世纪英语 听说教程Ⅱ(学生用书)(第三版)

世纪英语 听说教程Ⅱ(学生用书)(第三版)

  • 作者:9787300157153
  • 出版社:大连理工大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787561129524
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:98
  • 定价:¥18.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《世纪英语》每单元*后一部分是围绕该单元主题的“测试”。题型都是依据A、B级考试设计的,有助于学生“学”“考”结合,互为依托,互为目标。5.Learning for Fun(快乐学习)在一系列的听说之后,学生可能会感到有些疲惫,这时跟上“快乐学习”,可以让学生继续在释放中进步。《世纪英语》设计的是幽默故事和英语歌曲。幽默故事用词简单,生动活泼;英语歌曲用词精炼,表意丰富,都可以让学生体会到英语学习的乐趣也能在娱乐中得到锻炼。
    Listen to the conversation for the third time and choose the correct answer.
    1. What did Speaker l do during the vacation?
    A) Read books. B) Read poems.
    C) Surfed on the Intemet. D) All the above.
    2. What did Speaker 2 do during the vacation? He did the job as a
    A) tutor and shopping guide B) tutor
    C) guide D) shop assistant
    3. Life is like a box of. You never know what you're gonna get!
    A) biscuit B) ice cream C) chocolate D) drink
    4. Where did Speaker 4 get together with his old classmates on his vaca-
    A) In a restaurant. B) At a hotel.
    C) In a cafeteria. D) In a pare
    5. What job did Speaker 5 do during his vacation?
    A) As a scientist. B) As a tutor.
    C) As a volunmer. D) As an engineer
    Discuss and answer the following questions.
    1. Where did Speaker l read poems?
    2. What did Speaker 2 do at night?
    3. What did Speaker 3 think about the movielines he heard?
    4. What did Speaker 4 think about the movie lines?
    5. How did Speaker 5 take pictures?
    Unit 1 Vacation
    What did you do during your vacation?
    I traveled with my family.
    He sent short message to his friends by cellphoen.
    Unit 2 Personality
    I like people who have a sense of humor.
    I’d prefer someone with whom I have something in common.
    I don’t want to be friends with anyone that I can’t trust.
    Unit 3 Sports
    I like to go skiing(ice-skating, swimming,hiking).
    It’s exciting(easy,fun,dangerous).
    -Did the bulls win?
    -Yes,they won 112 to 98./No,they lost 98 to 112.
    The Hawks are winning three to two
    Unit 4 Communication
    Hello?May I speak to…?
    This is…speaking.
    I’m calling…about…
    I’m afraid…is not in./Sorry,…is not here at the moment.
    Can I take a message for you?/Do you want to leave a message?
    Unit 5 Money
    You spend a different.amount each month on gas for your home
    It’s important to save money for emergencies.
    How much did we spend for food?
    Unit 6 At the Grocery
    Can I help you?/What can I do for you?
    I want to buy…
    How much is it?/What’s the price?/Wow much does it cost?
    Is that all?
    Here you are.
    Unit 7 At the Doctor's
    What are you worried about?
    There’s nothing much wrong with you.
    You don’t need medicine.You need advice.
    Which would you rather have, health or wealth?
    Unit 8 At the Restaurant
    A table for two?
    May I have the menu?
    Would you like something to drink?
    Anything else?
    Can we have the check,please?
    Unit 9 Computer
    A:what is Windows XP?
    B:Windows XP is…
    Why did my computer stop working?
    Can you help me get rid of the virus?
    Unit 10 Personal Hygiene
    Thomas is taking a shower.
    I brush my teeth before I go to bed.
    It’s me turn to use the bathroom.
    Test I
    Test II




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