

  • 作者:(美)李普曼 (加)拉茹瓦
  • 出版社:人民邮电出版社
  • ISBN:9787115140562
  • 出版日期:2005年09月01日
  • 页数:1236
  • 定价:¥69.00
  • 分享领佣金




    本书结合了C++大师Stanley B Lippman的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准的深入理解,各个层次的程序设计人员都会从本书中获益匪浅。

    Chapter 1 A Journey of 1000 Miles 5
    1.1: Problem Solving 5
    1.2: The C++ Program 6
    1.3: Preprocessor Directives 13
    1.4: A Word About Comments 17
    1.5: A First Look at Input/Output 19

    Chapter 2 A Tour of C++ 23
    2.1: The Built-In Array Data Type 23
    2.2: Dynamic Memory Allocation and Pointers 26
    2.3: An Object-Based Design 30
    2.4: An Object-Oriented Design 41
    2.5: A Generic Design 51
    2.6: An Exception-Based Design 58
    2.7: An Array by Any Other Name 62
    2.8: The Standard Array Is a Vector 68


    Chapter 3 Data Types 75
    3.1: Literal Constant 75
    3.2: Variables 79
    3.3: Pointer Types 88
    3.4: String Types 93
    3.5: const Qualifier 102
    3.6: Reference Types 105
    3.7: The bool Type 110
    3.8: Enumeration Types 111
    3.9: Array Types 114
    3.10: The vector Container Type 121
    3.11: complex Number Types 125
    3.12: Typedef Names 126
    3.13: volatile Qualifier 127
    3.14: The pair Type 128
    3.15: Class Types 129

    Chapter 4 Expression 141
    4.1: What Is an Expression? 141
    4.2: Arithmetic Operators 143
    4.3: Equality, Relational, and Logical Operators 146
    4.4: Assignment Operators 149
    4.5: Increment and Decrement Operators 154
    4.6: Complex Number Operations 155
    4.7: The Conditional Operator 159
    4.8: The sizeof Operator 160
    4.9: The new and delete Expressions 162
    4.10: Comma Operator 164
    4.11: The Bitwise Operators 164
    4.12: bitset Operations 168
    4.13: Precedence 172
    4.14: Type Conversions 175
    4.15: A Stack Class Example 185

    Chapter 5 Statements 189
    5.1: Simple and Compound Statements 189
    5.2: Declaration Statement 191
    5.3: The if Statement 194
    5.4: The switch Statement 202
    5.5: The for Loop Statement 210
    5.6: The while Statement 214
    5.7: The do while Statement 216
    5.8: The break Statement 218
    5.9: The continue Statement 220
    5.10: The goto Statement 220
    5.11: A Linked List Example 222

    Chapter 6 Abstract Container Types 249
    6.1: Our Text Query System 250
    6.2: A vector or a list? 254
    6.3: How a vector Grows Itself 256
    6.4: Defining a Sequence Container 260
    6.5: Iterators 265
    6.6: Sequence Container Operations 269
    6.7: Storing Lines of Text 273
    6.8: Finding a Substring 276
    6.9: Handling Punctuation 282
    6.10: A String by Any Other Format 285
    6.11: Additional String Operations 288
    6.12: Building a Text Location Map 294
    6.13: Building a Word Exclusion Set 305
    6.14: The Complete Program 308
    6.15: Multimap and Multiset 318
    6.16: Stack 321
    6.17: Queue and Priority Queue 323
    6.18: Revisiting Our iStack Class Iterators 324


    Chapter 7 Functions 331
    7.1: Overview 331
    7.2: Function Prototype 334
    7.3: Argument Passing 338
    7.4: Returning a Value 356
    7.5: Recursion 361
    7.6: Inline Functions 363
    7.7: Linkage Directives: extern “C” 364
    7.8: main(): Handling Command Line Options 367
    7.9: Pointers to Functions 368

