紫禁城的黄昏(京华往事)(Twilight in the Forbidden City)

紫禁城的黄昏(京华往事)(Twilight in the Forbidden City)

  • 作者:(英国)Reginald F.Johnston
  • 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
  • ISBN:9787560078434
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:439
  • 定价:¥48.90
  • 分享领佣金




    As for that troublesome and half-witted young man who had shown her such base ingratitude for his elevation to the throne.1et him continue to reflect in solitude on his misdeeds.and be thankful to her for having spared his life when he so richly deserved to die.
    Such may have been some of the thoughts that passed through the mind of the''Venerable Buddha”as she was bome in her sedan-chair day after day and week after week on her“tour of inspection''to those parts of the empire to which the foreign devils were least likely to follow her.She knew that some things would have to be mended and ended,that nothing would be again precisely as it had been before the rude awakening of 1 900,but she never seems to have realized,to the day of her death,what a narrow escape from destruction the dynasty had had in that year,and what a strenuous uphill task 1av before her and her successors if its prestige and power were to be restored.In spite of all the information which she undoubtedly possessed regarding the activities to revolutionary societies at home and abroad,and the anti-dynastic propaganda traceable to men like Sun Yat-sen,she was never told,and she had not the keen vision to see for herself,how dangerously near to the throne was creeping the spectre of revolution.
    This is no place to describe the long and tedious negotiations between the allies and the Chinese government which resulted in the empressdowager’s return to Peking in 1 90 1 and in her resumption of power.The settlement arrived at was far from sarisfactory,whether it be viewed from the side of China or from that of the allies.A few of the ringleaders of the Boxer movement and perpetrators of anti-foreign outrages,such as governor Yn-Hsien,were executed.and some,like Kang-Yi,would have sufiered the same fate had they not died of disease or by their own hands.Hsn ’ung.Chung Ch’i and others were banished to Turkestan.Several members of the imperial clan(prince Chuang.pr
    …… 北京是伟大祖国的首都,是名震中外的历史文化名城。‘她有着三千多年的建城史和八百多年的定都史,自元朝迄今,北京作为全国的政治、经济、文化**,积淀了丰厚的历史文化遗存,承载着中华文明的精华,是我国灿烂辉煌的历史文化的伟大象征。在这里,优美秀丽的风景名胜、巍峨厚重的宫殿城阙、布局齐整的街巷胡同、京腔京调的语言文化、五方杂厝的社会习俗,以及源远流长的神话传说,使这座千年古都显得神秘而博大。北京宛若一座盛藏着丰富古董的历史博物馆,堪称东方历史、文化、艺术的璀璨宝库,令人目不暇接、回味无穷。
    Translation of Preface
    Chapter I The Reform Movement of 1898
    Chapter II The Collapse of the Reform Movement
    Chapter III Reaction and the Boxer Movement.1898—1901
    Chapter IV The Last Years of Kuang—Hsti.1901—1908
    Chapter V The Empress·Dowager,T’zu一Hsi
    Chapter VI The Revolution,1911
    Chapter VII The“Articles of Favourable Treatment”
    of the Manchu Imperial House
    Chapter VIH The Ta Ch’ing and the Hung Hsien Emperors
    Chapter IX Chang Hstin and the Restoration of 1917
    Chapter X Autobiography of the Old Man of the Pinetreef Translated from the Chinese)
    Chapter XI The Forbidden City.1919—1924
    Chapter XII The Imperial Tutors
    Chapter XIII The Manchu Court in Twilight
    Chapter XIV The Imperial Household Department(Nei Wu Fu)
    Chapter XV The Dragon Unfledged
    Chapter XVI Monarchist Hopes and Dreams
    Chapter XVII The Dragon Restless
    Chapter XVlII The Dragon Flaps His Wings
    Chapter XIX Dragon and Phoenix
    Chapter XX Plots and Stratagems
    Chapter XXI The Imperial Garden
    Chapter XXII The Summer Palace
    Chapter XXIII The Fifth of November
    Chapter XXIV The Dragon Caged
    Chapter XXV The Flight of the Dragon
    Epilogue:the Dragon Goes Home
    The Pedigree of the Manchu Emperors



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外