

  • 作者:(美)阿诺德 (美)高斯林 (美)霍姆斯
  • 出版社:人民邮电出版社
  • ISBN:9787115147622
  • 出版日期:2006年05月01日
  • 页数:891
  • 定价:¥99.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书主要讲授Java程序设计语言,系统地介绍Java的主要包(即java.lang.*、java.util和java.io)中的大多数类,并以内容丰富的示例对这些类如何工作进行了深入剖析。作者对这部经典著作进行更新,使其反映了Java 2标准版5.0(J2SE 5.0)中主要的增强。本版中增加了几章新内容,专门讨论泛型、枚举以及注解(这些是5.0版引入的主要的新特性),并且加了几小节论述断言和正则表达式。本书经过更新后还结合了当今构建健壮、**和可维护的Java软件的*佳实践。

    1 A Quick Tour 1
    1.1 Getting Started 1
    1.2 Variables 3
    1.3 Comments in Code 6
    1.4 Named Constants 7
    1.5 Unicode Characters 8
    1.6 Flow of Control 9
    1.7 Classes and Objects 12
    1.7.1 Creating Objects 13
    1.7.2 Static or Class Fields 14
    1.7.3 The Garbage Collector 15
    1.8 Methods and Parameters 15
    1.8.1 Invoking a Method 15
    1.8.2 The this Reference 17
    1.8.3 Static or Class Methods 17
    1.9 Arrays 18
    1.10 String Objects 21
    1.10.1 String Conversion and Formatting 23
    1.11 Extending a Class 24
    1.11.1 Invoking Methods of the Superclass 25
    1.11.2 The 0bject Class 26
    1.11.3 Type Casting 27
    1.12 Interfaces 27
    1.13 Generic Types 29
    1.14 Exceptions 32
    1.15 Annotations 35
    1.16 Packages 36
    1.17 The Java Platform 38
    1.18 Other Topics Briefly Noted 39

    2 Classes and Objects 41
    2.1 A Simple Class 42
    2.1.1 Class Members 42
    2.1.2 Class Modifiers 43
    2.2 Fields 44
    2.2.1 Field Initialization 44
    2.2.2 Static Fields 45
    2.2.3 final Fields 46
    2.3 Access Control 47
    2.4 Creating Objects 49
    2.5 Construction and Initialization 50
    2.5.1 Constructors 50
    2.5.2 Initialization Blocks 54
    2.5.3 Static Initialization 55
    2.6 Methods 56
    2.6.1 Static Methods 58
    2.6.2 Method Invocations 58
    2.6.3 Methods with Variable Numbers of Arguments 60
    2.6.4 Method Execution and Return 62
    2.6.5 Parameter Values 63
    2.6.6 Using Methods to Control Access 65
    2.7 this 68
    2.8 Overloading Methods 69
    2.9 Importing Static Member Names 71
    2.10 The main Method 73
    2.11 Native Methods 74

    3 Extending Classes 75
    3.1 An Extended, Class 76
    3.2 Constructors in Extended Classes 80
    3.2.1 Constructor Order Dependencies 81
    3.3 Inheriting and Redefining Members 84
    3.3.1 Overriding 84
    3.3.2 Hiding Fields 86
    3.3.3 Accessing Inherited Members 86
    3.3.4 Accessibility and Overriding 88
    3.3.5 Hiding Static Members 89
    3.3.6 The super Keyword 89
    3.4 Type Compatibility and Conversion 90
    3.4.1 Compatibility 90
    3.4.2 Explicit Type Casting 91
    3.4.3 Testing for Type 92
    3.5 What protected Really Means 93
    3.6 Marking Methods and Classes final 96
    3.7 Abstract Classes and Methods 97
    3.8 The Object Class 99
    3.9 Cloning Objects 101
    3.9.1 Strategies for Cloning 101
    3.9.2 Correct Cloning 101
    3.9.3 Shallow Versus Deep Cloning 106
    3.10 Extending Classes: How and When 107
    3.11 Designing a Class to Be Extended 108
    3.11.1 Designing a Class to Be Extended 108
    3.12 Single Inheritance versus Multiple Inheritance 114

    4 Interfaces 117
    4.1 A Simple Interface Example 118
    4.2 Interface Declarations 120
    4.2.1 Interface Constants 121
    4.2.2 Interface Methods 122
    4.2.3 Interface Modifiers 122
    4.3 Extending Interfaces 122
    4.3.1 Inheriting and Hiding Constants 123
    4.3.2 Inheriting, Overriding, and Overloading Methods 125
    4.4 Working with Interfaces 126
    4.4.1 Implementing Interfaces 127
    4.4.2 Using an Implementation 129
    4.5 Marker Interfaces 130
    4.6 When to Use Interfaces 131

