Review of Anthropology and Ethnology in Southwest China, Volume 1 中国西南民族学与人类学评论, 第一辑

Review of Anthropology and Ethnology in Southwest China, Volume 1 中国西南民族学与人类学评论, 第一辑

  • 作者:何明 李志农
  • 出版社:社会科学文献出版社
  • ISBN:9787509709238
  • 出版日期:2009年08月01日
  • 页数:353
  • 定价:¥68.00
  • 分享领佣金




    The National Research Center at Yunnan University for Studies of Borderland Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China was established in 2001. This Center at Yunnan University is one of 100 national humanities and social science establishments set up by the Chinese Education Ministry. Besides the Resource Room, it includes the following five institutions: the Kuige (Fieldwork and Social Culture) Research Unit, the Ethnic Relations and Nationalities Issues Research Unit, the Cross-Border Ethnic and Bo
    Preface From Colonialism and National Crisis to Nation-state
    Reconstruction and Cultural Self-concepts: Studies of Ethnic History in Southwest China He Ming,
    Part One Ethnic Groups and Their Cultures
    Reflections on the Relationship Between Na Mu Ji and the "Naq" Ethnic Groups Yang Fuquan
    A Study of Folk Beliefs Among the Dai People of Jinping He Shaoying Dao Jie
    A Study of the Jataka Among the Dai National Minority Living Around Menlom Township Yao Jue
    A Study of the Concept of "Harmony" within the Folk Religion of Yunnan Gao Zbiying Ma Juli
    On the Model of "Multi-unification" and "Harmonious Coexistence" He lin
    The Cultural Meaning of the Traditional House Among the Nu Ethnic Group: Fieldwork of the Nu Villages in Bingzhongluo Township, Gongshan County and Pihe Township, Fugong County Zhang Yue Liu Xianxian
    An Examination of Medical Beliefs in Yunnan Minority Communities Zhang Sbi
    Iconographic Styles of Avalokitesvara in Southeast Asia Fu Yunxian
    Three Misconceptions in Studies of Hani History Gu Yongji
    A Historical Analysis of the Construction of Jinuo Culture Zhu Yingzban
    The Formation of the "Parshi Dai" According to Two Genealogical Histories Feng Yu
    An Anthropological Interpretation of the Movie A B~de of Huayao zhu Iingfei
    Part Two Ethnic G.oups' Societies and Social Gender
    Legal Guarantees for Ethnic Groups in Western Large-scale Development Strategy Zhang Xisheng
    Polygamous Marriage: A Rational Choice in the Context of Tradition and Habitat Li Zbinong Lu Shuangrnei Li Cuibong
    Fishing by Hani Women in the Terraced Fidds of the Ailao Mountain Area Wang.Q.inghua
    Ethnic Identity." Men's "Etic" dnd Women's "Emic" Sben Hairnei
    Tourism and the Changing Image of Gender Construction Yang Hui Liu Yongqing
    Part Three Change and Development in Society and Culture
    The Ethnic Culture of the Dai Nationality in the Context of Social Change: An Anthropological Study of a Dad Village in Xishuangbanna Zheng Xiaqun
    Part Four Theory and Methodology



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外