    Chapter 8 Scope and Lifetime 389
    8.1: Scope 389
    8.2: Global Objects and Functions 395
    8.3: Local Objects 402
    8.4: Dynamically Allocated Objects 405
    8.5: Namespace Definitions 420
    8.6: Using Namespace Members 434

    Chapter 9 Overloaded Functions 443
    9.1: Overloaded Function Declarations 443
    9.2: The Three Steps of Overload Resolution 456
    9.3: Argument Type Conversions 458
    9.4: Details of Function Overload Resolution 474

    Chapter 10 Function Templates 489
    10.1: Function Template Definition 489
    10.2: Function Template Instantiation 497
    10.3: Template Argument Deduction 500
    10.4: Explicit Template Arguments 505
    10.5: Template Compilation Models 509
    10.6: Template Explicit Specialization 514
    10.7: Overloading Function Templates 520
    10.8: Overload Resolution with Instantiations 522
    10.9: Name Resolution in Template Definitions 531
    10.10: Namespaces and Function Templates 538
    10.11: Function Template Example 542

    Chapter 11 Exception Handling 547
    11.1: Throwing an Exception 547
    11.2: The Try Block 551
    11.3: Catching an Exception 555
    11.4: Exception Specifications 564
    11.5: Exceptions and Design Issues 568

    Chapter 12 Generic Algorithms 571
    12.1: Overview 571
    12.2: Using the Generic Algorithms 575
    12.3: Function Objects 586
    12.4: Revisiting Iterators 594
    12.5: The Generic Algorithms 603
    12.6: When Not to Use the Generic Algorithms 606


    Chapter 13 Classes 613
    13.1: Class Definition 614
    13.2: Class Objects 621
    13.3: Class Member Functions 624
    13.4: The Implicit this Pointer 636
    13.5: Static Class Members 641
    13.6: Pointer to Class Member 649
    13.7: Union: A Space-Saving Class 658
    13.8: Bit-field: A Space-Saving Member 663
    13.9: Class Scope 665
    13.10: Nested Classes 672
    13.11: Classes as Namespace Members 683
    13.12: Local Classes 687

    Chapter 14 Initialization, Assignment, and Destruction 689
    14.1: Class Initialization 689
    14.2: The Class Constructor 691
    14.3: The Class Destructor 703
    14.4: Class Object Arrays and Vectors 709
    14.5: The Member Initialization List 716
    14.6: Memberwise Initialization 723
    14.7: Memberwise Assignment 729
    14.8: Efficiency Considerations 732

    Chapter 15 Function And Operator Overloading 737
    15.1: Operator Overloading 737
    15.2: Friends 748
    15.3: Operator = 751
    15.4: Operator [ ] 754
    15.5: Operator ( ) 755
    15.6: Operator -> 756
    15.7: Operators ++ and -- 759
    15.8: Operators new and delete 763
    15.9: User-Defined Conversions 773
    15.10: Selecting a Conversion 782
    15.11: Overload Resolution and Member Functions 795
    15.12: Overload Resolution and Operators 801

    Chapter 16 Class Templates 811
    16.1: Class Template Definition 812
    16.2: Class Template Instantiation 820
    16.3: Member Functions of Class Templates 829
    16.4: Friend Declarations in Class Templates 833
    16.5: Static Data Members of Class Templates 839
    16.6: Nested Types of Class Templates 841
    16.7: Member Templates 844
    16.8: Class Templates and Compilation Model 849
    16.9: Class Template Specializations 856
    16.10: Class Template Partial Specializations 860
    16.11: Name Resolution in Class Templates 862
    16.12: Namespaces and Class Templates 865
    16.13: A Template Array Class 867


    Chapter 17 Class Inheritance and Subtyping 879
    17.1: Defining a Class Hierarchy 882
    17.2: Identifying the Members of the Hierarchy 890
    17.3: Base Class Member Access 900
    17.4: Base and Derived Class Construction 908
    17.5: Base and Derived Class Virtual Functions 919
    17.6: Memberwise Initialization and Assignment 943
    17.7: A UserQuery Manager Class 948
    17.8: Putting It Together 958