    5 Nested Classes and Interfaces 133
    5.1 Static Nested Types 133
    5.1.1 Static Nested Types 134
    5.1.2 Nested Interfaces 135
    5.2 Inner Classes 136
    5.2.1 Accessing Enclosing Objects 138
    5.2.2 Extending Inner Classes 139
    5.2.3 Inheritance, Scoping, and Hiding 140
    5.3 Local Inner Classes 142
    5.3.1 Inner Classes in Static Contexts 144
    5.4 Anonymous Inner Classes 144
    5.5 Inheriting Nested Types 146
    5.6 Nesting in Interfaces 148
    5.6.1 Modifiable Variables in Interfaces 149
    5.7 Implementation of Nested Types 149

    6 Enumeration Types 151
    6.1 A Simple Enum Example 151
    6.2 Enum Declarations 152
    6.2.1 Enum Modifiers 154
    6.3 Enum Constant Declarations 154
    6.3.1 Construction 155
    6.3.2 Constant Specific Behavior 156
    6.4 java.lang.Enum 159
    6.5 To Enum or Not 160

    7 Tokens, Values, and Variables 161
    7.1 Lexical Elements 161
    7.1.1 Character Set 161
    7.1.2 Comments 163
    7.1.3 Tokens 164
    7 1 4 Identifiers164
    7.1.5 Keywords 165
    7.2 Types and Literals 166
    7.1.1 Reference Literals 167
    7.2.2 Boolean Literals 167
    7 2 3 Character Literals 167
    7 2 4 Integer Literals 167
    7 2 5 Floating-Point Literals 168
    7.2.6 String Literals 168
    7.2.7 Class Literals 169
    7 3 Variables 169
    7.3.1 Field and Local Variable Declarations 170
    7.3.2 Parameter Variables 171
    7.3.3 final Variables 171
    7.4 Array Variables 173
    7.4.1 Array Modifiers 174
    7.4.2 Arrays of Arrays 174
    7 4 3 Array Initialization 175
    7.4.4 Arrays and Types 177
    7.5 The Meanings of Names 178

    8 Primitives as Types 183
    8.1 Common Fields and Methods 184
    8.1.1 Construction 185
    8.1.2 Constants 185
    8.1.3 Common Methods 186
    8.2 Void 187
    8.3 Boolean 187
    8.4 Number 188
    8.4.1 The Integer Wrappers 188
    8.4.2 The Floating-Point Wrapper Classes 191
    8.5 Character 192
    8.5.1 Working with UTF-16 196
    8.6 Boxing Conversions 199

    9 Operators and Expressions 201
    9.1 Arithmetic Operations 201
    9.1.1 Integer Arithmetic 202
    9 1 2 Floating-Point Arithmetic 202
    9.1.3 Strict and Non-Strict Floating-Point Arithmetic 203
    9.2 General Operators 204
    9.2.1 Increment and Decrement Operators 205
    9.2.2 Relational and Equality Operators 206
    9.2.3 Logical Operators 207
    9.2.4 instanceof 208
    9.2.5 Bit Manipulation Operators 208
    9 2 6 The Conditional Operator?: 210
    9.2.7 Assignment Operators 212
    9.2.8 String Concatenation Operator 214
    9.2.9 new 214
    9.3 Expressions 214
    9.3.1 Order of Evaluation 214
    9.3.2 Expression Type 215
    9.4 Type Conversions 216
    9.4.1 Implicit Type Conversions 216
    9.4.2 Explicit-Type Casts 217
    9.4.3 String Conversions 220
    9.5 Operator Precedence and Associativity 221
    9.6 Member Access 223
    9.6.1 Finding the Right Method 224

    10 Control Flow 229
    10.1 Statements and Blocks 229
    10.2 if-else 230
    10.3 switch 232
    10.4 while and do-while 235
    10.5 for 236
    10.5.1 Basic for Statement 236
    10.5.2 Enhanced for Statement 239
    10.6 Labels 241
    10.7 break 241
    10.8 continue 244
    10.9 return 245
    10.10 What, No goto? 246

    11 Generic Types 247
    11.1 Generic Type Declarations 250
    11.1.1 Bounded Type Parameters 252
    11.1.2 Nested Generic Types 253
    11 2 Working with Generic Types 256
    11.2.1 Subtyping and Wildcards 256
    11.3 Generic Methods and Constructors 260
    11.3.1 Generic Invocations and Type Inference 262
    11.4 Wildcard Capture 264
    11.5 Under the Hood: Erasure and Raw Types 267
    11.5.1 Erasure at Runtime 267
    11.5.2 Overloading and Overriding 271
    11.6 Finding the Right Method-Revisited 272
    11.7 Class Extension and Generic Types 276

