傲慢与偏见(买中文版全译本赠英文原版 套装共2册)

傲慢与偏见(买中文版全译本赠英文原版 套装共2册)

  • 作者:[英] 劳伦斯 纪飞
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302414261
  • 出版日期:2017年03月01日
  • 页数:534
  • 定价:¥59.00
  • 分享领佣金




    第三章 安娜·兰斯珂的童年时代
    Chapter 3 Childhood of Anna Lensky
    om Brangwen never loved his own son as he loved his stepchild Anna. When they told him it was a boy, he had a thrill of pleasure. He liked the confirmation of fatherhood. It gave him satisfaction to know he had a son. But he felt not very much outgoing to the baby itself. He was its father, that was enough.
    He was glad that his wife was mother of his child. She was serene, a little bit shadowy, as if she were transplanted. In the birth of the child she seemed to lose connection with her former self. She became now really English, really Mrs. Brangwen. Her vitality, however, seemed lowered.
    She was still, to Brangwen, immeasurably beautiful. She was still passionate, with a flame of being. But the flame was not robust and present. Her eyes shone, her face glowed for him, but like some flower opened in the shade, that could not bear the full light. She loved the baby. But even this, with a sort of dimness, a faint absence about her, a shadowiness even in her mother–love. When Brangwen saw her nursing his child, happy, absorbed in it, a pain went over him like a thin flame. For he perceived how he must subdue himself in his approach to her. And he wanted again the robust, moral exchange of love and passion such as he had had at first with her, at one time and another, when they were matched at their highest intensity. This was the one experience for him now. And he wanted it, always, with remorseless craving.
    She came to him again, with the same lifting of her mouth as had driven him almost mad with trammelled passion at first. She came to him again, and, his heart delirious in delight and readiness, he took her. And it was almost as before.
    Perhaps it was quite as before. At any rate, it made him know perfection, it established in him a constant eternal knowledge.
    But it died down before he wanted it to die down. She was finished, she could take no more. And he was not exhausted, he wanted to go on. But it could not be.
    So he had to begin the bitter lesson, to abate himself, to take less than he wanted. For she was Woman to him, all other women were her shadows. For she had satisfied him. And he wanted it to go on. And it could not. However he raged, and, filled with suppression that became hot and bitter, hated her in his soul that she did not want him, however he had mad outbursts, and drank and made ugly scenes, still he knew, he was only kicking against the pricks. It was not, he had to learn, that she would not want him enough, as much as he demanded that she should want him. It was that she could not. She could only want him in her own way, and to her own measure. And she had spent much life before he found her as she was, the woman who could take him and give him fulfilment. She had taken him and given him fulfilment. She still could do so, in her own times and ways. But he must control himself, measure himself to her.
    He wanted to give her all his love, all his passion, all his essential energy. But it could not be. He must find other things than her, other centres of living. She sat close and impregnable with the child. And he was jealous of the child.
    But he loved her, and time came to give some sort of course to his troublesome current of life, so that it did not foam and flood and make misery. He formed another centre of love in her child, Anna. Gradually a part of his stream of life was diverted to the child, relieving the main flood to his wife. Also he sought the company of men, he drank heavily now and again.
    The child ceased to have so much anxiety for her mother after the baby came. Seeing the mother with the baby boy, delighted and serene and secure, Anna was at first puzzled, then gradually she became indignant, and at last her little life settled on its own swivel, she was no more strained and distorted to support her mother. She became more childish, not so abnormal, not charged with cares she could not understand. The charge of the mother, the satisfying of the mother, had devolved elsewhere than on her. Gradually the child was freed. She became an independent, forgetful little soul, loving from her own centre.
