

  • 作者:朱华
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040335064
  • 出版日期:2011年08月01日
  • 页数:304
  • 定价:¥37.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《全国行业英语系列统编教材:旅游英语教程(第2版)》秉承tafe教育理念。tafe,即technical and further education,其教育理念是终身教育,把技术教育与继续教育结合在一起,把学历教育与职业教育联系起来。因此,《全国行业英语系列统编教材
    《全国行业英语系列统编教材:旅游英语教程(第2版)》采用mes(moduleso{employableskill)模块式教学设计。教程各模块既相对独立,又相互联系,任课教师可以根据授课对象和课时数对教学内容进行分拆和整合,便于因材施教、进行针对性的训练。 旅游英语教程_朱华_高等教育出版社_
    unit 1 a chinese cultural tour(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: cultural china
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five additional know-how
    unit 2 a chinese cultural tour(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: cultural china
    part four: introduction to cultural topics:
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 3 a tour of chinese things(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: cultural china
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 4 a tour of chinese things(2)
    .part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: cultural china
    part four: introduction to cultural topics
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 6 a tour of chinese festivals(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: cultural china
    part four: introduction to cultural topics
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 7 a tour of chinese landscape(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 8 a tour of chinese landscape(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 9 a tour of chinese waterscape(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 10 a tour of chinese waterscape(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 11 a tour of chinese ancient temples(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 12 a tour of chinese ancient temples(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 13 a tour of chinese pavilions and towers(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 14 a tour of chinese pavilions and towers(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 15 a tour of chinese ancient remains(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 16 a tour of chinese ancient remains(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 17 a tour of chinese old towns(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 18 a tour of chinese old towns(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 19 a tour of chinese theme parks(1)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: abc about tourism
    part five: additional know-how
    unit 20 a tour of chinese theme parks(2)
    part one: listening activities
    part two: situational dialogue
    part three: readings for travelogue
    part four: introduction to tourist sites
    part five: additional know-how



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外