    12 Exceptions and Assertions 279
    12.1 Creating Exception Types 280
    12.2 throw 282
    12.2.1 Transfer of Control 283
    12.2.2 Asynchronous Exceptions 283
    12.3 The throws Clause 283
    12.3.1 throws Clauses and Method Overriding 285
    12.3.2 throws Clauses and Native Methods 286
    12.4 try, catch, and finally 286
    12.4.1 finally 288
    12.5 Exception Chaining 291
    12.6 Stack Traces 294
    12.7 When to Use Exceptions 294
    12.8 Assertions 296
    12.8.1 The assert Statement 297
    12.9 When to Use Assertions 297
    12.9.1 State Assertions 297
    12.9.2 Control Flow Assertions 299
    12.10 Turning Assertions On and Off 300
    12.10.1 Why Turn Assertions On and Off? 300
    12.10.2 Controlling Assertions on the Command Line 300
    12.10.3 Complete Removal 302
    12.10.4 Making Assertions Required 302

    13 Strings and Regular Expressions 305
    13.1 Character Sequences 305
    13.2 The String Class 306
    13.2.1 Basic String Operations 306
    13.2.2 String Comparisons 308
    13.2.3 String Literals, Equivalence and Interning 311
    13.2.4 Making Related Strings 313
    13.2.5 String Conversions 316
    13.2.6 Strings and char Arrays 317
    13.2.7 Strings and byte Arrays 319
    13.2.8 Character Set Encoding 320
    13.3 Regular Expression Matching 321
    13.3.1 Regular Expressions 321
    13.3.2 Compiling and Matching with Regular Expressions 323
    13.3.3 Replacing 326
    13.3.4 Regions 329
    13.3.5 Efficiency 329
    13.4 The StringBuilder Class 330
    13.5 Working with UTF-16 336

    14 Threads 337
    14.1 Creating Threads 339
    14.2 Using Runnable 341
    14.3 Synchronization 345
    14.3.1 synchronized Methods 346
    14 3 2 Static synchronized Methods 348
    14.3.3 synchronized Statements 348
    14.3.4 Synchronization Designs 352
    14.4 wait, notifyAll, and notify 354
    14.5 Details of Waiting and Notification 357
    14.6 Thread Scheduling 358
    14.6.1 Voluntary Rescheduling 360
    14.7 Deadlocks 362
    14.8 Ending Thread Execution 365
    14.8.1 Cancelling a Thread 365
    14.8.2 Waiting for a Thread to Complete 367
    14.9 Ending Application Execution 369
    14.10 The Memory Model: Synchronization and volatile 370
    14.10.1 Synchronization Actions 372
    14.10.2 Final Fields and Security 373
    14.10.3 The Happens-Before Relationship 374
    14.11 Thread Management, Security, and ThreadGroup 375
    14.12 Threads and Exceptions 379
    14.12.1 Don't stop381
    14.12.2 Stack Traces 382
    14.13 ThreadLocal Variables 382
    14.14 Debugging Threads 384

    15 Annotations 387
    15.1 A Simple Annotation Example 388
    15.2 Annotation Types 389
    15.3 Annotating Elements 392
    15.4 Restricting Annotation Applicability 393
    15.5 Retention Policies 395
    15.6 Working with Annotations 395

    16 Reflection 397
    16.1 The Class Class 399
    16.1.1 Type Tokens 400
    16.1.2 Class Inspection 402
    16.1.3 Examining Class Members 408
    16,l.4 Naming Classes 411
    16.1.5 Obtaining Class Objects by Name 413
    16.1.6 Runtime Type Queries 414
    16.2 Annotation Queries 414
    16.3 The Modifier Class 416
    16.4 The Member classes 416
    16.5 Access Checking and AccessibleObject 417
    16.6 The Field Class 418
    16.6.1 Final Fields 420
    16.7 The Method Class 420
    16.8 Creating New Objects and the Constructor Class 423
    16.8.1 Inner Class constructors 425
    16.9 Generic Type Inspection 426
    16.9.1 Type Variables 426
    16.9.2 Parameterized Types 427
    16.9.3 Wildcards 428
    16.9.4 Generic Arrays 428
    16.9.5 String Representation of Type Objects 428
    16.10 Arrays 429
    16.10.1 Genericity and Dynamic Arrays 430
    16.11 Packages 432
    16.12 The Proxy Class 432
    16.13 Loading Classes 435
    16.13.1 The ClassLoader Class 438
    16.13.2 Preparing a Class for Use 441
    16.13.3 Loading Related Resources 442
    16.14 Controlling Assertions at Runtime 444