    Of her own choice, she then loved Brangwen most, or most obviously. For these two made a little life together, they had a joint activity. It amused him, at evening, to teach her to count, or to say her letters. He remembered for her all the little nursery rhymes and childish songs that lay forgotten at the bottom of his brain.
    At first she thought them rubbish. But he laughed, and she laughed. They became to her a huge joke. Old King Cole she thought was Brangwen. Mother Hubbard was Tilly, her mother was the old woman who lived in a shoe. It was a huge, it was a frantic delight to the child, this nonsense, after her years with her mother, after the poignant folk–tales she had had from her mother, which always troubled and mystified her soul.
    She shared a sort of recklessness with her father, a complete, chosen carelessness that had the laugh of ridicule in it. He loved to make her voice go high and shouting and defiant with laughter. The baby was dark-skinned and dark-haired, like the mother, and had hazel eyes. Brangwen called him the blackbird.
    “Hallo,” Brangwen would cry, starting as he heard the wail of the child announcing it wanted to be taken out of the cradle, “there’s the blackbird tuning up.”
    “The blackbird’s singing,” Anna would shout with delight, “the blackbird’s singing.”
    “When the pie was opened,” Brangwen shouted in his bawling bass voice, going over to the cradle, “the bird began to sing.”
    “Wasn’t it a dainty dish to set before a king?” cried Anna, her eyes flashing with joy as she uttered the cryptic words, looking at Brangwen for confirmation. He sat down with the baby, saying loudly:
    “Sing up, my lad, sing up.”
    And the baby cried loudly, and Anna shouted lustily, dancing in wild bliss:
    “Sing a song of sixpence Pocketful of posies, Ascha! Ascha!—”
    Then she stopped suddenly in silence and looked at Brangwen again, her eyes flashing, as she shouted loudly and delightedly:
    “I’ve got it wrong, I’ve got it wrong.”
    “Oh, my sirs,” said Tilly entering, “what a racket!”
    Brangwen hushed the child and Anna flipped and danced on. She loved her wild bursts of rowdiness with her father. Tilly hated it, Mrs. Brangwen did not mind.
    Anna did not care much for other children. She domineered them, she treated them as if they were extremely young and incapable, to her they were little people, they were not her equals. So she was mostly alone, flying round the farm, entertaining the farm-hands and Tilly and the servant-girl, whirring on and never ceasing.
    She loved driving with Brangwen in the trap. Then, sitting high up and bowling along, her passion for eminence and dominance was satisfied. She was like a little savage in her arrogance. She thought her father important, she was installed beside him on high. And they spanked along, beside the high, flourishing hedge—tops, surveying the activity of the countryside. When people shouted a greeting to him from the road below, and Brangwen shouted jovially back, her little voice was soon heard shrilling along with his, followed by her chuckling laugh, when she looked up at her father with bright eyes, and they laughed at each other. And soon it was the custom for the passerby to sing out: “How are ter, Tom? Well, my lady!” or else, “Mornin’, Tom, mornin’, my Lass!” or else, “You’re off together then?” or else, “You’re lookin’ rarely, you two.”
    Anna would respond, with her father: “How are you, John! Good mornin’, William! Ay, makin’ for Derby,” shrilling as loudly as she could. Though often, in response to “You’re off out a bit then,” she would reply, “Yes, we are,” to the great joy of all. She did not like the people who saluted him and did not salute her.
    *章 汤姆·布朗温和波兰女人的婚姻/
    Chapter 1 How Tom Brangwen Married a Polish Lady 1
    第二章 在马石农庄的生活/Chapter 2 They Live at the Marsh 48
    第三章 安娜·兰斯珂的童年时代/
    Chapter 3 Childhood of Anna Lensky 82
    第四章 安娜·布朗温的少女时代/
    Chapter 4 Girlhood of Anna Brangwen 101
    第五章 在马石农庄举行的婚礼/
    Chapter 5 Wedding at the Marsh 139
    第六章 安娜是胜利者/Chapter 6 Anna Victrix 152
    第七章 教堂/Chapter 7 The Cathedral 210
    第八章 孩子/Chapter 8 The Child 225
    第九章 马石农庄和洪水/Chapter 9 The Marsh and the Flood 257
    第十章 扩展的圈子/Chapter 10 The Widening Circle 280
    第十一章 *次恋爱/Chapter 11 First Love 303
    第十二章 耻辱/Chapter 12 Shame 358
    第十三章 男人们的世界/Chapter 13 The Man’s World 380
    第十四章 圈子更大了/Chapter 14 The Widening Circle 444
    第十五章 欢乐中的痛苦/Chapter 15 The Bitterness of Ecstasy 461
    第十六章 虹/Chapter 16 The Rainbow 521



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