中国应用语言学评论(3)(英文版)(Review of applied linguistics in china)

中国应用语言学评论(3)(英文版)(Review of applied linguistics in china)

  • 作者:汕头大学英语语言中心 汕头大学英语语言中心
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040229875
  • 出版日期:2007年01月01日
  • 页数:128
  • 定价:¥16.00
  • 分享领佣金




    In terms of interactionist and L2 developmentframeworks, the focus should be on the types of interactionsbelieved to facilitate L2 development, such as corrective input andincorporation of other's input into output (Ortega, 1997) and thepragmatic role of L2 in task; aspects of L2 grammatical system ininput, output from learner, and in interaction (Chapelle, 1998).Researchers should dearly link their interaction categories to SLAand/or process writing research, and dearly state why some typesof interaction are better than others, if this is a focus of theirresearch. Recent research (e.g., de Guerrero and Villamil, 1994; DiCamilla and Anton, 1997; Villamil and de Guerrero, 1996, 1998) ontraditional L2 peer response have focused on such issues and mayoffer researchers frameworks to emulate in research on CIVIC andL2 peer response. The analysis of the findings also needs to bemore systematic and include more detailed information on thediscourse analysis if such a methodology is utilized in the study.Control groups need to be incorporated into the studies so thatthere is means of comparison between CMC and traditional modesrather than the focus of analyses being solely CMC groups. Addi-tionally, analysis of the interaction in both the CMC and thecontrol group must be undertaken.
    In addition, there has only been one replication study to date(Braine, 2OOl) and therefore there is a great need for replicationstudies to confirm/disconfirm the previous findings and to furtheraddress the issues investigated thus far. Since it is difficult to assessthe effects of a particular mode of peer response on the basis of onewriting task, long-term research needs to be conducted. There ismajor need to examine the impact of the varying modes of peerresponse on revision in more detail, especially in terms of whetherthe comments generated during peer response were justified, andwhether the resulting revision made the paper more effective. Theeffects of training in CMC (e.g., how
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