

  • 作者:[美] 彼得·G.科尔代鲁 查尔斯·M.鲍尔奇 邵志敏
  • 出版社:中南大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787548730156
  • 出版日期:2017年09月01日
  • 页数:295
  • 定价:¥685.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





    Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
    Epidemiology and prognosis of breast cancer in young women
    Lack of patient-reported outcomes assessment in phase III breast cancer studies: a missed opportunity for informed decision making
    Advances in Basic Research of Breast Cancer
    Breast cancer in the young: role of the geneticist
    An update on the genomic landscape of breast cancer: new opportunity for personalized therapy?
    Towards the elucidation of the mechanisms underlying breast cancer mutations
    Members of the BRCA1 complexes as new susceptibility genes for breast cancer
    APOBEC3B spreads somatic mutations in breast cancer genome
    From genomic data analysis to drug development: a new generation of trials using molecular marker assessment in breast cancer
    MET deregulation in breast cancer
    Circulating free DNA in the management of breast cancer
    Imaging Examination of Breast Cancer
    Breast imaging in the young: the role of magnetic resonance imaging in breast cancer screening,diagnosis and follow-up
    Treatment of Breast Cancer
    Challenges in managing breast cancer during pregnancy
    Premature menopause in young breast cancer: effects on quality of life and treatment interventions
    Surgical Treatment
    Conservative mastectomies for breast cancer and risk-reducing surgery: the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center experience
    Oncoplastic techniques in breast surgery for special therapeutic problems
    Oncological safety of prophylactic breast surgery: skin-sparing and nipple-sparing versus total mastectomy
    Anatomy relevant to conservative mastectomy
    Breast reconstruction following conservative mastectomies: predictors of complications and outcomes
    Surgical management of breast cancer in China: the Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center experience
    Endocrine Therapy
    Paradigm of polyendocrine therapy in endocrine responsive breast cancer: the role of fulvestrant
    Bisphosphonates in the adjuvant treatment of young women with breast cancer: the estrogen rich is a poor candidate!
    Hormonal therapies in young breast cancer patients: when, what and for how long?
    A balancing act for breast cancer? Everolimus for hormone receptor positive patients
    Treatment of breast cancer in young women: do we need more aggressive therapies?
    Neoadjuvant bevacizumab and chemotherapy in breast cancer
    Impact of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging in breast cancer patients candidates for an intraoperative partial breast irradiation
    First year experience with IORT for breast cancer at the Geneva University Hospitals
    CyberKnife stereotaetie body radiotherapy and CyberKnife aeeelerated partial breast irradiation for the treatment of early breast cancer
    Brest experience in intraoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer
    Intraoperative radiotherapy with electrons (ELIOT) for early breast cancer: the European Institute of Oneology experience
    Comparison of the proliferative and elonogenie growth capacity of wound fluid from breast cancer patients treated with and without intraoperative radiotherapy
    The use of postoperative radiation after nipple sparing mastectomy
    Optimal management of sentinel lymph node positive biopsy patients in early breast cancer
    Targeted Therapy
    Should trastuzumab be administered concomitantly with anthracycline in women with early, HER2-positive breast cancer?
    Pertuzumab in metastatic breast cancer: unanswered questions
    Pertuzumab: a step forward in treating HER2-positive breast cancer
    Bevacizumab: Where do we go from here in breast cancer?
    Lapatinib as a therapeutic option in brain metastases from HER2+ breast cancer
    The ALTERNATE trial: assessing a biomarker driven strategy for the treatment of post-menopausal women with ER+/Her2- invasive breast cancer
    Nanoparticle Therapy
    Theranostic nanoparticles for enzyme-activatable fluorescence imaging and photodynamic/chemo dual therapy of triple-negative breast cancer
    Prognosis of Breast Cancer
    Fertility counseling of young breast cancer patients
    Sexuality and breast cancer: prime time for young patients
    Breast cancer and sleep disturbance: more than simply a quality of life concern
    Brain metastases in HER2 positive breast cancer: the next hurdle
    Brain metastases in HER2-positive breast cancer: challenges and opportunities



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