

  • 作者:陈晴
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302640103
  • 出版日期:2023年08月01日
  • 页数:196
  • 定价:¥38.00
  • 分享领佣金




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    目录目录 **部分 科技 Technology 第 1 篇 Research from China’s LAMOST suggests Milky Way is older than believed 中国郭守敬望远镜观测结果表明银河系比人们认为的更古老 1 第 2 篇 Fossil found on edge of the roof of the world reveals an owl active during the day 6 million years ago “世界屋脊”发现的化石表明600万年前猫头鹰在白天活动 6 第 3 篇 China’s Zhurong rover finds evidence of water on Mars: researchers 研究人员:中国“祝融号”火星车发现火星上有水的证据 10 第 4 篇 China’s radio telescope detects first persistently active repeating fast radio burst from 3b light years away “中国天眼”探测到首例30亿光年外持续活跃的重复快速射电暴 14 第 5 篇 China marks a milestone in new-gen heavy-duty rocket devt with successful engine test 中国发动机测试成功,标志着新一代重型火箭研制的里程碑 18 第 6 篇 Chinese institute to form virtual space collaborative editing platform based on metaverse 中国研究所将建成基于元宇宙的虚拟空间协同编辑平台 21 第 7 篇 The best-preserved dinosaur embryo ever discovered has been found in China 中国发现了迄今为止保存*好的恐龙胚胎 25 第 8 篇 Chinese major rocket maker envisions reusable Mars Express 中���主要火箭制造商设想可重复使用的火星快车 29 第 9 篇 Chinese human genetic resources to be banned for use abroad: Ministry of Science and Technology 科技部:禁止向境外提供中国人类遗传资源 32 第二部分 社会 Society 第 1 篇 15 Asian elephants back in original habitat in Yunnan after ‘exodus’ 15头亚洲象“出走”后重返云南原栖息地 37 第 2 篇 Chinese scientists find new possible cause of dinosaur extinction by studying egg fossils 中国科学家对恐龙蛋化石的研究揭示恐龙灭绝新原因 41 第 3 篇 Rare large ‘red mountain’ discovered in Hoh Xil 可可西里发现罕见“红山脉” 45 第 4 篇 Two gibbon species declared extinct in the wild in China due to excessive ‘human activities’ 由于过度的“人类活动”,两种长臂猿在中国宣布灭绝 49 第 5 篇 Breathtaking rescue fixes satellite glitch and ensures **** success rate of China’s BDS deployment 惊心动魄修复卫星故障,确保中国北斗三号全球卫星导航系统部署****成功 53 第 6 篇 Chinese scientists find high water content in lunar soil samples brought back by Chang’e-5 mission 中国科学家在嫦娥五号带回的月壤样品中发现高含量的水 57 第 7 篇 Beijing distributes emotion-sensing equipment to highway and cross-province bus drivers 北京为高速路、跨省运营驾驶员**配发情绪感知设备 61 第 8 篇 China mulls increased penalties, employment ban on internet violators to better safeguard cybersecurity 中国考虑加大处罚力度,禁止网络违法者就业,更好保护网络** 65 第 9 篇 Renowned professor witnesses remarkable progress in China’s higher education that is deeply rooted in Chinese spirit and culture over last decade 深植于中国精神文化,知名教授见证中国高等教育十年来的显著发展 69 第 10 篇 Creativity, self-expression, flexible work culture drive Gen-Z’s innovative approach to employment 创造力、自我表达、灵活的工作文化推动Z世代的创新就业方式 73 第 11 篇 Revealing a confident, vigorous and real China via window of short videos on rural life 通过乡村生活短视频展示自信、活力和真实的中国 77 第 12 篇 Behind a trending ‘green horse’ plushie produced by a Chinese museum was design team wanting to narrow distance between cultural relics and the younger generation 中国某博物馆推出的“绿马”玩偶走红的背后,蕴含着设计团队拉近文物与年轻一代距离的希望 81 第 13 篇 More young people in China are seeking a career in rural areas and local communities, bringing with them knowledge, vitality 越来越多的中国青年怀揣知识与热情在乡村和社区街道就业 