

  • 作者:杨德仁
  • 出版社:重庆大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787562428251
  • 出版日期:2003年01月01日
  • 页数:181
  • 定价:¥15.00
  • 分享领佣金




    paragraphs into Chinese:
    (1)Database is a ColleCtion of information organized in suCh a way that a Computer program Can quiCkly seleCt desired pieCes of data.You Can think of a database as an eleCtroniC filing system.
    Traditional databases are organized by fields,reCords,and files.A field is a single pieCe of information;a reCord is one Complete set of fields;and a file is a ColleCtion of reCords.For example,a telephone book is analogous to a file.It Contains a list of reCords,eaCh of whiCh Consists of three fields:nalne,address,and telephone number.
    An alternative ConCept in database design is known as Hypertext.In a Hypertext database,any objeCt,whether it is a pieCe of text,a piCture,or a film,Can be linked to any other objeCt.Hypertext databases are partiCularly useful for organizing large amounts of disparate information,but they are not designed for numeriCal analysis.
    To aCCess information from a database,you need a database management system(DBMS).This is a ColleCtion of programs that enables you to enter,organize,and seleCt data in a database.
    InCreasingly,the term database is used as shorthand for database management system.
    (2)SQL is abbreviation of struCtured query language,and pronounCed either see-kwell or as separate letters.SQL is a standardized query language for requesting information from a database.The original version Called SEQUEL(struCtured English query language)was designed by an IBM researCh Center in 1974 and 1975.SQL was first introduCed as a CommerCial database system in 1 979 by OraCle Corporation.
    HistoriCally,SQL has been the favorite query language for database management systems running on miniComputers and mainframes.InCreasingly,however,SQL is being supported by PC database systems beCause it supports distributed databasee(databases that are spread out over several Computer systems).This enables several users on a loCal-area network to aCCess the same database simultan
    …… 近年来随着信息技术的不断发展,被称为“万精油”的电子与信息工程专业覆盖的技术越来越宽,包含电子技术、自动化技术、通信技术、计算机技术等。在专业英语教学中,很难找到兼顾这些技术的教材,满足不了教学要求。重庆大学出版社组织的面向21世纪的西部高校教材,要求体现内容“新、奇、特”为指导思想。电子与信息工程专业英语教材内容是*新的,取材范围也广,在编者的专业英语教学经验基础上,整合并包含了所涉及的专业课程,希望能体现新世纪专业英语教学上两者兼顾的要求。书中有些内容是笔者的教学资料。编写本书目的是通过专业英语的学习,能掌握常用的专业词汇、能阅读和翻译专业文章,为跟踪和学习专业新知识打下坚实的基础。
    Unit 01 The Brief History of Information Technology (IT)
    01.1 100 Years of IT (part 1)
    01.2 100 Years of IT (part 2)
    01.3 100 Years of IT (part 3)
    Reading Material: IT management

    Unit 02 Personal Computer
    02.1 Why the PC Will Not Die
    02.2 The PC: 20 Years Young
    02.3 Happy Birthday, PC

    Unit 03 On Databases Management System
    03.1 Relational Databases
    03.2 Data Mining
    Reading Material: A Contact Database using MySQL and PHP

    Unit 04 Computer Network
    04.1 TCP/IP
    04.2 Virtual private networks
    04.3 What is Jini Network Technology?
    04.4 Bluetooth
    Reading material: Network

    Unit 05 System Security
    05.1 Encryption
    05.2 Intrusion Detection
    Reading Material: A System administrator's Security Basics

    Unit 06 Management Information System
    06.1 Geographic Information Systems(GIS)
    06.2 Knowledge Management
    Reading Material: Fundamentals of 'Information Systems'

    Unit 07 Enterprise Application Integration(EAI)
    07.1 EAI Overview
    07.2 EJB Technology Backgrounder
    Reading Material: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

    Unit 08 Open Source
    08.1 The Open Source Definition
    08.2 W3C in 7 points
    Reading Materials: Become More 'Open' -Minded The Free Software Definition

    Unit 09 Portal
    09.1 Portals Unlock the Knowledge that Drives Business Value
    09.2 Corporate Portals Open the Door to Better Business
    Reading material: The Elements of an Enterprise Portal

    Unit 10 Holography
    10.1 The History of Holography
    10.2 physical principles of holography(part 1)
    Reading Material: physical principles of holography (part 2)

    Unit 11 Electronic Basis
    11.1 Integration trends in programmable logic
    11.2 Resistors
    Reading material: What the scout will count

    Unit 12 Digital Communications
    12.1 Digital Communications
    12.2 Narrow-band PSK Modes for HF Digital Communications
    Reading Material: Novel Robust, Narrow-band PSK Modes for HF Digital Communications

    Unit 13 CDMA
    13.1 The CDMA Revolution
    13.2 Multiple Access Wireless Communications
    Reading Material: Near-Far Problem

    Unit 14 ATM
    14.1 ATM Overview
    14.2 ATM Networks
    Reading Material: ATM Campus Strategy



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