    Chapter 18 Multiple and Virtual Inheritance 965
    18.1: Setting the Stage 965
    18.2: Multiple Inheritance 970
    18.3: Public, Private, and Protected Inheritance 977
    18.4: Class Scope under Inheritance 9985
    18.5: Virtual Inheritance 993
    18.6: A Multiple, Virtual Inheritance Example 1005

    Chapter 19 Uses of Class Inheritance in C++ 1021
    19.1: Run-Time Type Identification 1021
    19.2: Exceptions and Inheritance 1033
    19.3: Overload Resolution and Inheritance 1051

    Chapter 20 The iostream Library 1063
    20.1: The Output Operator> 1095
    20.6: File Input and Output 1097
    20.7: Condition States 1107
    20.8: String Streams 1109
    20.9: Format State 1112
    20.10: A Strongly Typed Library 1121

    Appendix: The IOStream Library 1123
    accumulate() 1125
    adjacent_difference() 1126
    adjacent_find() 1127
    binary_search() 1128
    copy() 1129
    copy_backward() 1130
    count() 1131
    count_if() 1133
    equal() 1134
    equal_range() 1136
    fill() 1138
    fill_n() 1139
    find() 1140
    find_if() 1141
    find_end() 1143
    find_first_of() 1144
    for_each() 1145
    generate() 1146
    generate_n() 1147
    includes() 1148
    inner_product() 1149
    inplace_merge() 1150
    iter_swap () 1152
    lexicographical_compare() 1153
    lower_bound() 1154
    max() 1156
    max_element() 1156
    min() 1156
    min_element() 1157
    merge() 1158
    mismatch() 1159
    next_permutation() 1161
    nth_element() 1162
    partial_sort() 1163
    partial_sort_copy() 1164
    partial_sum() 1165
    partition() 1167
    prev_permutation() 1168
    random_shuffle() 1169
    remove() 1170
    remove_copy() 1170
    remove_if() 1171
    remove_copy_if() 1172
    replace() 1173
    replace_copy() 1173
    replace_if() 1174
    replace_copy_if() 1174
    reverse() 1175
    reverse_copy() 1176
    rotate() 1177
    rotate_copy() 1177
    search() 1178
    search_n() 1180
    set_difference() 1181
    set_intersection() 1181
    set_symmetric_difference() 1182
    set_union() 1182
    sort() 1184
    stable_partition() 1185
    stable_sort() 1186
    swap() 1187
    swap_range() 1188
    transform() 1189
    unique() 1190
    unique_copy() 1191
    upper_bound() 1193
    Heap Algorithms 1194
    make_heap() 1194
    pop_heap() 1195
    push_heap() 1195
    sort_heap() 1195

    Index 1199
    这本经典C++教程**结合了C++大师 Stanley B. Lippman 的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie 对于 ANSI/ISO 标准的深入理解,准确而全面地讲述了标准 C++ 的特性和用法。书中大量来自实战的编程示例对C++的初学者**参考价值,不仅演示了泛型程序和面向对象程序的设计方法、模板的使用,还阐述了使用标准C++进行程序设计的其他方面。而对各种技术细节的全面覆盖和深入探讨,更使本书成为中**程序员不可或缺的参考书。
    • 从实用的角度出发,清晰地讲解了标准库,并辅以丰富的例子,**强调容器、迭代器、泛型算法、 string 类和 iostream 。
    • 详细讨论了标准 C++ 的新特性,包括异常处理、运行时类型识别、名字空间、内置布尔类型和新的类型强制转换表示方式等,并说明了如何有效地使用这些特性。
    • 全面介绍了 C++ 语言的**特性,例如模板、类、继承机制,以支持泛型程序设计、面向对象程序设计和基于对象程序设计。
    • 特别提供了一个附录,可作为泛型算法快速参考,讲述了这些算法的行为,并提供了为这些算法的具体使用示例。



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