84 第三部分 文化 Culture 第 1 篇 Chinese artists keep tradition alive with database of decorative patterns 中国艺术家建立装饰纹样数据库,让传统纹样重焕生机 89 第 2 篇 Guizhou Province holds ethnic art festival to promote local intangible culture 贵州省举办民族艺术节,弘扬地方非物质文化 93 第 3 篇 Ruins site spanning Neolithic age to Qing Dynasty discovered in East China 中国东部发现新石器时代至清代大型遗址 97 第 4 篇 Never-before-seen bronze beast with four wings found at Sanxingdui Ruins 三星堆遗址发现首件四翼青铜兽 100 第 5 篇 Chinese animation 100 中国动画100年 103 第 6 篇 China’s village museum trend further advances rural revitalization 中国乡村博物馆更好赋能乡村振兴 106 第 7 篇 New exhibition tackles climate action through art 新展览通过艺术参与气候行动 110 第 8 篇 Chinese musicians seek to broaden traditional music’s influence through creativity and international cooperation 中国音乐家们通过创意和国际合作扩大传统音乐的影响力 114 第 9 篇 New exhibition in Beijing highlights Hong Kong urban design and development over past 25 years 北京新展呈现香港过去25年的城市设计和发展 117 第 10篇 Chinese vloggers promote traditional culture around the world by innovating on inheritance 视频博主通过传承创新在世界传播中国传统文化 120 第 11 篇 ‘Qinqiang’ inspired song cheers in e-sport game “秦腔”主题曲唱响电子竞技游戏 124 第四部分 政经 Politics and Economy 第 1 篇 China-built expressway in Nairobi, Kenya, starts trial operation 中国在肯尼亚内罗毕修建的快速路开始试运行 127 第 2 篇 ‘Polar Silk Road’ eyes new vision amid global challenges “极地丝绸之路”在全球挑战中展现新愿景 131 第 3 篇 China’s national carbon market celebrates one year anniversary, becoming world’s largest 中国全国碳市场一周年,成为全球*大碳市场 134 第 4 篇 Dunhuang Research Institute, Tencent to launch digital scripture cave of Mogao Grottoes 敦煌研究院、腾讯将推出莫高窟数字藏经洞 137 第 5 篇 Space seed breeding makes breakthrough, yielding nearly 1,000 new species 太空育种取得突破,产生近1,000个新物种 141 第 6 篇 Shanghai adopts China’s 1st provincial-level AI law to support sound, safe development 上海通过中国人工智能领域的**省级地方性法规,支持人工智能行业健康**发展 145 第 7 篇 China to cut soybean meal in livestock feed to ensure food security 中国将减少牲畜饲料中的豆粕,以确保粮食** 148 第 8 篇 Autonomous driving startups enhance tech innovation as industry gears up growth 随着行业加速发展,自动驾驶初创企业加强技术创新 152 第 9 篇 NEVs penetration rate to reach 25% this year 今年,新能源汽车渗透率将达到25% 156 第 10篇 China’s power supply, energy structure tested in extreme drought amid transition to cleaner energy future 在向清洁能源过渡期间,中国的电力供应、能源结构经受了**干旱的考验 159 第五部分 外交 Diplomacy 第 1 篇 Responsible neighbor: China maintains water release to downstream Mekong countries despite extreme heat, drought 负责任邻国:尽管遭遇旱情,中国仍继续向湄公河下游**补水 163 第 2 篇 China to play important role in further development of SCO: former Uzbek deputy prime minister 乌兹别克斯坦前副总理:中国将在上合组织进一步发展中发挥重要作用 167 第 3 篇 China and Pakistan ‘true brothers sharing weal and woe’ 中巴是“患难与共的真兄弟” 171 第 4 篇 Commemorative activities held to voice hope for a constructive China-Japan relation 各界举办纪念活动,对建设性中日关系表示期盼 174 第 5 篇 LMC mechanism provides blueprint for successful bilateral relations as China, Myanmar treasure friendship: Myanmar politician 缅甸政治家:澜湄合作机制为中缅两国友好关系绘制了蓝图 178 第 6 篇 Chinese UN representative reiterates opposition to bio weapons 中国常驻联合国代表重申:反对生物武器 182 参考答案.185



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