

  • 作者:[美]芭芭拉·L.霍夫曼(Barbara L.Hoffman)等 后浪
  • 出版社:科学技术文献出版社
  • ISBN:9787518949977
  • 出版日期:2019年03月01日
  • 页数:0
  • 定价:¥1118.00
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    Editors Contributors Artists Preface Acknowledgments SECTION 1:BENIGN GENERAL GYNECOLOGY 1. Well Woman Care 2. Techniques Used for Imaging in Gynecology 3. Gynecologic Infection 4. Benign Disorders of the Lower Genital Tract 5. Contraception and Sterilization. 6. First-Trimester Abortion 7. Ectopic Pregnancy 8. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 9. Pelvic Mass 10. Endometriosis 11. Pelvic Pain 12. Breast Disease 13. Psychosocial Issues and Female Sexuality 14. Pediatric Gynecology SECTION 2:REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, INFERTILITY, AND THE MENOPAUSE 15. Reproductive Endocrinology 16. Amenorrhea 17. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Hyperandrogenism 18. Anatomic Disorders 19. Evaluation of the Infertile Couple 20. Treatment of the Infertile Couple 21. Menopausal Transition 22. The Mature Woman. SECTION 3:FEMALE PELVIC MEDICINE AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 23. Urinary Incontinence 24. Pelvic Organ Prolapse 25. Anal Incontinence and Functional Anorectal Disorders 26. Genitourinary Fistula and Urethral Diverticulum SECTION 4:GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 27. Principles of Chemotherapy 28. Principles of Radiation Therapy 29. Preinvasive Lesions of the Lower Genital Tract 30. Cervical Cancer 31. Vulvar Cancer 32. Vaginal Cancer 33. Endometrial Cancer 34. Uterine Sarcoma 35. Epithelial Ovarian Cancer 36. Ovarian Germ Cell and Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors 37. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease SECTION 5:ASPECTS OF GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY 38. Anatomy 39. Preoperative Considerations 40. Intraoperative Considerations 41. Minimally Invasive Surgery Fundamentals 42. Postoperative Considerations. SECTION 6:ATLAS OF GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY 43. Surgeries for Benign Gynecologic Disorders 43-1. Midline Vertical Incision 43-2. Pfannenstiel Incision 43-3. Cherney Incision 43-4. Maylard Incision 43-5. Ovarian Cystectomy 43-6. Salpingo-oophorectomy 43-7. Interval Partial Salpingectomy 43-8. Salpingectomy and Salpingostomy 43-9. Cornuostomy and Cornual Wedge Resection 43-10. Abdominal Myomectomy 43-11. Vaginal Myomectomy for Prolapsed Leiomyoma 43-12. Abdominal Hysterectomy 43-13. Vaginal Hysterectomy 43-14. Trachelectomy 43-15. Sharp Dilatation and Curettage 43-16. Suction Dilatation and Curettage 43-17. Hymenectomy 43-18. Bartholin Gland Duct Incision and Drainage 43-19. Bartholin Gland Duct Marsupialization 43-20. Bartholin Gland Duct Cystectomy 43-21. Vulvar Abscess Incision and Drainage 43-22. Vestibulectomy 43-23. Labia Minora Reduction 43-24. Vaginal Septum Excision 43-25. McIndoe Procedure 43-26. Treatment of Preinvasive Ectocervical Lesions 43-27. Cervical Conization. 43-28. Treatment of Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia 44. Minimally Invasive Surgery 44-1. Diagnostic Laparoscopy 44-2. Laparoscopic Sterilization 44-3. Laparoscopic Salpingectomy 44-4. Laparoscopic Salpingostomy 44-5. Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy 44-6. Laparoscopic Salpingo-oophorectomy 44-7. Ovarian Drilling 44-8. Laparoscopic Myomectomy 44-9. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy 44-10. Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy 44-11. Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy 44-12. Diagnostic Hysteroscopy 44-13. Hysteroscopic Polypectomy 44-14. Hysteroscopic Myomectomy 44-15. Endometrial Ablation Procedures 44-16. Transcervical Sterilization 44-17. Hysteroscopic Septoplasty 44-18. Proximal Fallopian Tube Cannulation 44-19. Lysis of Intrauterine Adhesions 45. Surgeries for Pelvic Floor Disorders 45-1. Diagnostic and Operative Cystoscopy and Urethroscopy 45-2. Burch Colposuspension 45-3. Tension-free Vaginal Tape 45-4. Transobturator Tape Sling 45-5. Pubovaginal Sling 45-6. Urethral Bulking Injections 45-7. Urethrolysis 45-8. Midurethral Sling Release 45-9. Urethral Diverticulum Repair 45-10. Vesicovaginal Fistula Repair 45-11. Martius Bulbocavernosus Fat Pad Flap 45-12. Sacral Neuromodulation 45-13. Anterior Colporrhaphy 45-14. Abdominal Paravaginal Defect Repair 45-15. Posterior Colporrhaphy 45-16. Perineorrhaphy 45-17. Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy 45-18. Minimally Invasive Sacrocolpopexy 45-19. Vaginal Uterosacral Ligament Suspension 45-20. Abdominal Uterosacral Ligament Suspension 45-21. Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation 45-22. McCall Culdoplasty 45-23. Abdominal Culdoplasty Procedures 45-24. Colpocleisis 45-25. Anal Sphincteroplasty 45-26. Rectovaginal Fistula Repair 46. Surgeries for Gynecologic Malignancies 46-1. Radical Abdominal Hysterectomy (Type III) 46-2. Modified Radical Abdominal Hysterectomy (Type II) 46-3. Minimally Invasive Radical Hysterectomy 46-4. Total Pelvic Exenteration 46-5. Anterior Pelvic Exenteration 46-6. Posterior Pelvic Exenteration 46-7. Incontinent Urinary Conduit 46-8. Continent Urinary Conduit 46-9. Vaginal Reconstruction 46-10. Pelvic Lymphadenectomy 46-11. Paraaortic Lymphadenectomy 46-12. Minimally Invasive Staging for Gynecologic Malignancies 46-13. En Bloc Pelvic Resection 46-14. Omentectomy 46-15. Splenectomy 46-16. Diaphragmatic Surgery 46-17. Colostomy 46-18. Large Bowel Resection 46-19. Ileostomy 46-20. Small Bowel Resection 46-21. Low Anterior Resection 46-22. Intestinal Bypass 46-23. Appendectomy 46-24. Skinning Vulvectomy 46-25. Radical Partial Vulvectomy 46-26. Radical Complete Vulvectomy 46-27. Inguinofemoral Lymphadenectomy 46-28. Reconstructive Grafts and Flaps Index. . 1225



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