
    The Life of Flowers from the Soil and Mountains—On the Source of the Poetic Art of Xiong Mingxiu
    Yuan Dunwen 178
    Comparative Literature Study
    Double-faced China and Botanic Pilgrimage in Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China and the British Tea Plantations in the Himalaya
    Liu Yujie 184
    Forest Image Comparison of Lady Chatterley's Lover and Banengannen's Soccer Team
    Duan Yaxin 190
    The Fourth Rewriting of La Traviata in China
    Peng Sijin 197
    The Humanistic Psychology Analysis of Rousseau's Image in The Confessions
    Li Ya'nan 203
    Comparative Literature Teaching and Researching
    Teaching Practice Problem in The Study of Ibsen—On the Case of The Warriors at Helgeland
    Zou Yueqi 207
    Methods and Practices of Dramatic Didactics in Literature Courses—A Case Study of Comparative Literature, Western Drama and Foreign Literature
    Du Xueqin 219
    Book Review and Academic Trends
    Tentative Construction of the System of the Original Literary Critical Theory—On Prof. Zou Jianjun's Lectures on Literary Geography Criticism: With the Help of Landscape
    Cao Weijun 227

    Blossoming Betweem the Crack of Realism and Absurdity—On Fan Xiaojun's The Research of Edward Alby's Dramas
    Li Xiaogang 232
    A New Perspective on the Study of Film Narrative under the Space Thinking: Comment on the Space Turning of Film Narration
    Zhi Kaihua 235
    A Review of the Sixth Annual Conference of Chinese Literary Geography Association and the First Postgraduate Forum
    Liu Nu 239
    A Overview of the Second Gui Hill Poetry Dialogue Session
    Yang Xiang 247
    Summary of the Symposium of Qin Zhaoyang's Centenary Birthday and the Publication of Qin Zhaoyang's Collected Works
    Wang Guanhan 253



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外