    17 Garbage Collection and Memory 447
    17.1 Garbage Collection 447
    17.2 A Simple Model 448
    17.3 Finalization 449
    17.3.1 Resurrecting Objects during finalize 452
    17.4 Interacting with the Garbage Collector 452
    17.5 Reachability States and Reference Objects 454
    17.5.1 The Reference Class 455
    17.5.2 Strengths of Reference and Reachability 455
    17.5.3 Reference Queues 459
    17.5.4 Finalization and Reachability 464

    18 Packages 467
    18.1 Package Naming 468
    18.2 Type Imports 469
    18.3 Package Access 471
    18.3.1 Accessibility and Overriding Methods 472
    18.4 Package Contents 475
    18.5 Package Annotations 476
    18.6 Package Objects and Specifications 477

    19 Documentation Comments 481
    19.1 The Anatomy of a Doc Comment 482
    19.2 Tags 483
    19.2.1 @see 483
    19.2.2 {@link} and {@1inkplain} 484
    19.2.3 @param 485
    19.2.4 @return 485
    19.2.5 @throws and @exception 485
    19.2.6 @deprecated 486
    19.2.7 @author 486
    19.2.8 @version 487
    19.2.9 @since 487
    19.2.10 {@literal} and {@code} 487
    19.2.11 {@value} 487
    19.2.12 {@docRoot} 488
    19.2.13 {@inheritDoc} 488
    19.3 Inheriting Method Documentation Comments 489
    19.3.1 Inheriting @throws Comments 490
    19.4 A Simple Example 491
    19.5 External Conventions 496
    19.5.1 Package and Overview Documentation 496
    19.5.2 The doc-files Directory 497
    19.6 Notes on Usage 497

    20 The I/O Package 499
    20.1 Streams Overview 500
    20.2 Byte Streams 501
    20.2.1 InputStream 503
    20.2.2 Outputstream 505
    20.3 Character Streams 507
    20.3.l Reader 508
    20.3.2 Writer 510
    20.3.3 Character Streams and the Standard Streams 511
    20.4 InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter 512
    20.5 A Quick Tour of the Stream Classes 514
    20.5.1 Synchronization and Concurrency 515
    20.5.2 Filter Streams 516
    20.5.3 Buffered Streams 518
    20.5.4 Piped Streams 520
    20.5.5 ByteArray Byte Streams 521
    20.5.6 CharArray Character Streams 522
    20.5.7 String Character Streams 523
    20.5.8 Print Streams 525
    20.5.9 LineNumberReader 527
    20.5.10 SequenceInputStream 528
    20.5.11 Pushback Streams 529
    20.5.12 StreamTokenizer 532
    20.6 The Data Byte Streams 537
    20.6.1 DataInput and DataOutput 537
    20.6.2 The Data Stream Classes 539
    20.7 Working with Files 540
    20.7.1 Fi1e Streams and Fi1eDescriptor 540
    20.7.2 RandomAccessFile 541
    20.7.3 The File Class 543
    20.7.4 FilenameFilter and FileFi1ter 548
    20.8 Object Serialization 549
    20.8.1 The Object Byte Streams 549
    20.8.2 Making Your Classes Serializable 551
    20.8.3 Serialization and Deserialization Order 552
    20 8 4 Customized Serialization 554
    20.8.5 Object Versioning. 555
    20 8 6 Serialized Fields 559
    20.8.7 The Externalizable Interface 561
    20.8.8 Documentation Comment Tags 562
    20.9 The IOException Classes 563
    20.10 A Taste of New I/O 565

    21 Collections 567
    21.1 Collections 567
    21.1.1 Exception Conventions 571
    21.2 Iteration 571
    21.3 Ordering with Comparable and Comparator 574
    21.4 The Collection Interface 575
    21.5 Set and SortedSet 577
    21.5.1 HashSet 579
    21.5.2 LinkedHashSet 580
    21.5.3 TreeSet 580
    21.6 List 580
    21.6.1 ArrayList 582
    21.6.2 LinkedList 583
    21.6.3 RandomAccess Lists 584
    21.7 Queue 585
    21.7.1 PriorityQueue 586
    21.8 Map and SortedMap 587
    21.8.1 HashNap 590
    21.8.2 LinkedHashMap 591
    21.8.3 IdentityHashNap 592
    21.8.4 WeakHashNap 592
    21.8.5 TreeMap 593
    21.9 enum Collections 594
    21.9.1 EnumSet 594
    21.9.2 EnumNap 596
    21.10 Wrapped Collections and the Collections Class 597
    21.10.1 The Collections Utilities 597
    21.10.2 The Unmodifiable Wrappers 601
    21.10.3 The Checked Wrappers 601
    21.11 Synchronized Wrappers and Concurrent Collections 602
    21.11.1 The Synchronized Wrappers 602
    21.11.2 The Concurrent Collections 604
    21.12 The Arrays Utility Class 607
    21.13 Writing Iterator Implementations 609
    21.14 Writing Collection Implementations 611
    21.15 The Legacy Collection Types 616
    21.15.1 Enumeration 617
    21.15.2 Vector 617
    21.15.3 Stack 619
    21.15.4 Dictionary 619
    21.15.5 Hashtable 619
    21.16 Properties 620

