

  • 作者:覃正
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • ISBN:9787119110356
  • 出版日期:2018年01月01日
  • 页数:457
  • 定价:¥69.00
  • 分享领佣金




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    The Chinese Dream of education has been passed down from gen-eration to generation. From the proposal of Sun Yat-Sen to "revitalizethe Chinese nation" for the first time in 1894, the call of Liang Qichaoin 1900 that "the wisdom, prosperity, and strength of a country relieson its youth," to the advice of Sun Yirang that "the wisdom and com-petence of the people is vital to the strength and prosperity of the coun-try," countless people with lofty ideals waged indomitable strugglesand continuous ex
    "Education Should be Oriented to Modernization, the World andthe Future"
    After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Com-mittee of the CPC, the focus shift of the whole Party's tasks and theconstruction of modernization presented new demands and posed newchallenges to education in China. In the early 1980s, the educationaldevelopment and socialist construction were severely disengaged fromthe reform and opening up. There were serious problems in educationin terms of the quantity and quality of students as well as the mixtureof talents, which made clear that "without reform, education gets no-where.'' On October 1 st, 1983, when asked how to reform educationin the new era at Beijing Jingshan School, Deng Xiaoping answeredthat "education should be oriented to modernization, the world and thefuture.'' The "Three Orientations" was proposed by Deng Xiaopingas the national strategic guidelines for China's contemporary educa-tion. The three aspects were integral as a whole. The core concept ofthe guidelines was the "orientation to modernization," which meant education should be adjusted to the needs of modernization, nationaleconomic development and the provision of talented people for the pur-pose of socialist construction. The "orientation to the world" was thespatial extension of the "orientation to modernization," which focusedon the needs of the opening-up strategy for economic development. "Itis necessary to learn from the capitalist developed countries to acquirebeneficial experience in science, technology, business management,culture and other fields." "We should utilize the advanced technolo-gy worldwide and enjoy the fruits of human civilization, aim to equipstudents with prerequisite knowledge to face globalization and focus onthe opening up of education in order to catch up with the world-classeducation and to be internationally-recognized.''The "orientation tothe future" was the temporal extension of the "orientation to modern-ization," which was intended to gear education to the needs of long-term economic strategy of the socialist development and the socialdevelopment in the future. The "Three Orientations" was the essenceof Deng Xiaoping's educational thought, which embodied the educa-tional guidelines of the CPC for the socialist development of China atthat time. Deng Xiaoping's educational thought showed the generaldirection and stipulated the strategy for China's educational reform anddevelopment in the future. Therefore, Deng Xiaoping's educationalthought was of epochal characteristics and strategic instructiveness.
    Chapter Ⅰ The Chinese Dream of Education of Leaders
    Sun Yat-sen: Education Is the Foundation Underlying All Our Efforts to Build the Country
    Mao Zedong: "China Should Build Its National, Scientific, People-Owned New Culture and New Education".
    Deng Xiaoping: "Education Should Be Oriented to Modernization, the World and the Future".
    Jiang Zemin: "A Full-scale Implementation of the Strategy of Invigorating China Through Science and Education".
    Hu Jintao: "Give Priority to Education and Turn China into a Country Rich in Human Resources".
    Xi Jinping:"China Will Always Give Priority to Education Development"

    Chapter Ⅱ Chinese Dream of Education of Chinese Celebrities
    Yan Xiu: "Save the Nation with Education"
    Cai Yuanpei: "Develop a Well-rounded Personality of Every Citizen in the Republic".
    Jiang Menglin:"Academic Freedom and Professorial Governance for Seeking the Truth".
    Ma Xulun: "Education Is the Fundamental Undertaking to Build a Country"
    Yang Xiufeng: "Build the Higher Education System of New China to Serve for Socialism".
    Jiang Nanxiang: "All-round Development in Morality, Intelligence, and Physique,"Put Moral Education in the First Place".
    He Dongchang: "The Cultivation of Talents Is the Fundamental Mission of Education".
    Xu Tell: "Education Is the Foundation of the Prosperity of a Country"
    Lu Xun: "Cultivation of Talents——-Prosperity of the Country"

    Chapter Ⅲ Educational Philosophies of European and American Scholars Educational Philosophies of European Scholars
    American Educational Philosophies

    ChapterⅣ Epoch-making College Reform is Coming
    New Era of College Is Knocking on the Door of Global Higher Education
    New Interactive Techniques Are Speeding up the Reform of College Education Model
    Future Development of University
    Modernization of Governance System and Ability in Chinese Universities



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