

  • 作者:黄国文 (英国)葛达西
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040244489
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:194
  • 定价:¥25.00
  • 分享领佣金




    Chapter 1: Defining the Dissertation
    1.1 Introductory remarks
    1.2 Thesis, dissertation, paper
    1.3 Summary and evaluation of information
    1.4 The process of writing a dissertation
    1.5 Summary
    1.6 Exercises

    Chapter 2: Basic Writing and Academic Writing
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Basic writing
    2.3 Academic writing
    2.4 Style and mechanics
    2.5 Important terms and concepts
    2.6 Summary
    2.7 Exercises

    Chapter 3: Data, Analysis, and Research Paradigms
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Data collection
    3.3 Analysis
    3.4 Research paradigms
    3.5 Types of research
    3.6 Summary
    3.7 Exercises

    Chapter 4: Prewriting (1): Developing the Subject
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Managing your time
    4.3 Locating your interest
    4.4 Selecting a topic
    4.5 Considering manageability and availability
    4.6 Summary
    4.7 Exercises

    Chapter 5: Prewriting (2): Reading the Literature
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Familiarizing yourself with the background
    5.3 Discovering existing studies
    5.4 Reading the relevant literature
    5.5 Taking notes
    5.6 Discovering questions and problems
    5.7 Focusing on your research
    5.8 Preparing a working bibliography
    5.9 Summary
    5.10 Exercises

    Chapter 6: Prewriting (3): Thesis Formulation and Research Questions
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 The thesis statement
    6.3 The research question
    6.4 The research method
    6.5 Summary
    6.6 Exercises

    Chapter 7: Prewriting (4): Conducting Primary Research —— an Example
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Research interest and research aim
    7.3 Thesis statement and research questions
    7.4 Literature review
    7.5 Research method and data collection
    7.6 An example of data collection and data editing
    7.7 Theoretical basis
    7.8 Analysis
    7.9 Summary
    7.10 Exercises

    Chapter 8: Writing (1): Elements of a Dissertation
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 The macrostructure
    8.3 The abstract
    8.4 The introduction
    8.5 The literature review
    8.6 The theoretical framework
    8.7 Research method and data
    8.8 Analysis and discussion
    8.9 The conclusion
    8.10 Summary
    8.11 Exercises

    Chapter 9: Writing (2): Organizing Ideas
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 The skeleton and the meat
    9.3 The language of the elements of structure
    9.4 Referring to previous studies
    9.5 Re-organizing ideas
    9.6 Advice on quoting
    9.7 Advice on the choice of reporting verbs
    9.8 Summary
    9.9 Exercises

    Chapter 10: Writing (3): Writing and Revising
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Creating the overall plan
    10.3 Outlines and section headings
    10.4 The proportional suggestion
    10.5 Developing the first draft and possible problems
    10.6 Researching before writing
    10.7 Revising the first draft
    10.8 Summary
    10.9 Exercises

    Chapter 11: Writing (4): Avoiding Plagiarism
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Defining plagiarism
    11.3 The temptation to plagiarize
    11.4 The cost of plagiarism
    11.5 Paraphrasing vs plagiarism
    11.6 How to avoid plagiarism
    11.7 Summary
    11.8 Exercises

    Chapter 12: Preparing the Final Draft
    12.1 Introduction
    12.2 Formatting the final draft
    12.3 Checking the details
    12.4 Summary
    12.5 Exercises

    Chapter 13: References and Appendixes
    13.1 Introduction
    13.2 The function of documenting sources
    13.3 Different styles of referencing
    13.4 References in the running text
    13.5 References at the end of the dissertation
    13.6 Appendixes
    13.7 Summary
    13.8 Exercises

    Chapter 14: Submission and Evaluation
    14.1 Introduction
    14.2 Working with your tutor
    14.3 Submission
    14.4 Evaluation criteria
    14.5 The dissertation defence
    14.6 Summary
    14.7 Exercises

    Appendix 1: A Sample Paper in Chinese
    Appendix 2: A Sample Paper for Further Analysis
    Appendix 3: Suggested Answers to the Exercises
    About the Authors



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