    22 Miscellaneous Utilities 623
    22.1 Formatter 624
    22.1.1 Format Specifiers 626
    22.1.2 Integer Conversions 627
    22.1.3 Floating-Point Conversions 627
    22.1.4 Character Conversions 629
    22.1.5 General Conversions 629
    22.1.6 Custom Formatting 630
    22.1.7 Format Exceptlons 630
    22.1.8 The Formatter Class 631
    22.2 BitSet 632
    22.3 Observer/Observable 635
    22.4 Random 639
    22.5 Scanner 641
    22.5.1 Stream of Values 641
    22.5.2 Scanning Lines 644
    22.5.3 Using Scanner 647
    22.5.4 Localization 651
    22.6 StringTokenizer 651
    22.7 Timer and TimerTask 653
    22.8 UUID 656
    22.9 Math and StrictMath 657

    23 System Programming 661
    23.1 The System Class 662
    23.1.1 Standard I/O Streams 662
    23.1.2 System Properties 663
    23.1.3 Utility Methods 665
    23.2 Creating Processes 666
    23.2.1 Process 667
    23.2.2 Process Environments 669
    23.2.3 ProcessBuilder 670
    23.2.4 Portability 672
    23.3 Shutdown 672
    23.3.1 Shutdown Hooks 672
    23.3.2 The Shutdown Sequence 674
    23.3.3 Shutdown Strategies 674
    23.4 The Rest of Runtime 675
    23.4.1 Loading Native Code 676
    23.4.2 Debugging 676
    23.5 Security 677
    23.5.1 The SecurityManager Class 678
    23.5.2 Permissions 679
    23 5 3 Security Policies 680
    23.5.4 Access Controllers and Privileged Execution 681

    24 Internationalization and Localization 685
    24.1 Locale 686
    24.2 Resource Bundles 688
    24.2.1 ListResourceBundle 691
    24.2.2 PropertyResourceBundle 692
    24.2.3 Subclassing ResourceBundle 693
    24.3 Currency 694
    24.4 Time, Dates, and Calendars 695
    24.4.1 Calendars 695
    24 4 2 Time Zones 700
    24.4,3 Gregori anCal endar and Si mpl eTi meZone 701
    24.5 Formatting and Parsing Dates and Times 703
    24.5.1 Using Formatter with Dates an Times 706
    24.6 Internationalization and Localization for Text 708
    24.6.1 Collation 708
    24.6.2 Formatting and Parsing 710
    24 6 3 Text Boundaries 712

    25 Standard Packages 715
    25.1 java.awt-The Abstract Window Toolkit 717
    25.2 java.applet-Applets 720
    25.3 java.beans-Components 721
    25.4 java.math-Mathematics 722
    25.5 java.net-The Network 724
    25.6 java.rmi-Remote Method Invocation 727
    25.7 java.security and Related Packages-Security Tools 732
    25.8 java.sql-Relational Database Access 732
    25.9 Utility Subpackages 733
    25.9.1 Concurrency Utilities-Java.util.concurrent 733
    25.9.2 Archive Files-java.util.jar 735
    25.9.3 ZIP Files-java.uti1.zip 736
    25.10 javax.* -Standard Extensions 737
    25.11 javax.accessibility-Accessibility for GUIs 737
    25.12 javax.naming-Directory and Naming Services 738
    25.13 javax.sound-Sound Manipulation 739
    25.14 javax.swing-Swing GUI Components 740
    25.15 org.omg.CORBA-CORBA APIs 740

    A Application Evolution 741
    A.1 Language, Library, and Virtual Machine Versions 741
    A 2 Dealing with Multiple Dialects 743
    A.3 Generics: Reification, Erasure, and Raw Types 744
    A.3.1 Raw Types, “Unchecked” Warnings, and Bridge Methods 745
    A.3.2 API Issues 747

    B Useful Tables 749

    Further Reading 755

    Index 761



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外