Economic and Social Impact of Liberalization(市场开放的经济与社会影响)

Economic and Social Impact of Liberalization(市场开放的经济与社会影响)

  • 作者:张蕴岭
  • 出版社:社会科学文献出版社
  • ISBN:9787509705667
  • 出版日期:2009年01月01日
  • 页数:385
  • 定价:¥188.00
  • 分享领佣金




    In recent years, affected by the rise in the prices of raw and processed material, labor cost, energy and shipping fares, and the increase in currency exchanging cost caused by the fluctuating of exchange rate, the general export cost of Chinese agricultural products has kept increasing. It is believed that the prices of raw and processed material, labor resource, and energy sources will keep increasing in the near future, which is expected to bring unfavorable effects to China's agricultural ex
    Zhang Yunling
    Ⅰ.RTA as a Strategy
    Ⅱ.China-ASEAN Initiative
    Ⅲ.The Framework Agreement
    Ⅳ.Early Harvest Program
    Ⅴ.China-ASEAN Relations in Progress
    Ⅵ.Effects of the Implementation
    Chapter 1 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from China
    Yuan Bo
    Ⅰ.Overview of China's Agricultural Liberalization
    Ⅱ.EHP under the Framework of China-ASEAN FTA
    Ⅲ.Agricultural Trade between China and ASEAN and Effects of EHP
    Ⅳ.Case Study of EHP between China and Thailand
    Ⅴ.Analysis on Future Effects of EHP
    Ⅵ.Policy Recommendations
    Appendix Tables
    Chapter 2 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study on Guangxi
    Gu Xiaosong, Liu Jianwen and Huang Yaodong
    Ⅰ.The Development of Agriculture of Guangxi
    Ⅱ.The Implementation of EHP
    Ⅲ.Guangxi's Import and Export Agricultural Products
    Ⅳ.The Future Impact
    Ⅴ.Survey Results
    Chapter 3 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study on Yunnan
    Chen Tiejun, Jiang Maoxia
    Ⅰ.Agricultural Trade between Yunnan and ASEAN
    Ⅱ.Impact of EHP: Yunnan-Thailand Trade
    Ⅲ.Survey Result: The Impact of EHP on Farmers' Income
    Chapter 4 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from Thailand
    Wisarn Pupphavesa
    Ⅱ.Overview of Thailand's Agricultural Sector
    Ⅲ.Essence of ASEAN-China EHP and AEHP
    Ⅳ.Relevance of EHP and AEHP to Thailand's Agriculmxal Trade
    Ⅴ.Trade Effects of China-Thailand AEHP and EHP
    Ⅵ.Socio-Economic Effects of China-Thailand AEHP and EHP
    Ⅶ.Thai Government's Adjustment Assistance
    Ⅷ. Policy Recommendations
    Chapter 5 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from Indonesia
    Tulus Tambunan
    Ⅱ.General Review of Indonesian Agriculture Sector
    Ⅲ.Indonesian Agricultural Liberalization
    Ⅳ.Indonesian Trade Pattern with China on EHP Commodities
    Ⅴ.Impact of Trade Liberalization in Agriculture
    Ⅵ.Perspectives on the Participation of Indonesia in the EHP
    Ⅶ.Concluding Remarks
    Chapter 6 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from Philippines
    Erlinda M. Medalla, Jenny D. Balboa
    Ⅱ.Overview of the Agriculture Sector
    Ⅲ.EHP under China-ASEAN FTA
    Ⅳ.Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
    Chapter 7 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from Vietnam
    Pham Lan Huong, Vo Tri Thanh and Tran Binh Minh
    Ⅰ.Overview of Agricultural Sector
    Ⅱ.Liberalization of Agriculture through ACFTA and EHP in Particular
    Ⅲ.Impact of ACFTA on Agriculture Trade and Agriculture Sector
    Ⅳ.Case Study of the Socio-Economic Impacts of EHP
    Chapter 8 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from Cambodia
    Chap Sotharith
    Ⅱ.Overview of Agricultural Sector in Cambodia
    Ⅲ.Agricultural Liberation and Trade Pattern
    Ⅳ.ASEAN-China FTA, EHP and Cambodia
    Ⅴ.Impacts of Agricultural Liberalization under EHP
    Ⅵ.A Survey on Impact of EHP
    Ⅶ.Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
    Chapter 9 Economic and Social Effects of Agricultural
    Liberalization under China-ASEAN FTA with
    Special Focus on EHP: A Case Study from Lao PDR
    Leeber Leebouapao
    Ⅰ. Introduction
    Ⅱ. Overview on Lao PDR Agricultural Trade Liberalization Process and EHP
    Ⅲ. Lao PDR and China Trade Relations
    Ⅳ. Socio-Economic Effects of EHP and Border Trade in Stead of EHP: A Case Study in Luang Namtha Province
    Ⅴ. Future Effects of EHP on Agriculture Products
    Ⅵ. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外